>there people out there that believe eos will pump after mainnet launch
There people out there that believe eos will pump after mainnet launch
It will pump after we begin seeing dapps.
so, never? a few airdrops and dogfooding steem aren't enough to even satisfy 1/10th of the current cap
totally man, nobody ever makes stuff on the internet. Super awesome argument that a platform will never get anything made on it. 10/10
People never made mods for video games either. Solid approach to this argument. Nobody ever makes cool shit. EOS is fucked. Obviously in the history of everything nobody has ever made stuff before.
>there are people out there who think EOS will launch ever
>platform's haven't failed before
Spotted the heavy bag holder.
do you know how much 10 billion dollars is user?
Do you know how many company that provide immensive value to the world arent worth 1/10th of that.
you thin ka few dapps that nobody will use will make it rise more? lmao. speculation period over.
people make lots of things, but as we've seen 98% goes completely unused. as far as speculators are concerned, they're not even voting, they don't care, they'll jump to the next "hot" platform that launches and carry on
yeah well most people are pretty fucking retarded
just sell your bags
> Platforms have never once succeeded before
>whales just dump the price to buy more
stage is next
>you thin ka few dapps that nobody will use will make it rise more? lmao. speculation period over.
Game industry was basically powered by Id software in the 90s with its openness to mods. But you know, stuff like that never happens.
desperation. Plain and simple.
no desperation is after the whales stage
ok, let me rephrase it. you think something thats already reached 10billion on an idea alone is delivering 10b of value to the world already?
The whales can fuck themselves, they cant change the fact that dapps will come out of this that no other platform can provide.
That guy can't afford to accept reality. Let him cope with his fantasies.
You better hope it does, without dapps, fast transactions and low fees crypto is done. It will never be more than a scam.
I mean this is really basic stuff anons. You need to seriously accept this stuff.
ok then big boy hodl all the way to 5$ and it WILL go to 5$ cap this faggot
The EOS testnet already had a space invaders game. Thats better than any ponzi game on ETH.
>there are people out there who think EOS mainnet will ever launch
user, nothing other than eth or currency coins is even close to delivering value to the world near their valuations.
i hope all these alts crash and burn
EOS is over. Time to move on.
Everything is going down right now. Either way you can fuck yourself trying to sell me your slow ass expensive shitcoins that don't do anything.
You should KYS if you hold a coin that costs more than a penny to send and it takes longer than 4 seconds to do it. ALL OF YOU Drink fucking bleach if you hold a single coin that has no reason to exist. I wont buy your bags.
how tf do i figure out what my private key is
Sure but its slow and expensive to use and everything needs gas. Its fucking worth ZERO dollars. Having to spend money on gas is is like micro transactions to fire your fucking gun.
t. Nano holder
cant use nano. Its no use to me.
this is you in 1 month deluded brainlet
At least I can use my coins for something. Unlike you gramps, you cant even fucking buy a cup of coffee and you think you are cool. You shit sucks. Its fucking garbage.
retard alert.
Eth is the only reason your favorite shitcoins like EOS which you seem so desperate to have grow are in existence. Eths valuations is fair because its based on the money all these scamming fucks are making with ECR20 and ICOs.
Transaction and payment hasn't been a selling point of ETH since last march brainlet, but i dont suppose you remember back then you probably didnt even know what ETH was.
Coins with no use are garbage. They need to be deleted from the internet. fuck your fucking eth ponzi bags.
you mean like EOS?
we are reaching levels of delusion i haven't seen before
amen. the shitcoin purge must happen. sinners must repent.
>Eth is the only reason your favorite shitcoins like EOS which you seem so desperate to have grow are in existence.
Blah blah blah. no get out of the way slow expensive poke. You cant do shit other than replace the coin with something better. That will be eths legacy.
Cant use it, it dies. end of fucking story. Nobody cares about how you feel about your favorite emotional attachment to yesterdays out date tech.
Anyone who thinks slow and expensive will win long term is the fucking epitome of delusional.
>he thinks better tech means it'll be adopted
you have a lot to learn kid
They will repent by having to fomo in at a higher price. Or who even gives a shit. One of the worst fucking things about this space is the lambo tards. I wish for a cleansing.
>B-b-b-but Vitalik said Casper/Plasma/Sharting is almost done r-r-right?
Deluded mETHheads
what is
sorry man you got scammed, exit asap
I'm right. You dont have any fucking arguments. You are fucked selling me your shitcoin bags.
A bunch of fancy words that may take a year plus before we find out that half of them become the next lightning network shitshow.
Yea and when are any of these going to be done?
no point to sell you anything when you are all in in your coin that is about to dump hard
Still releasing before EOS dapps
Dont get me wrong guys, if eth suddenly got free 4 second transactions then I would be all for it.
