Seeing cyryllic script makes me furious

seeing cyryllic script makes me furious

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Alphabet rankings
Greek>Latin>Cyryllic>>>Hebrew>>>>>>>>>>Arabic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Moon runes>Ugga bugga africa if they even have alphabets

Better than butchering Latin script with your language, t b h

The arabic one is very aesthetic, desu.

Why? It's script made specifically for Slavic languages, it fits us better.

I help people understanding Polish by teaching them cyrillic and how to write Polish in it.
Try this, you'll learn cyrillic in no day.

The problem it isn’t practical

Bit strange the east adopted a different alphabet, even from Greek.

This. Polish if using latin, should be like Czechoslovak and Belarusian latin.

Polish looks just so damn ugly.

Baш дoлг никoгдa пopa тoo

Egyptian hieroglyphs most of Eurasian writing systems derive from (aside Sumerian and Chinese) and Berber Tifinagh.

Niggers never invented their own writing system known to me tho. Unlike say Pacific Islanders or Mayans.

Chinese characters > all

Attached: 1528472255896.png (600x776, 148K)

>you'll learn cyrillic in no day
I was able to "read" most cyrillic -except the letters that aren't either Latin nor Greek- after I learnt the Greek alphabet, it was really easy.

Seeing this letter makes me nauseous

Attached: 1531897232198.png (331x331, 4K)


Makes me think of favelas, Latin music, donkey shows, retarded youtube comments, low quality youtube videos, and Peggy Hill teaching Spanish

Cyrillic was deviled specifically for Slavic languages by two Greek monks

Based especially the last one

Είσαι πολύ γλυkιά, Σουηδία μου :)



I know, but Latin worked for Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, Baltic, Uralic and even Semitic language groups on top of Romance, makes you wonder why they didn't just copypaste Greek alphabet onto Slavic.

Cyrillic was actually devised by the monks' students and is named so as an homage to them.
The two monks actually created the glagolitic script which looks even weirder to untrained eyes.

Yeah but not the simplified ones


Goths did that too.

What was Glagolithic named after? And yeah people say it looked like scribbles of dick.
It's argued Glagolithic had Slavic runes influence, and Greek minuscule.

Glagolitic is a name given to the script years after its creation. Glagol means utterance in church slavonic. You can see how it was named.
I think its a mash of greek, hebrew and early slavic writing systems, although we only have references for the latter in later works as evidence for their existence.

But it's really just Persian script.

It looks bizzare

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t. Wojciech Brzęczyzwzględnyzczęścieszczymankowszczyznakiewicz

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Why is Poland using Latin alphabet when cyrillic makes so much more sense for them?

Persians had 3 different scripts. Man so many.

Why is Arabic really a Persian script? I see it called Arabo-Persian, but only version adopted by other nations after them, like Turks.

Blame our autism and adoption of Catholicism.
Croatia and Bosnia were using glagolithic and cyrillic, despite being Catholic.

Their King even had a quarrel with Papacy over using that script and Slavic rite mass.

Why Gruzia and Armenia have their own script, but not Azeris, Circassians, Ossetians and others, who use either Cyrillic or I think Arabic?

They got assimilated, because of their inferior culture.