when did the total amount of science and culture from america's ~400 years of existence surpass the ~3,000 years of Europe?
When did the total amount of science and culture from america's ~400 years of existence surpass the ~3...
Isaac Ward
Benjamin Bell
America is the greatest country on earth where the most successful flee prosecution from forced liberalism that Europe shilled
Levi King
You're an idiot.
Carter Peterson
>Quantifying science and culture
Kevin Gonzalez
In the 1970s with the invention of the Cuisinart.
Noah Jenkins
Sorry, I’m not a liberal nor a communist
Brandon Gray
not him, but great argument
Julian Ward
no, you're an idiot!
Colton Wood
its not really fair comparing the post industrial world with the pre-industrial considering how static things were before and how rapidly they started changing after
Grayson Brown