Extremely rich people give out financial advice

>extremely rich people give out financial advice
>Jow Forums dismisses it because they're "boomers"
>turns out they are right and crypto is nothing more than huge bubble

You retards should have listened. Enjoy losing whatever value is left in your portfolio in the coming months.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>turns out they are right and crypto is nothing more than huge bubble
OP you had a decent post until you said this

good luck listening to dinossaurs. the asteroids are coming sooner or later

>the people who manipulate the markets the most also manipulate the media
>they issue fud to make it look like the fud causes the dump when in fact the fud is just there to make the market manipulation less obvious
>fud is timed to prevent bull markets from forming
>the people who do this are the ones who own the systems crypto is designed to replace
>these people dont want crypto to win
>let some people make big gains, then lure in the masses and dump on them
>the dumping has already begun
>we will fall to 3k and then everyone will buy in but it will dump anyways due to market manipulation
>gotta keep the poor people poor by giving them an investment that will suck out all their wealth
>when 3k fails everyone gives up and it just drops now forever and never sees its all time high ever again

>turns out they are right and it's nothing more than a huge bubble
sell then. goodbye. have fun fomoing back in at 3 million

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There are plenty of equally rich people whinadvise the exact opposite.

Pic related is you

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You can try as hard as you like nur there is no way im selling you my bags Warren

>listening to the people who know that crypto is a direct and unstoppable threat to their enterprises
the cost of bitcoin is below mining price for most of the world
a sell-off or a forced bear market would be suicidal for whales

Here's where you are wrong bucko
Very possible we go to 3 and every cuck buys in to get dumped

But manipulation will revive the market when everyone is absolutely done and rekt in the market

When ppl are still actively checking their portfolio waiting for a positive move it likely won't happen

When ppl got rekt and cashed out at 90 percent loss. Don't talk or think about crypto anymore. Kikes and friends alike will enter in slowly. Accumulating for months, keeping it sideways but trending upwards.

It'll finally climb to a decent height. Articles start mentioning bitgoy again
Most will ignore

Shilling articles will keep repeat every few days mentioning the price keeps breaking current highs. Fomo begins

They will make it as unpredictable as possible and dump when everyone least expects it. This is the best case scenario of this vaporware ponzi bubble

Cashing out is a meme it can't be done pajeet

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Buffett told you not to buy bitcoin around 2014 too. How did that advice work out?

Buffet is a goofy
How he made that much investing is throwing funds in random companies 80 years ago and doing the hodl meme

He missed out on so many huge investments like tesla and Amazon
. And just NOW got into apple....buying loads of it high as hell

Cause the rich are going to give away their secrets when said secrets would only possibly create more competition for them and run them out of money.

Lmao the only "advice" they are giving you is either purposely outdated advice or just a flat out lie in order to keep you from competing with them, at least on their level.

buffet adviced to stay away from btc at 200 dollar price

btc is not manipulated .only full of bad amateuer traders who will always lose in a zero sum game

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>turns out they are right

in the short term, yes
in the long term, no

They can't surpress the price after 2020. People holding now will be rich in 3 years.

youre assuming theyre not trying to kill the market because its their competition. youre assuming they cant completely dominate the market at any time to do so. the biggest whales in crypto, the real market manipulators, are people who are already multi billionaires in real life. they dont need crypto, and they dont want poor people to have access to something that could make them money. gotta keep the poor people poor. they will lose good money if they have to in order to keep crypto down.

but then again you might be right, yours is the most optimistic scenario for crypto it seems. and it would keep most people poor and losing money. but some people would lift thmselves out of poverty still with crypto if youre right and they dont want any poor people getting rich period. they would sooner shoot themselves then see more neet faggots from Jow Forums driving lambos

Anyone that doesnt like Buffet is a nigger 3rd worlder

based rapist

>btc is not manipulated
you cant possibly be serious

>loses 90% value in 6 months
>its not a bubble

Lmao wtf are you on about? And if youre going to tell me "muh crypto will change the world" all i can say is that youre partially right. Blockchain technology will change the world, your shitcoins wont.

