ITT: We thank the arab world for their contributions to culture, science and technology
Thanks arabs for numbers and hashish
ITT: We thank the arab world for their contributions to culture, science and technology
thank you arabs for computers, modern medicine, electricity, cars, planes, printing press
You can't thank dead people. Modern Ar-apes are disgusting and should be put down out of mercy.
thank you
what are you?
Thank you arabs for arabizing northern africa and preventing a direct border between whites and black. Thank you!
>tfw morocco beats the shit out of niggers trying to cross the border to spain
I am an Egyptian ar-ape. Please kill me, O "white" man.
Inhabitants of North Africa and Egypt weren't 100% Black though. They were berberats and Amazipoos.
They stole the numbr system we use today from India lol
Well, I say India but I'm not sure if it was an all encompassing Indian empire at that time or a collection of kingdoms.