It don't have that though so shove you shitcoin bags up your fucking ass.
>Long history without fuck ups, or with the only one, great response from the team without shady activity, aka the DAO hack.
>Fair ICO, good coin distribution.
>founders are some of the best minds in crypto, already made it and have no incentive to do shady shit anymore
>consistently top coin for years
>created ICO bubble
>created shitcoin bubble
>constantly being developed
>started out with almost insignificant valuation, grew organically in response to the value it delivered to blockchain community and alter the world
>weird ICO
>fucked up distribution despite ICO claims
>no support after main net
>no history
>nobody knows how they will respond to any hacks found, no established continuity
>has created 0 value within the blockchain community
>devs are shady and have no history, people cannot trust them yet
>ability to create coins out of thin air and have done that
>delivered no value what so ever yet is 10B
Once ETH implements its POS successfully EOS is finished, along with all other shitcoins.
> no point to sell you anything when you are all in in your coin that is about to dump hard
Welcome to the party pal, crypto in general is fucked right now. We need to cleans it of you fucking lambo tards.
>Once ETH implements its POS successfully EOS is finished, along with all other shitcoins.
Cool and ill be in ETH then. FOr now its worthless shit. Its a 4 year ICO. Go fuck yourself.
>he thinks hes here for the tech
So far the only actual demand is for icos, and the only dapps are dexes to trade ico tokens.
A dapp has to be better than its centralized equivalent to be used. Icos and dexes are better because of regulations.
The demand has to be economical, ie. people have to be willing to PAY for that. Centralized social media takes its fee by selling users' data and showing them ads, but that's impossible in dapps.
Are people really going to pay for 'reddit on blockchain' or wikipedia clone? I don't think so.
that worthless shit, is the reason crypto is worth anything more than BTCs market cap brainlet. its the reason why you are even speculating on EOS.
Well I mean, at least I got the tech. Your shit is so worthless its hilarious. You fucking holding ponzi coins HAHAHA
what tech do you have lmao
just a DPoS copout variation; ETH could do exactly the same if it was willing to sacrifice the reasons blockchains are useful in the first place
pathetic bagholder
>A dapp has to be better than its centralized equivalent to be used.
Dapps offer things non dapps cant really do as easily. / Anonymity + generation of wealth + impossible to deplatform + privacy through encryption.
It also is cheaper for devs who don't want to shoulder the cost of servers.
>ETH could do exactly the same if it was willing to sacrifice the reasons blockchains are useful in the first place
>pathetic bagholder
ETH has gas costs to do stuff. Its fucking garbage, nobody will ever use it for anything. You cant even make a chat message dapp work on eth.
>nobody will ever use it for anything
my siiiiides
the absolute state
Seriously every single idiot acting so smug that either isnt garbage is fucking deluded as hell. You are ... kind of almost as bad as Bcore cucks. I mean those guys are are way worse but you are pretty fucking close in some ways.
At least ETH may one day be not shit. But its years from now.
Gas costs are the reason its decentrilised. if you dont understand why that important just go home.
crypto speculation is already a dream world but you are fucking living in another reality mate
>Gas costs are the reason its decentrilised.
Then its fucking useless. you cant even make a chat messager on the shit without it costing money to send a message. That's fucking hot garbage. Also you might have to wait 9 hours to get the message.
Fuck your shit coin. Fuck you for trying to sell it to anyone.
>crypto speculation is already a dream world but you are fucking living in another reality mate
If you think people will ever find practical use for dapps with 30 minute and expensive transaction times you are beyond help. Your coin fucking sucks.
If EOS bottoms out and an alternative shows up that can function correctly ill go with that instead. Either way Fuck useless shit. FUCK ALL OF IT. This market needs a cleansing. I have never seen a greater need for a enema in my entire life.
lmao you are such a fuckwit
EOS has no technological breakthrough, it just sacrificed everything except speed and fees, effectively making it a glorified database
ETH is solving the problems no one else can; you are correct it isn't currently ready, but it is easily the best bet for first-to-scale blockchain
>Anonymity + generation of wealth
Jow Forums is more anonymous than a dapp because each thread has a separate id. You would have to constantly mix your coins to get the equivalent.
>generation of wealth
Too general to mean anything
>impossible to deplatform
That's only true for eth. Have you read eos' constitution? If you post things you have 'no right to' they are going to get deleted. This definitely means copyright, but likely also hate speech laws.
>privacy through encryption
How? There's no privacy on the blockchain. It's the least private system possible, everything is in the open. Obviously you can post encrypted data, but that works as well for eg. reddit or megaupload.
>It also is cheaper for devs who don't want to shoulder the cost of servers.
