We Wuz thread

Post what your people claim to descent from

In this part of the arab world, it is claimed that we (arabs living between Qatar peninsula and Musandam peninsula) originate from the arab Azd tribe that came from Yemen in the first century CE after the fall of the Marib Dam. In fact in arab myths, it is claimed that all arabs originate from Yemen.

So all Arabs we wuz as ancient Yemenites.

What do you we wuz as?

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I'm berber and me wuz white Europeans

Italians, portuguese and niggers

we are rapebabies , so i don't have the right to talk

based Moroccan conquistador

Being a mutt is superior

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Emiratis and omanis are a special case. Most of them are a hybrid of arabs, indians, zanzibaris, and iranians.

But in general yes Arabs from southern tribes originate from Yemen

Citizens of the world I guess

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false. The true non meme origin of arabs is not Yemen. Arabic originates from the north Arabia/South Levant area. It first started spreading from there to more regions in the middle east from the 1st to 3rd centuries AD. And then spread to wider areas after the Arab conquest. Also the first mention of Arabs was from Assyrians that claimed to have fought them, in northern Arabia. So the Arabs are definitely not from southern Arabia or the Yemen region. That is not to mention that Yemen had it is own south Arabian languages that aren't even from the same Semitic branch as Arabic. So I don't think Arabs are from Yemen. I think Arabs originate from Northern Hejaz/Southern Levant, you know? The area where Petra and Tabuk are. Probably.

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t.immigrant from a historylet country

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Also, shouldn't Assyria rather be Iraq than Syria?
Or both. Always found that image weird.