Popular brokers for stock trading:

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> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

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Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Jews


... and heil'd?

Anyways I'm so happy for the guys that told me about Dean Foods. DF calls and stocks are making me money this morning.

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Nice OP !!!

Mah nigga!
GPRO = Warren buffet value stock

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i'm hard over my bsx gains. nothing more to report currently

Thanks senpai, for once I didn't put the title in the name field, forget about it altogether, use the old pastebin or fuck up options basics. And I managed to put on points for style, too.

When will Celgene come back up?

....pls come back up....


Y-you're back

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Will BGFV make it to glorious, sexy $9 land today?

Great thread, OP. Truly amazing. You didn't forget anything

My best plays last week
VZ and DIS. Bought at the 2 standard deviation low. They bounced HARD. I may need to take profits by the end of today since they are starting to reach the top 2 SD line already.

Worst play last week: Betting against TSLA. I like the ideas but I dont think these prices are sustainable. However this will teach me to buy naked puts out of the money. NEVER AGAIN.


>tfw you bought naked DF December calls at $10 and $11.

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Today is kinda shit for biotech, especially those related to gene editing
But I think this is a buying opportunity.

I looked into their financial statement on Morningstar : what did they acquire ? What are their pipelines ? They are raking up debts and spending a lot on R&D and the market doesn't like this spending spree imo

It's building up to it.. watching volume, any spike could be a sign we're heading for a break out


Is this the last known picture of Anthony Bourdain?

Looks more like George Clooney 2 me friend.

It's going down again dumb guy. Eat crow and sour grapes mid-teens boy.

Oh no! Someone has to warn him.

I have stock and that can wait a little longer for MID TEENS, but I also have OTM calls that have become radioactive bags to hold.

Looks like the indexes are on a moon mission right now.

Piece of shit ON

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do you think i am only looking at day to day? sorry man i think on a lot longer scale and i think big.. unlike your petty little brain. I can almost guarantee you won't post anything of value in this thread or the next, you sure as hell didn't post anything of value in the last thread.. i know you are the same faggot every fucking day that only replys to people with smarky remarks but never actually post any substance, you are in here every fucking day doing the same fucking thing.

Dude you called it mid-teens in like December of last year with 80% gains coming. You are so full of shit when it comes to shilling this stock.

so do you have a position in BGFV whether it be bullish or bearish.. do you have position?


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Doubters get the gas

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I wouldn't hold that piece of shit stock. I don't like staying in the market for that long unless it's tech because anything can happen nowadays.

It's time for the Lunchtime Checkup!

What're you eating how're you doing?

I'm trying out grass fed beef so I made myself a burrito this time, a doctor also gave me some truffles from a local store but I dunno what to do with them. I'm up today and I got a call on SVXY that's leveraged to fuck so let's go! ROAD is treating me nicely!

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I have seen better days lunch bro. What kind of burrito is that?

GE is 13.90 you dumb fucks saying it was a good buy under $14 in other thread. fucking low IQ shits.

>I wouldn't hold that piece of shit stock
then shut up you stupid faggot! jesus christ.. every fucking day everyone has to deal with your dumbass.. every.fucking.day! and i know it's you! Every day you come itt and just bash on everyone and you never actually post anything of substance. EVER! Why you need to come into this thread every fucking day and troll is beyond me

Nice !

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>grass fed

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No, mid-teens.

Get rid of the OTM and pick up SNAP calls instead.

Off-topic, but can anyone recommend a good hemorrhoid cream?

I ate some leftover pizza and now I'm laying in my bathtub still trying to recover from the bender I went on this weekend. PCG hit my 5% stop loss earlier and EIX is getting close. Luckily I didn't invest much in those two companies, my other holdings are down a small amount today but not enough to warrant any concern.

Dude relax, I have no idea what you are talking about. You realize that anonymous posters on Jow Forums aren't just all one guy right? Why not have some cocaine and McDonalds man and relax?

Grass fed beef with a four cheese blend on a whole wheat tortilla and some fire sauce I found at the store. It's actually quite nice, feels wholesome. I'm in boomerland today unfortunately.

‘gi’s ‘gurt

I'm sure it's good, I just meant color-wise your meal looks very grey or pale.

15.62+0.37 (+2.43%)

People don't listen and are missing the $40 stock.

All my indicators said buy but nothing is moving. Feeling down and out today anyway. On the bright side I watched a drug addict ex friend get arrested last night so it’s not all bad.

Nice falacy fag. user just pointed out that your prediction turned out to be wrong. What he does or doesn't is irrelevant to the issue at hand.

Where can I buy those bars? Do they make you pass alot of gas? My bf loves when I strangle him with my calves and rip one in his face

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Oh yea, looks bland as fuck.

Hell yea

I'm relatively surprised how much more filling and "right" it feels, I'm not sure if it's just a placebo effect though.

