This gun be good. I hope there will be at least 100 dead commie niggers tomorrow...

This gun be good. I hope there will be at least 100 dead commie niggers tomorrow. The army is going to annihilate your ass.
Will buy some popcorn and watch bfm tv tomorrow.

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prepare your anus

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>hurr durr armored police car dude lmao

Pathetic cucks. Look at Ukraine. They had fucking snipers during Maidan shooting at people, this is why their revolution has won.


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quick rundown?

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I wasn't aware that Hermès is making armored cars now?

Attached: Hermes.jpg (600x600, 59K)

the 1832 revolution failed

battle royal

Big chimp out in France, massive escalation expected for the weekend. Stock up on popcorn and enjoy the show!

Better dead than red

no i meant are niggers going to be quickly rundown

Dubs say new French revolution

say no more faм

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Theme for the weekend


this is better

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Living near a military city; I can tell you they are far from the brightest people around.

The city is an awkward mix of bourgeois, military and immigrants...

The bourgeois are a pain in the ass, they are completely delusional as to how great the city is (spoiler: it is a shithole because below)

The military can't get over themselves. They spend their evenings getting wasted and nailing the same few bourgeois cumdumpsters (who just spend their day shopping at Sephora). (even the older and "higher" ups are a disgrace when they are not in uniform). They are surprisingly beta and resort to very cliché "I am bigger than you and in the military! so fuck off!" when faced with any sort of social confrontation (such as someone telling them off for loitering). They easily defeated by basic logic and quick thinking.

The immigrants are well, they are being bougnoules... typical stuff.

Basically there are very few people in this city who are actually sane.

I'm tempted to join them in the coup d'etat.

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Soon you'll have Cartier and Louis Vuitton branded armored cars going by how luxury brands are apparently immune to any sort of stigma in france.

Fuck off fag don't oppress the proletarians

looks like you missed the point


Being in the army must do strange things to your mind I suppose

There are also a couple women in the military... going by the conversations I overhear they are not really in the military to do military stuff... They are there for... I guess you could say... relieving the troops.