den exei meinei kaneis around ekdosis
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Parker Harris
Logan Hernandez
λέω να τηγkάνω τέλη του μήνα
Eli Johnson
is this the new bear thread?
Gabriel Torres
Russian worry bear should have Orthodox Xmas boyar hat.
Xavier Sanchez
which is blue-coloured
Noah Brown
Κέλλυ θέλω τα παιδιά ΣΟΥ
Gabriel Gutierrez
Norway-Greece relations at an all time high lads
Ayden Williams
In Aramaic, next to Yewnanistan and al-Yunan, I believe it would be Yawnan. The other two would also be used, but without the "al". This is very similar to the word for a pidgeon or dove.
Maybe even in those times, their skin was compared to a pidgeon's byproduct by the Persian Empire.
Isaac Myers
Isaiah Hill
/tr/ is ded for now. So I came to see you my fellow white brothers.