Why are 99% of games games set in USA?

why are 99% of games games set in USA?

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99% of important things happen in USA

cause the USA is a criminal shithole and a perfect setting for games where you play as a criminal

...because they make/fund the lion share of games?


>99% of games games set in USA
are they tho? mostly the modern crime, shooting games, but over all, they aren't

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america is just so screwed up anything can happen

name 5 games that take place in europe and arent about the world wars

recently i've been playing crusader kings 2 which is mostly set in europe, there were also the getaway games. there's a lot of medieval strategy games set in europe. but i didn't claim that most games are set in europe, most games like skyrim and oblivion take place in fiction places, although it can be argued that skyrim is norway and oblivion is set in rome

ass creed rome and france and gayreek
deus ex mankind divided
hard to come by contemporary settings in eu though

I'm going to Russia next week

thats the main genre for games set in europe desu
and indie games like euro truck or my summer car
i just want a game set in spain reeeee
>assassins creed 2
that takes me back....
isnt that russia, like Metro 2033 ?

How lame do you have to be to claim that fictional places are "set" in X country

not eastern russia is europe

Stalker is set in Ukraine

everyone's familiar with the USA because of their monopoly on media

Those games games are made by american makers makers

>he's never played Stalker
Shame on you

most of the videogames like the last of us or GTA are obviously based on real cities even if they are "fictional"
>Los Santos is Los Angeles
>San Fierro is San Francisco
>Las Venturas is Las Vegas
>Liberty City is New York
i have played the first 10 minutes of stalker tho, i just get destroyed on the first mission

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Still better than Russia.


i suppose its fictional but its locations are heavily inspired by czechia (and romania)

Because America and Americans are seen as being "cool" by most young people from other countries and we make the majority of entertainment that people consume

I meant more like what these idiots said
Specifically the "bloodborne(czechia)" and "Skyrim is Norway/Oblivion is Rome" parts

>Belgians the globe's least cool nationality.

they're changing the name to czechia from czech republic? about time

..The creators literally went to romania and czechia to do studies of the architecture for the game. yes its OBVIOUSLY not real czechia but still inspired to such a degree that its worth mentioning


shuuuuuuuuuuut the fuck uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
you're so boring aaaaaaa

Only games I know of that take place in the US are Rockstar games and games set in the post Apocalypse. Nearly every high fantasy game is based on Europe
Tons of games are set in Europe or something like Europe. Since you're from Europe you just don't notice because Europe is what you expect to see around you

>the first 10 minutes
You need more time than that, I'm not an avid gamer but they're the only games where I ever felt truly immersed, COP moreso than SOC, if you can get past the jankyness, and once you finish vanilla they are a lot of mods to keep you playing. Avoid Clear Sky though, it's horribly broken and doesn't have the real feel of the games.

GTA London 1961 & 1969
Asterix on Snes
Fifa World Cup 1998
Deus Ex Invisible war
Jagged Alliance 2

Am I a shameless boomer?


what kind of game could you even have in Barcelona? Drive around on a moped looking for a job then give up and take a siesta? Midnight Club 2 map in Paris wasn't that bad though.

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at least the chances of being shot in Russia tend to zero compared to the USA


You better not be a supporter of real Madrid!

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>2 absolute shitholes that are far worse than the U.S in every measurable way thinking their opinions matter

Yeah but your chances of being murdered are higher lmao.
>at least i have higher chance of having head beat in by drunk bydlo with brick rather than be shot!

Heh, I don't really like footy, but I keep it quiet or pretend to support the local team, Celta de Vigo


not really
if you live in a good neighbourhood and have no contacts with bydlo, you're totally safe
while in the USA you can be shot by a policeman just because you look suspicious

Literally every game set in the medieval era
There are literally thousands

Nah just letting you know

Your murder rate is higher, you are more likely to be murdered. Are you actually dumb enough to think that being shot is a common occurrence outside of inner-city shitholes like Chicago where black people just murder each other. Blacks are more than half of murder victims and "gun deaths" you see in statistics are overwhelmingly just people blowing their owns brains out besides that.

