Trump's mother was a native Gaelic speaker and learned English in school

>Trump's mother was a native Gaelic speaker and learned English in school
>Her son is an illiterate Amerimutt that has no culture

PLZ dont come to America if you have a culture to preserve, you traitors. Youll create bastards like me

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I feel bad for all those African Americans who were stripped of their culture.

>no culture

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>Trump's grandmother was a (((Kober)))
>Her grandson is a great worshipper of Shlomo

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Gaelic? Scottish? Or Irish?

not even scottish people speak gaelic. except for rural highlands and the northern island

they have mostly been angloized. lowlands scots are anglo saxon descendants.

Was Ebonics in any way influenced by their native languages, or they just had hard time learning English?

How come there are all those weird syncretic cults in Latin America like Santeria, Candomble, Spiritists Baptists, etc but majority of US niggers are Protties, or even converted to Black Islam?

I heard a big number of people speak Scottish in Nova Scotia.

Still more than Irish lmao.