OP is a wagecuck. Sorry you didn't make it bud

most of buffet's money is in traditional shit. Do you honestly think it would be in his interest to go on record as having stated

Thats not nice

After gaining 2000% in 12months.

Buffet makes money in a way anyone can make money, by investing into dividend stocks and letting them appreciate. If you dont understand the difference between Growth Gambling and Dividend value investing, just save more money for the inevitable booze you will buy :)

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>people that rekt the economy give financial advice

You sound like a fucking moron lmao. And that pic you posted Kek i want to kick you in the head. Btw I’m neutral on all of this shit

Prove me wrong dumbass, Ill gladly debate you

The guy on the left Mr "baby brains" is so ugly, jeez. He doesn't even look fully human. He looks like a living baby brain.

kys dumb anime poster

>very angry emotional posting
>btw I'm neutral
Oh ok

you're dumb as shit dude, Buffet basically got lucky early in life

a normie wagecuck isn't going to get "rich" by investing their pittance into dividend stocks and letting them appreciate.

Look at all the faggots who threw away their life savings on a fucking meme.

lol jealous retards
Only 3rd world morons hate buffet. You dont even know how he made money lol
He started with nothing like you

Nice dubs. Now stfu or I’ll cut you

why are you so fucking shortsighted. I'm investing in crypto with the next 50 years in mind. It's gonna change everything. Oh and btw, it's got very little to do with the actual cryptos out there right now, and everything to do with the technology and the concept behind them. The doubts you're seeing about crypto right now are *exactly* the same as you saw with the internet in 1994. Just a bunch of self-agreeing old people who only understands the world they grew up in, not capable of seeing the massive potential right in front of them. Sure, it might be the case that none of the cryptos out there *right now* are going to be the ones that change everything. But they will come, soon. Facebook wasn't the first social media, but it was the first that got it right.

Prepare to get black-swanned.

I am glad that i put in my life savings in 2014 and didn't listen to people like you, otherwise i would be still poor like you have to try triggering people on a mongolian horse trading card board. Nice life you got there.

friendly reminder that every kindergarter made money in crypto last year, if you cant follow the money stay poor

hi bill

I live in the US and make $85k/year currently but even living bare bones and investing every spare dollar I have after all expenses are paid, the most I can hope to put away is maybe $10k/year and that's if I really don't do anything luxurious like take vacations or splurge on any gadgets or toys.

So I put away my $10k/year and at best I can hope for maybe 10% annual return if I invest in dividend stocks. it would take me like 40 years to become a millionaire at that rate of investing and I consider myself upper middle class. So if it's taking me almost an entire lifetime to make a decent nest egg, how are people even less fortunate supposed to do it?

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wow are you fucking retarded? you only need 10k and you can reinvest dividends and make millions in 20 years
do you even know about yield on cost or the fact that dividend stocks have crashed harder than 1929? stay poooooooooor

>make millions in 20 years
>investing in normie stocks

seriously kill yourself, you're probably one of those grungy middle aged fuckers who wears a stained t-shirt and baseball cap and walks around with a tattered copy of "The Intelligent Investor" trying to talk about normie stocks with anyone that will give you the time of day. Meanwhile your net worth is 4 figures at best.

I know your kind, you're pathetic.

aww are you angry little bitch? Im sorry youve never studied the markets beyond bitcoin so you have no idea how to handle your finances

you probably had no idea Div stocks were down so much, your welcome by the way :)

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3% real return compounded for 20 years does not turn 10k into one mil

>what is yield on cost
>what is dividend growth
>what is reinvesting

Its almost like you dont know the very basics of stocks

Entirely false. This is more like everyone believing the housing market wouldn't collapse in 2008.

you are what you eat

You are gambler's fallacy in action.

>old people are literally retarded and cant understand the future like us young folk
thats a fucking meme, the richest smartest old dudes know the future better then you do, theyre the ones that planned what you think happened organically.

all the while acting like "oh wow i had no idea that was coming" fucking whatever old dudes, im on to you

Joke's on you faggots, I longed harvested baby brains and maid a killing

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I get dividend payments on crypto from gravio. Daily

if you were really so smart, rich, and successful, there's pretty much zero chance you'd be spending your Monday afternoon on this board like this handing out investment advice.

