Attached: 1532752749510.jpg (580x580, 55K)
Sebastian Ramirez
Oliver Garcia
Howdy pardners
Joshua Rogers
sudaca trash
Austin Sanchez
Jack Hernandez
Is ever going to get out of jail this time?
Juan Clark
He was fucking a 13 year old
Ethan Hughes
I milly rock on any block
Colton Rodriguez
measured my dick for the first time
Nathaniel Cox
And he got out for that. But now he’s been charged with armed robbery or something dumb like that
Jaxon Bailey
He's also brown so it's excusable
Zachary Watson
is that the pedophile guy?
Jackson Jackson
how big is it? if you say anything less than 15cm i will laugh
Levi Nguyen
A girl I was fucking wanted to measure mine and it was 16cm. What’s yours
John Turner
Ethan Davis
>armed robbery
Why would he need to do that? Doesnt he make enough money?
Jeremiah Turner
Dylan Rivera
Nah his crew was robbing him blind dude only had a million in the bank when they arrested him
Dylan Sanchez
>only had a million in the bank
Jace Cooper
Ale has a bigger dick than you
Henry Richardson
that's not all that hard to save up if you're half competent at saving it
Andrew Rogers
Asher Garcia
Lucas Harris
My dick is the smallest
Nicholas Butler
>if you say anything less than 15cm i will laugh
Cooper Wood
Prove it
Jaxson Gray
>only had a million in the bank
Blake Mitchell
that's okay, we're all born different
i don't think i'm too girthy though... could also lose some weight...
Carter Russell
a 5incher may as well be the same as a 6incher
Benjamin Perez
Carson Morgan
rolling for sengoku
Jace Nelson
Caleb Watson
Uncircumcised men have bigger dicks because their head gets bigger when erect since it’s not shriveled up from being exposed
Austin Wilson
>have a half decent job
>don't have a gf or kids
>don't waste your money on retarded shit and invest it instead
Noah Young
all of a sudden i need a big
Brayden Powell
i'd hug you bro
Cameron Clark
I've needed one for 23 years
Leo Torres
if by hug you mean unloading a gun on your head then yes you need a big hug
Joseph Hall
all of a sudden i need a big dick in my
Lincoln Gray
Gonna hug the next person who says hi to me
Lincoln Walker
>only had a million in the bank
>don't have a gf or kids
lel pretty sure he had a gf who was a kid, does that count?
Logan Rogers
Carson Gonzalez
Andrew Young
Evan Garcia
>Walking down the street
>See a guy wearing a MLP shirt walking pass me and say "hi, how are you?"
>He fucking sprints at me and hugs me
Oliver Torres
He just groped her. He got in trouble because he snapchatted shit while his friend was fucking her. Hes not getting out, they are investigating him for the shooting of chief keef.
Lucas Baker
wish i liked tomatoes and raw vegetables
Caleb Bell
probably had a syndrome or 2, thats ok
Elijah Martinez
Cute 2bh
Juan Reed
Please delet this right now
Mason Jenkins
Fuck anime and fuck japanese people
Gavin Brown
groping kids is pedophilia
>He got in trouble because he snapchatted shit while his friend was fucking her
So he was making literal child porno or he was just pedo adjacent?
Jace Cooper
Women shouldn't sing metal songs
Brayden Ramirez
Asher Perry
BLESS anime and BLESS the Japanese people
Bentley Butler
Like honestly whoever thinks women singing metal song is a good idea should be raped and killed
Parker Russell
I don't get the appeal of screamo. Is it there something I'm missing or is it "supposed" to sound like someone just yelling nonsense into the mic?
Josiah Price
He has a daughter actually.
Noah Hall
nobody should sing metal ""songs""" its a garbage genre
Jordan Nguyen
Id this isn't proof nigger music.makes you retaded then I don't know what is
Carson Foster
Pretty much. Hard evidence of the shit
He said he thought she was older than him. Even if that's the case why would you Snapchat it?
Dylan Perry
this was one of me and my sister favorite songs:
Camden Moore
>t.6ix9ine on a prison burner
Jayden White
>nobody should sing metal ""songs""" its a garbage genre
Christian Diaz
cs:go is free to play now
Easton Davis
(its a female sung metal song about a cat thats why we liked it)
Jose Bailey
Love anime!
Cooper Howard
>nobody should sing metal ""songs""" its a garbage genre
Blake Reyes
Joshua Perry
number of incels is rapidly growing
what does that mean for the future?
Hunter Stewart
>metal """""songs"""""? yeah I think people should sing them. only men though heh this is a man's genre toots
Julian Gutierrez
End of humanity due to political disagreement...
