/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς

den exei meinei kaneis around ekdosis

Attached: xmas.png (340x414, 125K)

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λέω να τηγkάνω τέλη του μήνα

is this the new bear thread?

Attached: tumblr_nzllaipYwF1qcusa5o1_1280.jpg (1280x1707, 639K)

Russian worry bear should have Orthodox Xmas boyar hat.

Attached: 00-ria-novosti-infographics-grandfather-frost-and-santa-claus-12-11.jpg (1200x1180, 251K)

which is blue-coloured

Κέλλυ θέλω τα παιδιά ΣΟΥ

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Norway-Greece relations at an all time high lads

Attached: norge hellas.png (2000x1635, 946K)

In Aramaic, next to Yewnanistan and al-Yunan, I believe it would be Yawnan. The other two would also be used, but without the "al". This is very similar to the word for a pidgeon or dove.

Maybe even in those times, their skin was compared to a pidgeon's byproduct by the Persian Empire.


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/tr/ is ded for now. So I came to see you my fellow white brothers.