You're middling at absolute best and a completely deluded, mentally ill retard at worst.

Your stock shit sucks balls. That's why most boomers aren't rich, they followed your type of advice and were left holding General Electric stock

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Cryptocurrencies themselves are a really neat economic concept, and have proven to the task of being used to store value and to be exchanged and whatnot. I think the crypto market still has a lot of potential.

Security will always be a risk, however, and will continue to cause these sorts of problems, which is where I can see where these guys have a point.

I wonder if maybe they keep some of their cash in gold contracts or oil or other currencies or stuff like that, and maybe that's the way to go about with cryptocurrencies as well

That's literally just wrong though. Your IQ goes down not up when you get older. That's why older people have a harder time learning anything new.

I see now, since you cant see shit, you try to insult me? Very funny, too bad it doesnt effect me and I still have better investing advice than a delusion tard like you. Maybe some smart guy will listen to me

It's never too late to apologize, Jow Forums

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His daddy was a congressman and they tell him what to buy

Goys ain't buying new iphones every year like the used to

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>"Dumb money" and "smart money" meetup

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>shilling at ATH
Warren Buffet is like so smart in comparison XD
Silly kitty katy, just stick to making music

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>Your IQ goes down not up when you get older.
You better hope this isn't true because yours clearly is starting off low.

rich people only have one financial interest when giving advice to other people, theirs.

>iq is everything
>decades of experience running things in the real world doesnt count for much

This was the "get rich quick" opportunity of my lifetime and I'm afraid I'll never get another.

I gambled. I lost. And I don't think I'll get another shot.

I'm starting to think Anthony Bourdain made a good decision to end it all...

So? Going really fucking high and then losing more than 90% of its evaluation is the literal definition of a bubble. Whats your fucking point?

>implying it wasnt murder

bubble currencies are the new financial paradigm. rather then avoid inevitable bubbles, have a currency thats designed to bubble. and then dont call it a bubble, call it normal. smart

But it is

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Look at all the faggots who sold one year ago for $1600 and still desperately praying for the price to drop back so they can save face

Buffet was privileged. In 60s he invested 100K in some fund of his own or Graham’s fund or something like that. Can a normie wagecuck even afford to invest 100K (not even considering inflation since 60s).

Buffet is a genius, no doubt. But that alone is not the reason of his success. Network, mentorship, luck, timing - all played outsized role to make him what he is today. We tend to ignore because of “attribution bias” he exuded to evoke our own “confirmation bias”

>BTC is $3000
Boomer: it's a bubble
>Rockets to 20K
>Goes back down to 7K
Boomer: See, I was right all along!

buffet was also extremely patient, he had like nothing @ 30, and only became a billionaire when already old. is a genius, but it seems like his goal was 'make the most money in my lifetime'. very good at it, but i don't think most people would be satisfied with that.

Its true you fucking retard. You only get wiser as you get older, which may be confused with IQ. Of course someone who is smart will not become a dumbfuck over the years, but they will drop a couple of digits. Most people peak in IQ on their 20s

>needing $75K to live bare bones
You should not be here.

it depends on how you measure IQ. pretty much any kind of 'IQ test' can be trained for. but it's true brain cells in most part of the brain only die, and they only regenerate in a few regions. therefore sheer processing power only decreases after birth.

Prob by saving more than 11-12% of their income.

I make 33K after taxes and save 25K a year living with my parents.

Kill yourself

His daddy was a congressman, most of them are millionaires

The telavivision presents him as some sort of self-made financial genius and you believed it?

>b-but his daddy wasn't a billionaire
The narrative you are pushing is that he was like us, cut it out

Richfag scoops up cheap dividend stocks and sits on them for like 50 years, while skillfully avoiding the really big wins he could've made like google,amazon and bitcoin.


It really tells a lot about your IQ if you really think someone like Buffett is a genius lol.

Couldn't agree more.


I've seen his salad tossed on Bloomberg 100 million times. It sickens me.

Yeah, these are essentially just puppets of the jew to make us think that we can make it.