Buy buy buy

>nothing is moving

Tesla and AMD are both obvious buys right now, tesla is the easiest +40 in a month buy right now.

i know it's you.. i have my ways of knowing. You are so fucking obvious there aren't that many people itt to begin with, since theres not that many people it's easy to pick out the tripfags, then the newbs, then the people that actually have some good input and picks, and then the complete assholes which is you... so fucking easy.

My WDC calls are trickling upwards, I bet tomorrow will be an absolute mess

Do you have a cafeteria where you work or do you prepare your own lunches the night before.

thanks for the Pump, Buffet dono

listen up fuckstains

you want to make money this month. TESLA is the play. Hold for 30 days and sell. EASY MONEY

AMD is still a BUY.

Fuck your brain, just listen to me. Tesla is going to 350-380 within 30 days. This is EASY money for you retards.

he missed the part where i was saying to dollar cost average.. he also must of missed a week or two when i extended my holding another month because of that unexpected drop.. if you aren't short on a stock and don't plan on getting in on a stock whats the point of bashing it every fucking day?

They're pretty good, I find them at the store next to the Quaker chewy bars. You want these for toxic ass blasts. Allows me to establish dominance in the squat rack.

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Look, I have no ill will against anyone here and there is no 100% way you'd know that for sure just like you have no way of knowing what BGFV will be at in the future. I think you are taking stock trading too personally.

No thanks, I'm already all in on JD, JNJ, and NTDOY. Good luck, I hope the Muskman leads you to the profit land.

Both, when I'm in boomer jail I have to brown bag it but other days I have my choice between three Cafe's and two restaurants

rates tomorrow? VUMP ET

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Thanks lunchbro!

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>I think you are taking stock trading too personally.
i'm starting to think you don't trade stock at all. you might have a $300 robinhood account and a papertrading account but thats it. GL kid

Well I appreciate your consistency and even though you don't eat a lot at least it's pretty well balanced for the most part. Are you trying to lose weight or are you just keeping yourself in check?


god it's so fucking obvious. Trust my brain. TSLA 30 days, 100% easy money.

You want to know the difference between you and me? I don't care what you think, I make my own choices even if you don't think I own any stocks.

Puhempt AT

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wow what a bloody monday
This global sell off is seriously a pain

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I don't care what you think either you just piss me off because every fucking day you are in here just purposely trolling people. EVERY DAY! never actually have any fucking input at all you just fucking bash EVERYONE..

You obviously dont really think at all so i'm not sure why you would think that i care what you think.. because what ever you think you think isn't anything good... think about it

Lose weight and get strong, I've lost 60 pounds so far this year and I'm stronger than when I was in highschool. It was my new years resolution. That and start investing/make my money work for me.

>global selloff
>bloody monday

are you a nevertrumper delusional?

more like

Dude, stop taking it so personally people are going to call your picks stupid. I bought APHQF stocks at 9.04 last week and sold half at 10 and now I'm fucking bag holding on my other half pissed off as shit I didn't sell everything at 10 because I knew it was going to dump hard for a while.

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Guys, how do I make my hands stronk? I’ve lost so much panic selling the past few months.

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Wow, congrats man that isn't easy. I'm trying to lose weight as well and gain more muscle. So far I have lost 10 lb so far but I'm going up in the weight that I'm benching and lifting so I'm definitely getting stronger.


you fuckers have no brains

AMD $40 EOY. It's going to be the biggest success story of the year.

more trader naps

Go the gym instead. Work out your frustrations.

could this be the official general mills reversal?

Yea I'm in a plateau because I'm gaining muscle quick so my weight is the same. It's hard work but I've been doing it long enough that it's a habit not a chore now.

ROAD is up 2.8%! Hella

Buy KMART guys

undervalued as fuck

99% short

new store concept!

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The drunker you are, the less you'll care.

I've been putting some research into LCI i can't really see anything wrong with it so far, they don't really have a dilutive share structure.. they've been getting FDA approval for new drugs.. they already make money on existing drugs they sell... its actually looking like a pretty good hold I'm buying shares and will be selling puts

Understand relativity. If you are in good stocks even a downturn will have you coming out relatively ahead.

Buy the dip on SVRA.

The stock ain't going to 26 like some analysts say, but it will go to at least 15 just based off of the above. I'll personally hold till 18, though.

Worth pumping and dumping.

buy Big Lots they are big

If I could buy just KMART, I would.

Not a chance I'm touching SEARS, though.

>big lots

this thread is so fucking dumb

Yeah, SEARS is crashing hard.

Always have a plan when you buy a stock. Write down the timeframe you want to hold and WHY you think it's a good idea. When you want to deviate from that plan, re-read the note.

sure dude

Seriously, people suggesting retail at a time when retail is getting slaughtered.

anyone in TWTR?

>retail is getting slaughters
>EMTY is going down

choose one

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No, why is it going up? I thought Twitter was dying in popularity and not profitable.

Call it here fuckface

1. Tesla is a huge winner next 30 days
2. AMD $40 EOY, continues to rise all summer

yall are so fucking dumb.


I pick both.