Would you date a Brazilian girl?
Would you date a Brazilian girl?
Date? No
Impregnate? Yes
the question is, would she date me (no of course, because no one would date me!)
oh no, not again
you have a strange date culture
you can bet your ass there would be one for you, provided you're not a literal retard
yeah they qt
only if she is cute because im handsome
A qt brazilian talked to me on the train out of nowhere, completely spilt my spaghetti.
yuck no way!!!! >_>..
What’s the Brazilian date culture?
meet casualy->meet a second time->show interest/ give attention ->??? -> you now have a girlfriend without even trying
after that you have to keep going to brazilean parties regularly and get shitfaced on cheap booze (or endure their music).
Almost lost a uni semester because of that shit, fortunately, they go as easely as they come so no hard feelings
Seems like a blessing and a curse, damn. Do you know if any other South American nations are any better or is your experience limited to Brazil?
I'm only familiar with brazileans capable of doing interchange (i.e early to mid 20's, middle class)
the rest of southern america is unknown to me, also they speak spanish and that is a big no for me. Now eastern euros speaking portuguese, that's the cutest shit I've ever heard
exact same disguist all the girls ever looked at me with, that's why it feels so real!
Brazil, meds, MENA, latina - I don't care. They're exotic.Too bad that quality stuff of those are scarce here.
Only if she were brown skinned.