Is decentralised internet really possible or just a meme?

Is decentralised internet really possible or just a meme?

Attached: skycoin.png (1263x800, 80K)

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The Sky vision is so incoherent at times that I think that their vision decentralized internet is not going to happen, simply because they don't seem to have their vision put together.
The mesh networks, when you understand them, have their own problems and are not, by any means revolutionary.
I wish that decentralized net was easy and doable in a year.
But we need to realize that we let the net get to the levels of centralization and censorship so great that it's going to take much more than mesh networks to solve it.

it's really not incoherent, it aims to be a decentralized computer resources platform incentivized by currency. They are working on solutions to manage all computer resources; this is the obvious end game of all these different individual tokens that provide a specific service and a full vision of what crypto is capable of, and the systems like cxo and their messaging framework are designed to do their work off-chain, which is also necessary for this stuff to work.

I don't know that skycoin will be the project to do it but I think their scope is appropriate for the 5+ year look into what crypto can do.

I don't think the developers expect their antennas to completely replace any existing infrastructure, but in areas that don't have high speed internet it lets people build out infrastructure themselves like with this project;

It is a particularly interesting usecase in places that don't have great internet like Africa, and even in developed areas corporations want to have more options for highly available bandwidth that can surpass what the ISPs provide for stuff like augmented reality, and that requires new infrastructure everywhere backed by new network protocols, so I think we could see a lot more involvement than you might imagine from big players. Companies like google/facebook also fucking hate comcast and have spent lots of R&D money on internet options themselves. They don't care who figures out a solution, just that it gets done, so maybe some of them will help

I don't know that skycoin will be capable of pulling any of this shit off but it's a pretty clear vision of the requirements and potential of blockchain in the future

Which problems are you reffering to?

It's a meme unless they are able to launch a dense mesh of static satellites or wire copper to every home and under oceans.
But this is a paradox because if they do this it will become centralized.

Responding to myself
The biggest issue with skycoin is persistent storage. Where will the internet be stored? Personal devices simply do not have the storage/speed/reliability to host the internet. Massive distributed systems are needed with adequate load balancing. Without this it will be too slow and not reliable enough.
Not to mention RF is not suitable for high bandwidth signals.

This: will provide their decentralized storage

>when your coin is the plot of a comedy tv series

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>The Sky vision is so incoherent at times
you think so because you're looking at it as if it was a civilian project while sky is a commodity based digital governmental/military infrastructure that will be the backbone of all power in the world to come.

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Blockchain is a terrible way to store website data. Its too slow to fetch data from nodes all over.

Also fucking kek, relies on the internet to grab data from nodes and combine them. How will the decentralized internet have storage that relies on the internet to gather. Unbelievable.

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its possible but sky wont be doing it, NKN will deliver true decentralised internet

pretty much this
>literally SKYNET
it's amazing that anyone who knows anything about this project (other than the people involved) don't realize that this is either a government/elite secret project or doomed to fail since the proposal that they make will take away all the control that the powers that be have over one of the most important aspects of human life - communication.

That said I will be hodling because if the case is the former (government/elite plot) you can bet your ass that it will succeed.

on the other hand if it is not then at some point there's bound to be some 'big thing' that will create a massive pump idk like maybe one of the big tech companies investing into the project or something

And more short term it looks like it's gonna bounce hard

the problem in a decentralized internet is not in protocols. meshnets have been attempted for over a decade before sky.
The problem is in "how do i lay 10 trillion miles of fiber optic cable and who is going to pay for it?"
The second problem lies in, "How do i broadcast high bandwidth signals over a medium that follows the inverse square law"?

a blockchain *could* maybe help with better privacy and routing. But if any meshnet takes off it will be because of an innovation in antennas, not in sky

The fiber optic cables are already there right? Dont companies like Google benefit from projects like Skycoin to bypass ISP's?

>who is going to pay for it

The people who buy Skycoin, I assume.

just like homes, sure they're already there, but you didn't pay for the parts and labor right? the homeowners did. same thing with ISPs. ISPs aren't going to give away the network that took them a tens of billions to build

This is the right answer, and something I posted earlier in this thread.
Protocols aren't holding us back. Our IP protocols aren't fantastic, but you're not going to get a massive gains from improving them.
The issue is how we can send the physical signals, at the moment, no antennas are going to cut it.

Skycoin is the future pal. Synth will make it happen.

