Wake up

>wake up
>still in Brazil

>day ruined

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Why don't you import a Russian wife?

Nao tem Chimmarao sobrando?


you are getting annoying

do you envy snow?

I hate braz-chan

You're pathetic, what makes you think you'd be different somewhere else? If you is a little piece of shit here, you would be a little piece of shit wherever you go.

enjoy summer :)

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you are*

d u have a gf with a big butt at least?

A lot. I also love Japan.

Summer makes me depressed.

A new environment away from Brazilians is all I need. This country is fourth world. You have no idea how much we're behind compared to first world countries.

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Brazilian posters are annoying. They complain their lives but are too lazy to study and find a work to improve. They are lazy even to kill themselves

>wake up
>In America
>Im still Latino instead of a Japanese man in Japan

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I wish I was American

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But you're French, being French is cool. You have a great history to be proud of, high standards of living and snow! We don't have fucking snow here!

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i wish you wren't a cuck

>a great history to be proud of, high standards of living and snow
Screw that shit I want power

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Pretty good here but I wish I wasn't poor.

>Tfw I sometimes wish I was European
If you live here you would probably wish you lived somewhere else. The grass is always greener my friend

Países de primeiro mundo tem uma polícia muito mais eficiente em achar pedófilos nojentos como você.

O B S E S S E D.

This is the last I'll reply to you, macaca,

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Agora eu quero que você migre pra primeiro mundo mesmo pra apodrecer na cadeia, seu nojento.

Vagabunda parda e feia.

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why are you saving pictures of 12-year old girl you fucking creep?

I'm looking for the day where your video of getting skinned alive by gang members drop on liveleak.

This is Jow Forums, retard. Go back to Plebit.

I'd gladly put my penis in her, in fact I think that if you wouldn't you're a pidoras.

>I also love Japan.
>Im still Latino instead of a Japanese man in Japan

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Japan is overrated. And snow its cool only the first time it snows, after that is just a pain in the ass

>when even the African starts getting pissed off at you

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may I have source on the girl in your picture?

I think I saw you post this last week. How are you doing?

>wake up
>been away from that hellhole for 9 years
>still a piece of shit
if you are trash u are going to stay trash wherever you are