Why is Spaniard people irl so nice but Spaniard posters such autistic faggots?
Why is Spaniard people irl so nice but Spaniard posters such autistic faggots?
Massive butthurt.
yeah just like the Americans, but worse. Americans will listen to you; while you simply can't reason with a Spaniard.
They're not that bad.
What do you mean?
Are you a buttmad chicano?
Because you are some sort of filthy illegal Mexican animal squatting on American soil that should be deported to the latrine that is Mexico.
what is bad about being an autistic faggot. I like every Spaniard poster with no exceptions
Because we live in an extremely normie country so the only Spaniards who visit 4channel are deranged, bitter or both. I have never seen a good post made under a Spanish flag, my own included.
Spanish tourists are fucking obnoxious. They are laud, cant speak single word english and the give you crumpled money bills.
>give you crumpled money bills.
the horror
Because you're on fucking Jow Forums/4channel, the only people who post here are autistic retards, not normies.
Spanish locals are friendly; Spanish tourists are subhumans.
>t. island monkey, will suck the willy of American sexagenarians for a warm dish
All t*uristoids are subhuman.
>not Jow Forums(nel)
this is their real behavior they just act nice towards you in person like Jow Forumsyps
You know man
guess they're not white anymore
ah yes, the average Basque
Weird, this sort of shit usually happens in Madrid since basques are either right wing boomers or quasi communists
Well, also Valencia is full of shit like that and some parts of Barcelona but I've never heard shit like this happen in euskadi