100000% accurate.

dollar cost average into positions with solid companies who continuously grow their dividends & earnings. Have dividends reinvested, watch your both your shares & your wealth grow. In a few decades you will make it. You could conceivably retire in your 40's if you do it right. As a 28 yr old boomer it's working well for me right now. I'm also holding 1 btc & 15k stinkies in hopes that I can retire in 2020. If not I'll just retire in 15-20 years, still way before anybody else my age who is wagecucking. I'm also slowly accumulating gold and silver in case dollar collapse isnt a meme

t. can't buy US securities

>old turds say bitcoin is a boobble every year
>eventually bubble pops
>doesn't buy the bottom
You are being a nocoiner in 2014, again.

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Anyone read his daddy's bio? I knew he was a congressman but didn't bother to read it till now.

>After failing to secure a job in the family grocery business, he started a small stock brokerage firm.

>In 1952 Buffett decided against seeking another term and returned to his investment business in Omaha, Buffett-Falk & Co., in which he worked until shortly before his death.

>He married Leila Stahl Buffett (d.1996), who was a descendant of the Stahl family from Estonia
So you can assume this "Stahl" family is rich.
This article comes up if you search for "Stahl family from Estonia", doesn't say anything about estonia though.


>Stanley Stahl was born to a Jewish family on June 16, 1924 in New York City.

Going to try to confirm if they are related. The fact that his daddy was just a (((small))) stock broker should be enough to kill this small town goy fantasy so many have of him.

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Define rich. If you can build your portfolio up to 2.5mill over say 25 years by constantly putting money into dividend stocks and having them reinvested, you can literally live off of your dividends. Even if you are getting 2% dividends at that point it's 50K a year. Definitely doable but you have to commit to living somewhat frugally and continuously put money in

If you can't see the signs
If don't notice the vaporware
The false hope and promises
All the fucking chinks involved with this market (oh how they love scams)
All the Fud that gets attracted to this market
If you don't see these things as alarming you and anyone else is a massive gullible retard.
These are not stocks fuck head, they are not backed by working corporations and companies selling products and real life services.

Now I am not saying it is impossible, but this market is a short-mid term play for anyone with a brain. Notice how everyone, even the hodl faggots constantly check their investments. Because you can very well wake up tomorrow down 90 percent

But go ahead , hedge your bets on a 50 year play. I'm sure the few coins you chose will still be there. All in Link right?

>t-hat's just a pretty symbol conspiratard

Warren Buffet's father was a freemason

About half of the "Stahls" on wikipedia are openly Jewish
like this film producer


and rabbi

It's over for goyim.

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He beat the odds and the meme market is still here .
But he didn't sell the top and take profit. His peon brain tells him if it formed a bubble 3 times and grew abnormally, it'll happen again. The money will just come, even with kikes and involved as well as world attention. And exchanges manipulating the fuck out of prices.

You held from 1x to 1000x and back down. You probably realize the brainlet decision you and ever other early holder made. You tell your self , this time it might be a good idea to sell where ever o think the top is then rebuy.

This, is exactly why it won't happen.

Yes m8
Buffet did it so can you and every other normie who knows the secret

You'll be lucky to break even on your 10k thru divies in 10 years or so. Wew that passive income. You are the miner who bought equipment worth 20k + in 2017

And says he is comfy making 2 dollars a day not including , elect cost, maintenance, and decreasing value of all his coins. Brilliant

"Yep! I moving this one to my crypto cringe fund."

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The mind closes as you age.
The majority of old people are closed-minded.
The exceptions are legendary, however.

>we are now mainstream, it's over guys

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You people all think too short-term. This cycle is over but there will be a great opportunity to load up soon for the next cycle. Don't let them trick you into selling it all.

>life savings
>the life savings of a minimum wage loser
not much was lost

he underestimated how desperate wagies are for hope, if you want to get rich, sell hope.

> rich people get on an 'expert panel' to provide an appeal to authority
> tell everyone that crypto is crap
> they say this with a straight face while Sachs is setting up a crypto desk and microsoft is working on bletchley cryptlets
Really makes you think.