why does IQ get higher the closer you get to Canada?
Why does IQ get higher the closer you get to Canada?
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fewer niggers
mutt blood
i may be a mutt but i am still WHITE
Less niggers and spics.
based 67% EVROPEAN (WHVTE) mutt
higher concentration of Somalians
really make's U think...
Why are there so many Germans in the US and what is American?
American is British
as i understand it american is basically people that have lineage so far back that they're mostly descendants of the original or very early settlers
less niggers
>tfw from Massachusetts
How does it feel, brainlets?
>why are the whitest states the smartest and the shitholes with Mexicans and Blacks are retarded?
Yeah I'm sure it's proximity to Canada
also i'm one of those "germans" (ethnically, i don't speak german nor have i ever been)
my ancestors came here from north germany in the 1880s which is when most germans came over. american dream and all that
i only and will ever only identify as "american" but on this chart i'd be german because it's just about ethnicity
thnx lads
It's only in the southern areas that are descended from former indentured servants. My colonial stock is from New England, I would never say I was ethnically "American".
>Yeah I'm sure it's proximity to Canada
it plays a role
>Why are there so many Germans in the US
Because there was a lot of political/religious strife throughout history that lead to many Germans fleeing the country with nowhere else to go. Until WWI German was the most common 2nd language until the Mexican's decided to start hopping the boarder.
>what is American?
A denizen of the republic
How many burger ITT have German ancestry?
if see a white american he more than likely has a plurality of german blood in him
is it not the same in canada? are you all truly dirty perfidious a*Glos?
small brain: you get smarter the closer you are to canada
HUGE brain: only smart people choose to live so close to canada
I have Swiss German heritage if it counts.
EXTRA HUGE brain: people who live close to Canada have an easier time using magic to leech IQ from them
Outside of Toronto and Quebec most people have Ancestry from the British isles not all from England but a lot, but there are sizeable portions of Germans and slavs too in the prairies
My great great grandma was German, but I'm mostly Scottish on both sides
Massachusetts is the most important state in the union in terms of culture. California and NYC are overhyped memes.
Would you say that there are at least 100 million ethnic Germans in the US? cuz that's the impression that I got when I saw the map.
depends how you define ethnic germans
people with german blood? sure, people with only or a vast majority german blood? no probably not
keep in mind most of the blue on that map is sparsely populated
The thinking man's state
>ethnic germans
If you mean 100% german blood then probably very few. It is true that Americans are 'mutts', we have blood from many different European groups
There was a big change going on in Europe and a lot of people decided it would be better to try their luck in America than stick around in the slog. A ton of Germans and the like came here and made up a good bit of the western pioneers. As for American there really isn’t an American ethnicity, moreso people that are from America.
t. total euromutt with blue eyes :^)
Why does IQ get lower the farther south you go? People in tierra del fuego are barely sentient carbon masses
we're definitely mutts but i'm a mutt as in i've probably got like 4 different european nationalities in me, but many if not most europeans can say the same if you go back far enough. borders change and people move
pretty much everyone in this country is a mutt of all british isles (english, scottish, irish, etc) and sometimes french (reverse in quebec)
then in the west you also add in ukrainian/german/scandi as well
aren't they all from Hamburg anyway?
t. Slav/German/Scandi mutt
haha hamburger
The problem with 100% German is what does it mean, since they are mostly Celtic/German mixes and in some areas throw some Baltic or Slav in.
yeah XXD
northern whites are smarter
enjoy your good German genes
>NH, ME, VT, MA, and CT are all wicked smaht
>RI is sub-100
Petition to kick RI out of New England for being brainlets
apologize nazi
At least 50.
There are a lot of German last names and quite a few towns end in -burg or are named after some German ruler. A lot of towns and cities are named after Frederick the Great for instance
Masshole checking in.
>average IQ of state is higher than average overall IQ
All the people saying "niggers" IQs are lower in the south even for whites
More chinks and fewer Mexicans?
>Not being a 100% European mutt
European mutts are the most powerful race, FACT
Is sardi Patna mein kaise hai, bhai?
Why are Canadians so intolerant of others' cultures?
Don't know. Never been to Patna. also, wouldn't "kaisi" would be more accurate than "kaise"(I'm not a native hindi speaker)?
Tu kallu mallu hai ya kya?
Nahi. I'm Maharashtrian
grandmother on dad's side, supposedly, met her once when I was 4 before she croaked (lived in Iran)
American identity is cultural rather than ethnic, based on the embrace of certain republican and capitalist values.
It encompasses all citizens except Blacks and Hispanics, with the former developing their own identity in parallel as a result of slavery and segregation.
tfw was Marathi but don't know any Marathi except that "hai" is "ahai"
0% G*rman
dios mio...
>tfw live in the black belt
me unfortunately
Your dad's mom's mom's mom got LEAF'D
I have some Dutch ancestry on my dad's side if that counts
True, he was a doctor in canada and the first person with an automobile in the town. That money didnt come my way though and my dad's side is poorer than moms