Since the 2016 presidential campaign...

>Since the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump’s aides and advisers have tried to convince him of the importance of tackling the national debt.
>Sources close to the president say he has repeatedly shrugged it off, implying that he doesn’t have to worry about the money owed to America’s creditors—currently about $21 trillion—because he won’t be around to shoulder the blame when it becomes even more untenable.
>The friction came to a head in early 2017 when senior officials offered Trump charts and graphics laying out the numbers and showing a “hockey stick” spike in the national debt in the not-too-distant future. In response, Trump noted that the data suggested the debt would reach a critical mass only after his possible second term in office.
>“Yeah, but I won’t be here,” the president bluntly said, according to a source who was in the room when Trump made this comment during discussions on the debt.
>The episode illustrates the extent of the president’s ambivalence towards tackling an issue that has previously animated the Republican Party from the days of Ronald Reagan to the presidency of Barack Obama.

Attached: donald + gold.jpg (664x390, 71K)

based retard

blumptf bad

Unironically Americas' debt is literally nothing, debt is useless when you control the world. And besides, if things get really bad they can just do a Hitler and declare just ignore the debt while warring

gee, it's almost as if drumfputin doesn't actually have the best interests of america in mind...

Has any president seriously tried to tackle the debt issue? I mean not that it excuses Trump, just wondering

Clinton did.

>orange man bad

Lol why bother? if people ever lose faith in the american econ and debt becomes a problem their fucking done anyway

pay denbts

The democrats always do
then the republicans get elected and any progress is reversed and even more debt piles up

idgaf about the debt i just hate niggers
make the west 3rd world if you want, as long as it is white
godspeed donald

>Yeah, but I won’t be here
how is it even possible to be this based

I always thought we are a bit backwards, but perhaps, the future of the world is actually Greece, hehehe...

Didn't Obama add $10trillion in debt?

yeah, although to be fair it was under him that the costs of the iraq war were added to the debt figure

nobody really wants to do anything about it though either way

democracy was a mistake.

>I don’t know what you autistic fags are talking about but let me assure you of one thing
>my dong? It’s fuckin yuge. More yuge than little marcos entire body

Attached: DD9B9E6A-C696-4BF5-B05F-1D4F1A392E78.jpg (400x400, 31K)

Drumpft posters are the worst

Reality TV leader for a reality tv culture

based magaposter

>The democrats always do
By increasing public spending? How does that work?

if I owe you 10 dollars and you owe another user 10 dollars and he owes me 10 dollars and I'm the only one who can print dollars and I have a guy working for me that produces about 20 dollars a year of goods and services do you really think my 10 dollar debt to you is a big deal?

>borrow money
>when it comes time to pay just borrow more money

I wish I could live like that desu, sadly only governments are allowed to do this because gov debt is "risk free"

Strange but true but the democrats are indeed better at tackling the national debt although better just means that they hit the gas slightly softer than the republicans. Nobody really touches the brakes.

Thanks sir.
Now i truly understand geopolitics thanks to this simple post.

can china even call in america's debts without america starting a war over it?

Why won't the US just print another 21 trillion $ to pay their debts?
They don't want to devalue their currency, the Chinese are already sitting on a formidable amount of USD and are buying shit all over the world with it because that's more profitable than throwing it all on the market at once while losing half of its value.

Greece is always one step ahead.

Attached: basedgreek.png (624x434, 103K)

>just ignore the debt
Creditors get tanked, the US can no longer finance itself if it defaults as no one sane will buy their treasuries aka lend them money. World recession follows, it makes 2009 look like a walk in the park.

Megabrain Boomer

>orange man good

Woah you explained everything

Surely creditors won’t notice someone printing currency and increasing supply

Yes because China owns only 15% of US debt and no one is retarded enough (except maybe Trump) to start a war over debt.