It's cheaper on eth because users pay fees. On EOS devs are supposed to pay, yes? That's being touted as one of the main advantages. Which means it's going to be more expensive than normal hosting.
It's impossible for eos to be genuinely cheaper because it's technically more complex and heavyweight. It can be cheaper only if someone is subsidizing costs temporarily.
>lmao you are such a fuckwit
HOW? Because I think its fucking retarded to be charged 5 dollars so I can send 1 dollar? AM I a fuckwit because I want something that actually fucking works?
> ETH is solving the problems no one else can
It has yet to solve being GOOD yet. That's kind of a fucking problem!
> Jow Forums is more anonymous than a dapp because each thread has a separate id. You would have to constantly mix your coins to get the equivalent.
fair enoug. Unless encryption is used then you can have dapps that are even more private than Jow Forums.
>Too general to mean anything
You use coins you get coins. We are talking about coins.
> That's only true for eth.
One problem, ETH DOESNT FUCKING WORK!!! How can you get passed that to think you can argue other stuff? Sure in a fantasy universe where eth DID SHIT. then maybe it might be harder to get people for posting illegal shit. MAYBE. But then once the child porn starts flowing ETH gets ham fucked hard by the CIA. EOS can prevent that shit.
> How? There's no privacy on the blockchain.
Base layer is public, additional layers can be encrypted layers. Its actually not that complicated.
> It's cheaper on eth because users pay fees.
ETH has super high fees because its completed maxed out and you have to out bid people to get in the next block. ETH is fucking slow as hell. IT DOESNT WORK ANYWAY so the fees are barely relevant.
> It's impossible for eos to be genuinely cheaper because it's technically more complex and heavyweight.
The cost of being functional is hard mode for you eth bois.
>AM I a fuckwit because I want something that actually fucking works?
I could write a chat application in less than a day with no fees without using a blockchain
ask yourself why blockchains are useful in the first place
ask yourself why ETH didn't just make the sacrifices EOS is making
ask yourself what "tech" breakthrough EOS is actually providing
>Unless encryption is used then you can have dapps that are even more private than Jow Forums.
that's not how encryption works. If you encrypt something and post the key it's as if you posted something in the open. What's needed is anonymity, which means no way to determine who posted something.
Then how come eos ico happened? lol.
>Base layer is public, additional layers can be encrypted layers
again, that's not how encryption works.
What doesn't work?
>I could write a chat application in less than a day with no fees without using a blockchain.
Which one?
Then fucking do it. You fucking idiot why haven't you? You SHOULD.
> ask yourself why ETH didn't just make the sacrifices EOS is making
I dont give a fuck, it doesnt work so Its garbage. They chose to make it garbage. It will be garbage, it remains garbage. It may never be more than garbage.
Nobody fucking cares if it sucks. Nobody. NOT PERSON outside of this scene gives a flying fuck about how you feel about what you think ETH may one day represent in the future.
Either the shit works or it doesn't.
>Then fucking do it. You fucking idiot why haven't you? You SHOULD.
Wtf? There's no shortage of chat applications, encrypted and not. What's the point of doing yet another one 'on the blockchain'?
>Which one?
can you read?
>I dont give a fuck
and that is why your money is now in a deadend project, you retarded bagholder
>that's not how encryption works. If you encrypt something and post the key it's as if you posted something in the open. What's needed is anonymity, which means no way to determine who posted something.
easily solved using additional methods.
> Then how come eos ico happened? lol.
Non argument kys
> again, that's not how encryption works.
It kinda does.
>Wtf? There's no shortage of chat applications, encrypted and not. What's the point of doing yet another one 'on the blockchain'?
If you can make a chat program that is on chain and is encrypted without charging for gas then you have the base system to do a heck of a lot more.
Also I kind of goad you on as I bet you actually cant because gas costs are kind of part of ETH.
>and that is why your money is now in a deadend project, you retarded bagholder
Your the one holding eth right. You are the one who find 9 hour transaction times that cost 20 bucks to do ANYTHING the future of finance. Not me. You are the one who needs to be on trial for justifying that stuff not me.
I am against that shit because I see it as a deal breaker.
I'm not buying your eth bags guys. sorry. I see no future in that coin at all.
>fastest block speed
>free transactions
>actually an innovating crypto not some dogshit ERC20
Pls go buy REQ Jow Forums
>easily solved using additional methods.
hahaha no. What methods? You have zero idea how encryption works, in your mind it's a magical thing that makes things private.
>If you can make a chat program that is on chain
That's not the question, the question is what's the point of having a chat program on chain. It has zero advantages over existing solutions.
>You are the one who find 9 hour transaction times that cost 20 bucks to do ANYTHING
Um that's bitcoin, ethereum never had fees like that.