Ethan Torres
single young men are the internet #1 source of political extremism and general internet wackiness.
Something tells me we'll be just fine
Benjamin Perry
Who only lived inland here?
Cameron Gomez
>Something tells me we'll be just fine
but US schools aint gonna be fine
Jayden Perez
grew up in Phoenix
Levi Hill
Colton Scott
Probably continued and exacerbated widespread political discontent across the West. Sex is a basic human need, like food, water or shelter. If that isn’t available the people not receiving it are going to get very angry. It’s all well and good to prattle on about women’s liberation and how morally righteous the sexual liberation was, but the people who do that can’t claim to be shocked when the consequence is that young men (a politically dangerous demographic to begin with) increasingly turn to radical ideologies that pretend to take their problems seriously. Even though most of these incels are falling for fascist demagogues, a good chunk of them are communists as well, who join “anti-fascist” organizations in the hopes that they will get some anti-fascist pussy.
I neither fault the incels nor the current political regime. It’s just a natural consequence of increased male sexual competition. There’s no way around that because you can’t make women have sex with guys they don’t want to have sex with, but you also can’t deride or discard the guys who can’t get laid and who get really angry about it, because then they’ll just get angrier and more radical.
West is fucked and big changes are coming. This is just the tip of the iceberg, wait until climate change migration crises bring tens of millions (mostly men) to the gates of Western countries and just you watch how radical people get.
Nathan Long
How is Phoenix? Seems like an awful place to live considering the heat. But I have met some really cool people from there.
Joseph Cooper
Me (lived in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio) but I might be moving to Calicornia (stay tuned), which will be quite horrible
The only one who can stop a bad incel with a gun is a good incel with a gun. As total # of incels increases the good incels will increase as well til every American school is just one big warzone kids go off to every morning.
Femoids and chads can be homeschooled in secret locations that change every day.
Ethan Parker
Sex is literally not a human need like food. Plenty of people do not have sex (including many by choice) and yet also do not turn towards crazy internet movement.
Isaiah Edwards
Kayden Murphy
I can’t wait until it all collapses and I can have a big piece of land, peasants to work it, and a harem of women of every race, and 10 or more sons
Camden Bell
coasts are shit-tier aside from a vacation every once in a while
Christian Johnson
you get used to it
just pay for air conditioning, don't get fat, wear shorts and t shirts
i miss suburbs and having a pool
30 degree water... mamma mia
Tyler Barnes
My husband lived in phoenix and he loved it.
Everywhere has air conditioning and people mostly try to stay out of the sun. Also everywhere has water freely available
Isaac Brown
You’re 100% wrong about that. Sex is one of the greatest biological imperatives humans have. I didn’t say it was a human right, because that would be ridiculous, but it is equally ridiculous to assert that people can live a normal life without sex. The people who do it by choice are normally radical true believers about some religious ideology. The people who are not celibate by choice but rather by circumstance (and there aren’t that many of them, although it is certainly growing) wind up with serious mental health issues or, as is more commonly happening in the internet age, join radical political movements.
It’s not going to be a fun collapse.
Tyler Lee
Is it true that the weather there passes 80 °F just like here in Brazil?
Eli Hall
Carter Clark
I would imagine so, it’s gets above 90F where I live regularly in the summer
Isaiah Smith
passes 80°F in fukin Seattle m8
Aiden Robinson
>people can live a normal life without sex.
They absolutely can, unless you have some weird definition of "normal"
>The people who are not celibate by choice but rather by circumstance (and there aren’t that many of them, although it is certainly growing) wind up with serious mental health issues
Not necessarily. There are a lot of single people out there who are perfectly lovely, and any mental issues are more likely to be the cause of inceldom rather than a result of inceldom. May as well say being an incel makes you short and ugly too.
Love and intimacy and affection are the real needs.
Logan Gonzalez
I hate incels
Robert Lopez
don't worry, they'll die off in 5 years
Ryan Parker
then why are you on a site full of incels
Ryder Peterson
I love incels, though some should be only enjoyed from afar (angry incels)
Others are perfectly tame and just sadpost online (sad incels)
There are happy incels as well but they don't post at all because they are too busy lovin life
Adam Moore
Owen Wilson
wow so go to the kitchen for an hour and come back to find a thread split??
react to this
Daniel Mitchell
Really hope my brother doesn’t become an incel but he’s tall and has lots of friends so I think he’s safe
Hunter Taylor
keep telling yourself that heh...bitter incel!
Ian Sullivan
One of my brothers (autistic) is already an incel and likely will be one forever. However, I hope he finds happiness and love outside of romance.