Daily Reminder to never sell ChainLink ever

Attached: ether7.png (676x143, 23K)

Attached: ether8.png (645x89, 2K)

Attached: ether9.png (1816x265, 47K)

Attached: ether10.png (1089x207, 50K)

Is there some kind off financial elite, trying to fud the next big moon coin to keep us docile?

Attached: ether11.png (508x137, 10K)

I believe that there is an ongoing psyop conducted against link holders to get their coins from them. We were never supposed to have link.

Attached: ether12.png (1681x921, 124K)

Attached: ether13.png (1414x141, 27K)

>can't function on it's own
>needs ETH
>compare it to ETH

you guys are so braindead it hurts reading your cringe posts