How do I short Western Civilization?
How do I short Western Civilization?
wrong board faggot
buy 0xbitcoin
Hitler was a closeted homosexual
By buying Chinese coins.
Invest in ShariaCoin.
I would rather short asians some more. pun intended
I'll say, one of those drag queens is more impressive than the other.
How is this shit legal?
Don't worry friend, the Western civilization is on the brink of implosion. We'll all be speaking Russian and Chinese in ten years
So was your dad
What civilization?
It's hilarious how many attempts it took them to get that stunt right
this is why generation z is more conservative
thank fucking christ these insane brainlets just can't contain their stupendously powerful marxist ultra-faggotry
i hope y'all niggas have at least one bitcoin cash, and haven't fallen for the "link is a meme" meme
Because you're a bigot if you say otherwise.
Drop down and kiss comrade Putin's feet
triggered kike
what was that other thing in the news about that 10 year old that was already on drugs pretending to be a girl?
I’ll leave it to cucks like you.
None of us are truly free so we are all cucks already
>Oy vey didn't you hear, goy? Hitler was a homosexual scat-fetishist with one testicle who molested his niece. Only an anti-semite would believe otherwise.
It has over 100k likes. How has it not been mass downvoted. I refuse to believe those votes haven't been manipulated.
pol, you have your containment board
You also save your degeneracy as Hitler was right? I have got over 500 images and 60 webms like that including prepubescent children being forced to change their gender and then being treated for depression to a nigger raping a female great dane in missionary position.
By going back to Jow Forums
Unironically go all in on BLM
start posting faggot
edmonton's pride parade just banned police and military from walking in it or being present because they "still dont do enough for gay people" and "havent made it up to them"
how ironic would it be to have some sort of situation at the next pride that made people with the police were there?
to anyone who assumes malicious intent here, i have no desire to be an active shooter and am just musing on the irony of someone worried for their safety firing their bodyguard, sorry FBI/CIA :)
Too late, already tipped them off :)
>made people with the police
meant wish, oops
phew, thankfully im a law abiding citizen who posted a disclaimer :) glad youre doing your civic duty user!
This isn't Jow Forums and it is extremely NSFW blue board and all.
Nothing special. Fags and clowns have always existed.
Disgusting faggot people. People that can't raise children to be normal shouldn't have children. You're supposed to make them as normal as you can and then if they still want to fag up their life when they are an adult or at least late teenager it's not so bad. This boy has been indoctrinated to become this, it's not his own decision.
of course he was, now its too late
Literally means nothing. Anyone and everyone is a potential homosexual.
probably the same pedos that encourage pageants pushing for stuff like this.