It's only 2.2cents (2 gwei gas price) for a simple transfer right now.
hold up brainlet
I never said ETH is ready, I said it's most likely to become ready (not counting """""blockchains"""" who give no fucks about decentralization)
I hold ETH because of what it can become, not because of what it is
>hahaha no. What methods?
Well, this is a different discussion but yeah, its very possible. privacy dapps will be better than things like monero because they make it harder to know entry points. A single airdrop means you cloaked the entire network.
> Um that's bitcoin, ethereum never had fees like that.
Yeah it does, the second you hit the network with even slightly popular dapp and its game over. also last time I used that shitcoin it cost me like 5 bucks to move 50 bucks. WORTHLESS SHITCOIN. It took almost an entire day to do it to.
> I never said ETH is ready, I said it's most likely to become ready
Yeah like I said eth is an ico. Maybe it will come out some day. its garbage right now though.
Peace out guys, welcome to getting told your coin is garbage. But I am getting bored repeating facts about your ponzi.
Any last questions?
never seen a more buttblasted bagholder
The fundamentals are there for a pump but if I’m being real with myself, the market is tapped out on the hype of eos
i mean, this doesn't look that bad
I only do super low risk trades (5 - 10 a year). But I am highly tempted to short on leverage.
> I hold ETH because of what it can become, not because of what it is
Now that coins are starting to come out that are already what they are. Maybe you need to stop hoping for the future and wake up and smell the coffee. We go working shit out right now. Not a year from now, not 6 months.
> never seen a more buttblasted bagholder
> When your technology doesn't work for anything anymore and you need to justify holding it anyway.
please vote so I can dump my EOS bags immediately
>Well, this is a different discussion but yeah
>I have no idea what I'm talking about and I got caught
You haven't even figured when dapps make sense and when they don't, just cargo cultish 'X but on the blockchain'. Exactly like I pictured someone who thinks eos is a good idea.
>Not a year from now, not 6 months
better go vote so we can see if your centralized shitcoin even works, little man
try to sell fast when it goes live; better to dump than get dumped on
> translation
Utilize an airdrop that is distributed in a different mannor to make it behave as a fungible asset and utilize pgp and mixing techniques with the dapp so now anyone on the network is able to message and transfer wealth without having to worry about privacy.
>You haven't even figured when dapps make sense and when they don't, just cargo cultish 'X but on the blockchain'. Exactly like I pictured someone who thinks eos is a good idea.
They make sense for a lot of reasons.
censorship resistant social media + ability to generate wealth(Last time I said this I was asked what wealth is lol) + anonymity / privacy.
I am repeating myself at this point. None of this matters because the discussion is about a coin that takes 30 minutes and costs a couple dollars to use for ANYTHING vs many new coins that dont have that problem.
I'm not buying your bags bro.
>little man
I'm just glad I'm not you.
>censorship resistant
oh so you do care
why EOS then?
Question, how come you never make posts like this about ETH which hs a 55bn market cap? Name one use of ETH besides cryptokitties and ICO scams.
> I dont know why facebook Youtube Twitch and Reddit are censored garbage but I spend time on Jow Forums anyway and I don't really know why. Its the friendly people really.
Alright I am done here. Ill watch for someone to ask a legit question or find a legit argument. But no responding to people who dont know why facebook sucks.
>Game industry was basically powered by Id software in the 90s with its openness to mods.
The Game industry in the 90's was powered by two platforms that had lots of games people wanted to play. Right now the cyrpto industry has way too many platforms like the early to mid 80's and none of these platforms have games or dapps or anything people would want to use either. The most successful is cryptokitties.
you are the one promoting a coin that heavily sacrifices censorship resistance :^)
>censorship resistant social media
EOS is explicitly designed to allow censorship, which you previously said was a good thing:
>But then once the child porn starts flowing ETH gets ham fucked hard by the CIA. EOS can prevent that shit.
Make up your fucking mind
>The Game industry in the 90's was powered by two platforms that had lots of games people wanted to play. Right now the cyrpto industry has way too many platforms like the early to mid 80's and none of these platforms have games or dapps or anything people would want to use either. The most successful is cryptokitties.
The modding scene started with the first Doom and then Quake. However the EOS argument also applies to consoles as well if you want to get technical. Nintendo was a platform that spawned many things.
> you are the one promoting a coin that heavily sacrifices censorship resistance :^)
I'm promoting any coin that actually works. 4 seconds transactions and can handle dapps. Coins that suck or dont work are gabage. I really am just repeating myself guys. Just read the thread if you want to see what I said.
>Make up your fucking mind
Again, its a massive upgrade from facebook, youtube, reddit and fucking twitch where you cant even flash a nipple for half a second before getting shut down.
Its a thousand times better.
If ETH had good dapps we wouldn't be having this conversation. I would be holding eth.