From what I understood the cables are not owned by the ISP's but the bandwidth providers. Most of the cables underground is not even being used, bypassing ISP's would put bandwidth providers in a much better position. Hence why Google would ally with projects like Skycoin

wishful thinking at best. google tried fiber and it failed disastrously for the same reasons. They had to price speeds at $70 a month and no one wanted to pay that.
telecoms own the most fiber because they're the ones who laid it.

In order to get peering agreements with other big networks you need.... bandwidth! Who has the most bandwidth? Whoever owns the fiber

again, if mesh networks take off it probably won't be sky leading the way, they didn't solve anyone's problems

>$70 a month
most cable bills are more than that dude

also i'm 90% certain there is deep state backing for skycoin.

skycoin will take off in areas where there is low to no connectivity. The technology will improve and slowly creep up as post net neutrality surveillance state etc push people to less regulated alternatives.

Once that happens the financial incentive will kick in and then it will snowball from there. It will be helped along by some deep pockets who see it as a way to defy governments and create political tension

This is all part of the plot though. It's all a charade at the end of the day once this takes over the internet and the goyim think they have control of their data and communication it will jjust be surveillance state 2.0 except this time it will be powered by the ones under surveillance


When I lived in Ecuador, my entire town used small antennas for their internet. The main antenna mine was pointed at was 3 kilometers away, line of sight.
Same thing in Mexico. My internet was through an antenna.
Both worked fine with zero problems ever. Hell my $150 a month xfinity goes down more than my internet ever did in Ecuador and Mexico through a little antenna the size of a bread plate.
When I first went to Mexico I stayed in a group of bungalows, 125 in total. There was ONE antenna on the roof pointed at an Antenna 4 or 5 kilometers away. That was the entire bandwidth for 125 units.
Never had a problem once.

>Users dictate the decisions made on the network and the network operates on a web of ((trust)) system where malicious nodes can be cut off from the main Skywire network via collective agreement of the community.

Will this mean Skywire is not censorship resistant, thus not truly decentralized?

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I can guarantee your Ecuador internet was shit, they use antennas because they are too poor for copper


>decentralised internet
it already is though?

its really a communist scheme to steal real money from people.

There is one way to truly decentralize the internet.

And it's not Skycoin.

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Oh it's happening... but Nexus will realise it sooner then them. Their plan is more practical when it comes to transatlantic communication.

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No it just means that an attack on the network by running a malicious node won't be very effective

It's not, your ISP can censor or throttle speeds to for example Netflix if Netflix doesn't pay them, you'll ask Netflix why there website doesn't work and they will say it's your ISP, and your ISP will say there is no problem, it must be Netflix, so the only way to fix it is if Netflix pays/does what the ISP want, that's not decentralized

Guys you are thinking way too ahead in the future. Skycoin without the meshnet is already a successful project. A decentralized, economically incentivised VPN network which is much faster than TOR. The skycoin transactions are fast and basically free. As long as people are incentivised to keep the nodes online, this is a great improvement compared to PoW and PoS. Yes the distribution is currently centralized, but this will improve once they have a better feel how the network will grow.
TLDR: skycoin is a success even if the meshnet is a complete meme.

Was 15meg up and down.. Worked fine for my needs..

This is a fucking scam. Holy shit

QTUM ceo is an investor in skycoin
Ark Founder is an advisor for skycoin
Skycoin has been in development for 5-6 years

Skycoin must be a scam

UN ambassador works with Skycoin. You have to be fucking retarded to think these people dont do their DD

Attached: 0*bT9VgqBLmi0YROij.jpg (1432x704, 261K)

see, shit like this is why it looks like a scam
this faggot is just some social euality professor who has no clue about tech and happens to mention it at a small un spnosored conference
>UN works with Sky hurdur
gtfo you idiot

I'd love to see even a shred of evidence on this.
[spoiler]fud harder, faggot[/spoiler]

>claims to have hundreds of devs on dozens of projects
only see the same 2 people all the time
biggest project so far kittycash alpha
>offices all over the world
can't even find one of them
>hurdur bitcoin ogs, very rich sirs
could only afford the binance listing after they sold the first minerbatch for 3 mio to you retards
only looking for interns to hire

>miner for 1btc
>hur dur faggot, you get a rebate in sky
people from the last batch got exactly 350 sky rebate, some are still waiting for the rebate
look at the price rn

I said proof, not the ramblings of some faggot on Jow Forums

>proof proof proof
just look it up for yourself you retard, or don't
what do you want?
a taped confession from synth?
pic related, the absolute state of skycucks after getting dumped on

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