>GTA London 1961 & 1969
When they made a GTA about London they had to go back half a century to make it believable.

im gonna get really inmersed in you if you know what i mean ;)
>GTA London games
the pinnacle of games that only exist to be mentioned in list of games that take part in europe
>FIFA games
nigga please, literally any sports game can take place in europe

Blacks arent americans now?

whenever crime stats are brought up americans always use the "blacks dont count!" card even tho their crime rates are still pretty high without blacks

The way they murder each other is restricted to inner cities is more my point, but also yes black are not Americans.

It's not that black don't count it's that they self-segregate and attack each other an overwhelming majority of the time so it's restricted to their shitty communities and doesn't affect the vast majority of people.

Half-Life motherfucking 2. City 17 is Eastern European and seems quite comfy in a few places.

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>valve is dead

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The country where I can give the police literally $10 to forget about my crimes is talking about criminality. Oh wow that’s funny shit

time to uninstall steam and get GOG
>shitloads of great boomer games
>no DRM

yurup was busy killing each other as usual during the early 1900's, thus allowing the US to create hollywood and have a monopoly of entertainment.
usa is very well known and has an array of different places in the country and interesting modern history

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then read my post again and try to comprehend it

No you live in a country where an unarmed man has to beg for his life and his survival depends on whether that cop feels like it or not.


they just wont put a bottle in your ass so deep for $10 and nothing more

ArmA 3
Assassin's Creed II
Half Life 2
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Metro 2033

Bonus Round
Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars
Rome: Total War
Total War: Rome II

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european modern history is interesting too, its just that there arent dozens of films done about them
just like there are games about vietnam, there could be games about the portuguese war in angola or the spanish war in western sahara or even yugoslavia
or the spanish civil war, wich would be super easy to do with WW2 assets and should be the prologue of any WW2 game imo. if the game was set on the pacific theater, the china-japan war would be the prologue instead.
>Total war games
thats cheating

And you live in a country where people are currently burning cars in the streets? Lol shut up

Yeah nah, they will let you off the hook completely for that $10 like the little bitches they are, don’t pretend like you haven’t seen some faggot in a mercedes in moscow do it in front of you

That guy was acting abnormal as fuck like he was on drugs or psychotic and looked like he was clearly going for a gun, they did nothing wrong.

Forza 4 Horizon is in Scotland.

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even if i were to accept your shifting goal posts, thats still 6 games set in non-world war europe

Because people are actually allowed to resist here. I wonder went Americans will actually put their guns where their mouths are and use them against a government that wipes its arse with the constitution every day with the PATRIOT act.

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Oh okay so he seemed a bit erratic when he was being threatened at gun point by people he knows wants to open fire just to ensure their own safety.

Also wtf were those commands he was giving? Is he trying to neutralise him as a threat or make him play fucking twister?

Honestly I wish we would use our guns for what they were meant for too. We either should abolish them completely or start shit just like your protesters to show our government that we aren’t their slaves. Unfortunately I live in california where people are afraid of the word gun

Why the fuck would you reach for your waist band when there's cops aiming guns at you and telling you very clearly that they'll shoot you?

Because the poor sod was panicking, the reason he got shot was because he lost his balance while carrying out the ridiculous demand of trying to shimmy over to them while no doubt shaking like a leaf.

The police officer who shot him was a complete twat by all accounts, apparently he had scratched the words “YOU’RE FUCKED” on his gun, which obviously proves the man didn’t take any enjoyment in having other people’s lives in his hands.

though true Russia should be the one to talk

age of mythology and rome total war? Idk..

They produce them probably. There are some euro games though.

All the medieval games. Kingdom Come Deliverance for example.

I also think that the rockstar game bully is set in england no? Brexit hasnt happened yet so it still counts.

FIFA 2000
FIFA 2001
FIFA 2002
FIFA 2003