El 50%

el 50%

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>tfw I was that family member
It was a minimum security prison and I was only there for more than half the year but it sucked regardless

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what did you do, retard?

>only there for more than half the year
its already too much

what you did?

can we break down the demographics?

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Reminder that the 56% of the USA is 56% white

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What did you do? If you wanna tell us.

Any college kid who is caught drunk or pissing on the streets wasted gets a Drunk in Public charge or reckless behavior if he's really stupid. That gets you put in the "tank" for a few hours until you sober up. This is considered being held/detained/imprisoned.

why do niggers like glocks so much

in prison it must be 44% negros/latinos and only 6% white


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>Australians can't even beat us at having convicts
lmao when will they learn

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Because their cousins make them.

I was going to call bullshit but then remembered my dad spent 6 months in prison before I was born.

then we have too many stupid college kids

Why are americans so violent

says mexico lol

What was it like?

>be me in jail for contempt of court
>go nofap for way too long because im not comfortable jerking my noodle amongst the general population of melanin-enriched hooligan criminals
>start reading a lot because what else would i do
>pick a seemingly innocent book that has catholic priests on the cover
>"ahh a religious novel, this should be enlightening"
>turns out to be a romantic novel of debaucherous sinful fuckfests and lustful deceit
>wait till the 10pm lockdown when lights go out
>everything dark and quiet
>"okay everyones asleep nows my chance"
>carefully slow-stroke my peter so as not to make any noise
>halfway there, can feel my balls start to churn the sauce
>"AHA! dey he goes!! DEY HE GOES!... HahaHAAA! We guuunnn-slangin tonight!!! We sho is GUN-SLANGIN!
>Old black dude they call "Smoke" is hootin' and hollerin' grinning from ear to ear because he caught me in my shameful wankfest
>Other inmates wake up
>they are all laughing
>Smoke tells em all that he's Wyatt Earp and I'm Billy the Kid
>They cackle like a pack of ravenous hyenas, laughing and jumpin up and down on their bunks
>lights come on
>two CO's come in and yelling and threatening to do a full search of the entire premises for contraband etc.

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can I have some sauce on that?

what kind of fraud?

also, what's your race?

north koreans/Chinese cane even beat you
you are the winner at locking up your population
also, who are you quoting?

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yikes, what did you do?

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I was in non-secure juvenile detention for two weeks when I was 15.

a pasta from /lit/. so most likely a science fiction

what did you do?

100% of Australians have an ancestor that was in prison

It's because there is a law for fucking everything. I hate living in a prison country. It's to the point where not going to jail is surprising to most people. I myself have spent 24 hours in jail for fighting in college (it was justified). The US brands itself by being the beacon of freedom, in reality, it is the land of the freely oppressed.

Stop this, they took us to a old prison building when were kids and I got picked to wear the ball and chain.

Did it feel 'right'?

>also, who are you quoting?
welcome to 4channel
we hope you enjoy your stay, new friend


That's racist

My cousin is in prison for assault with a deadly weapon and armed robbery (we’re Russian immigrants though)

Tbh I was pretty stoked because I love any chance to interact with objects from a museum.

At least 7 people in my family have been locked up for the dumbest of shit. My uncle got a month’s time in jail for Jaywalking

>a whole month for jaywalking
I don't know if the system is extremely efficient or extremely dumb.
Did you go to jail for picking up a fight? In Argentina the police would have kicked you and send you home.

What happened there?

glocks aren't cheap you dumb fudd that's hi points and tauruses, glocks can run as much as hk or fn

Non secure?

It's both inefficient and dumb. Some people either just don't care about prisoners or actually think prisons should be horrible.

Just like in russia, kek

I think the police used to use them

They are the half that votes for Trump

In simple terms I overcharged clients or sold less than advertised, especially on bulk purchases
>also, what’s your race?
Canadian (unironically, my parents are from British Columbia)
I was put to work as a groundskeeper and also did a lot of community service. I lived in more of a dorm than a cell, and escape was easy theoretically speaking but if you got caught you would just get thrown into an actual prison.
I met many friends there and developed a more outgoing/normie personality (by hanging out with criminals of all people), even the guards were friendly after a while
Food was better than what i eat now

>lol yeah right
>w-wait a second...
>remember that my grandfather has been in prison for 10 years

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My cousin went to jail for a few months for beating his pregnant Mexican gf
I spent a night in jail for fighting in high school
Americans are violent people
Its just who we are

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I feel you, I got locked up for a 3 weeks for vandalism. It wasn't so bad, other than living with other people and how the commissary charges you 3 or 4x more than msrp for fucking Doritos

Yes, the youths should not drink at bars and walk home. They should drink by themselves or in cars with tinted windows

wtf you shouldnt send people in jail over that shit

>3 or 4x more than msrp for fucking Doritos
That’s pretty much why I was in there. Now you know that people like us really do suffer when we cheat you

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>high school

16+ in some states is tried as an adult

my dad once spent a night in jail because he couldn't find a place to stay in a small town and their was an empty cell the guards let him use



never been to jail and no one in family has either. so pfff

no one in my family has ever so much as spent a night in jail, unless my brother in law counts (he tried smuggling weed into Cali from AZ)

wait, so just being drunk (not doing any harm) is illegal?

what the fuck, where is the freedom?

how did you get caught

I knew prison culture was huge in the US but I wasn't expecting this what the fuck


lmao, I'd be like a multiple offender criminal over there


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so adults can't drink alcohol until they're adults + 5?

and they say the UK is a police state
>can't drink outside
>jaywalking is a thing

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this is true in a lot of shit countries though. America/Ireland.

Top fucking kek
Thank you based ti-89

I was 18 at the time
They took me from the school to a jail cell

One in three adults in America have a criminal record.

>British Columbia

As efficient as comrade stalin himself would dream of.

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glocks are plenty cheap you stupid poor piece of shit

what's the problem with that? alcohol is for degenerates.

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>tfw never stepped inside a prison
i plan on keeping it that way
they say that shit changes you for the worse

yes you should. european laws are far too soft when it comes to physical violence.

LMAO why is the US such a garbage country

Americans put people in prison for stupid things. They have more prisoners than anyone else.

beating a pregnant woman is ok to you?

At least you can't get shot while in prison.

America is an open air prison masquerading as a nation already.

She was messican, man, have some empathy

Even in a developed country like the US that's true. Then again it seems like jails and prisons here are harsh by design.

here the police doesn't even actively hunt down small time drug dealers unless they have a tip that leads to a sure quick arrest and nobody calls the police over a street fight
and anyway you won't get in jail for that shit if you're not recidive

you can get stabbed in the neck in prison. the guards don't care about prisoners.

i guess youre jew

I wouldn’t doubt it

jailed =/= imprisoned, retard

holy shit based and breadpilled

Isn't marijuana technically illegal there but it's only a criminal offense if it's above a certain amount?

No one in my immediate or extended family has been in prison. No one I know has ever been either.

been a while since I've seen drugs inc

Then you’re in the other 50%, you stupid loser
