Wake up

>wake up
>go to math/cs class
>come home
>play league while listening to kpop
>watch anime
>read Jow Forums for a while
>go to sleep

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>wake up
>turn on the radio

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pretty similar to me, but a bit different:
>wake up
>go to accounting class
>come home
>play paradox games while listening to lofi hip hop
>watch youtube
>read Jow Forums for a while
>jerk off
>go to sleep

Same. I literally hate life and I wish I could just be a NEET for it. At least while I am home I can occupy myself with Jow Forums and other shit. But outside of my room I only feel extremely depressed

>wake up at 6
>wageslave until 3
>browse Jow Forums
>work out on a good day
>go to bed at 11
I need to go to Uni already

i get sad if im in my room for too long tho

Do you ever get sad at night when you're trying to sleep? You can just sit there and think about all the shitty stuff in life

Y-yeah b-but it might get better

My condolences

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Why would it?

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Ayy, iktf

>wake up
>think about video games but don’t play any
>shitpost on /vg/
>aunt surprises me with a cake to celebrate my name day
>play some spyro
>going to fap and go to bed


I'm glad someone else does, Fren


>wake up
>look if I got any replies from my intern applications
>browse Jow Forums
>browse YouTube
>play vidya, realise I've played all the games I like already
>go back on Jow Forums
>post this
>watch anime

I just want a job so I'm being productive and working to improve my future, then I'll be happy

You won't get a job by just staying home, try to make your cv better

That's why I've been applying for apprenticeships

Literal Jow Forums-npc

>wake up
>dark and cold outside
>take long, warm shower
>go for walk to grocery store
>buy snacks and drinks
>stop at the pizzeria
>get a family size kebab pizza with garlic sauce
>go home
>watch youtube, browse Jow Forums and chill
>take hot bath later and read book
>go to sleep

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manchild trash

>Wake up
>Eat dinner
>Browse Jow Forums
>Think about playing video games
>Too much of a work, do not do it
>Eat breakfast
>Go to sleep

>wake up
>read Jow Forums
>go to bed

this too

Oh..maybe learn new languages too ? learn arabic for example

>wake up
>go to work and arrive 8AM
>do all my job in 1 hour and do nothing all the way till to end of the shift
>go home at 3PM and arrive at 5PM
>browse 4chinz
>play some vidya
>watch anime
>sleep at 11

I played God of War
I woke and went out to meet up with a guy who contacted me to buy the copy of The Lord of the Rings Conquest I had.
I played God of War
I went out to pay the cable bill.
After that I took a shower and I'm reading pic related. At night I'll cook dinner for my girlfriend.

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i read the bible sometimes

Everyone who's ever been on /lit/ has read the bible

>wake up at random hour, night or day
>do random things I feel like
>sit by computer
>jack off

I haven't.

I was obviously exaggerating . My point was that reading the bible doesn't separate you from other people on this site since its a big part of one of the boards.

I wish I could be a nord and get easy neetbux

>wake up
>toil from 9:00 to 12:00
>go to my flat for lunch, don't hang out with people from work
>go back to work from 13:00 to 17:00
>go to the gym
>cook dinner

>wake up
>drink coffee and eat fruits
>start summarizing course material
>Go up to my room, masturbate, chat on discord, watch YouTube videos
>eat some pieces of bread
>Summarize a bit more
>Go up to my room, masturbate, chat on discord, watch YouTube
>eat dinner
>Go up to my room, masturbate, chat on discord, watch YouTube
>go to sleep

Merde, ma vie ressemble exactement à celle de toi.

>wake up at 7:30
>take train at 8:20
>arrive at work at 9:30
>Finish at 17:30
>arrive at home at 19:00
>Play some famicom / saturn
>eat dinner

>wake up hungover and dehydrated
>drink water, piss shit and take a semi cold shower because i forgot the boiler
>don my tracksuit
>make coffee
>go to balcony and drink coffee, have a smoke and inhale the commieblock wet white concrete evaporation because its whet
>say hi to neighbor 30 something eng. teacher i would fuck, flirt with her casually and tell lies
>spit down from the 8th floor
>eat a bar of shvargla
>go to pick up merchandise and deliver to flea market via cabbage car (old vw passat caravan)
>maybe get some money after paying for the stand and the merchant
>chip off the money from foreign neetbux
>go to cafe and talk shit about zoomers and how things used to be
>play some slots, win i gather friends and drink, lose i go buy food and alcohol with what i didnt gamble
>light a candle in church
>go home again
>shitpost on Jow Forums and play Rise of the Reds
>give up in 4 minutes
>play mudrunner for 15 minutes
>shitpost some more
>go see a thot
>either spend the night or go home, or go out drinking if money is good
>look at a book and not read it
>watch youtube
>jack off if no action with thot as almost always
>shave hair
>vacuum home at 4 am
>neighbors scared and silent
>scared of the dark so cant sleep
>sleep paralysis
>jack off to help me sleep
>cant sleep so get up on balcony again and smoke
>see light appearing, it is almost dawn
>go sleep
>another day of my life gone forever

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>go to bed past 2AM
>wake up noon
>go eat lunch
>spend the rest of the day on PC while mother cooks diner later on

I get paid for doing this :^)

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>selling LotR conquest
What is wrong with you?

>t. not a janny

Holy shit I wish I was a european neet


Who or what? Sorry, I am 32 and don't understand your gibberish meme words.

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>I went out to pay the cable bill.
>at least he goes out
>i can pay online so no reason for me to leave my room

same. what does fap mean?

Fabrika Automobila Priboj

>Wake up (2pm)
>Check on emails, and my fund managing bot (for something simple, not trading which is too hard)
>Listen to bossa nova with all my attention
>Watch bloomberg
>It's already 4am, time goes by fast for me

Abbreviation for fapping, synonym to masturbating.

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How do you know my schedule?

>6 to 3