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> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet? Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.
> When is it coming to my country? The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.
Interactive Brokers >$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access
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Anyone know why IRBT is up 28% over the past month?
Logan Rodriguez
What’s wrong with the car? Want me to come get you?
Michael Ross
When I choose a long-shot I'm always tempted to double down to 0 on the off chance it somehow works out. The higher the risk the more I am compelled to waste my profits from other shit. Maybe I should just drive down to Winstar Casino this weekend. If only my friends were into high stakes poker, I need my gambling fix.
Kayden Baker
I lost 4 dollars today guys I had it all and just like that it's gone
i dont want my wallet to disappear because an exchange gets "hacked"
Christopher Brooks
alright let me rephrase I lost a potential gain of 4 dollars and wound up 39 cents in the hole
John Robinson
cause crypto is for fags
Adrian Gomez
because bitcoin doesnt give me any value. its like owning metal, except metal is at least shiny my stocks pay dividends and grant corporate voting rights and make me more powerful than you
Hunter Anderson
>hes going to miss TESLA 375 short term >hes going to miss AMD 40 EOY
The absolute state of brainlets Calling AMD $40 insane shows you have no imagination
Eli Davis
It won't go a single cent higher than 39.99, screencap this.
Jack Lee
can you start tripping as TeslaAmd5Guy or something? you're shilling is top notch and I need to know who to listen to in the next thread
You guys just dont like crypto because you missed the train. Why would you trade it to make some quick money then go back in stocks? Dividends are pretty slow money anyhow.
Brandon Jenkins
All I would ask is that you imagine the necessary happenings to reach $40. Once you understand this you will understand why I am so bullish on AMD.
Simply search through the thought vector space on AMD over the next year.
Nathan Ramirez
thanks for buying my bitcoin bags last year nigger enjoy your total loss
I missed the train. I don't like crypto because it's a ponzi scheme designed for holders to shill about how much money they made. At some point it reaches capacity and like all pyramid schemes it ends.
It will hold some value but the run is over. If you made money in the run, great move, but it's not anything more than that. Are you telling me random coins that anyone can knock off in a month with a good operation are going to hold value?
Bitcoin has no capacity for growth anymore and it's not a good currency for many reasons it would have to solve.
On the road for work, but I do have AMD as like 10% of my portfolio, I share at least a portion of your confidence. I just think an end of year target is a little too soon for the requisite scenario to play out. Midterms almost always cause insane gains that last till the middle of the next quarter. After that it almost always dips/crashes. If your gonna see 30+ on this bull run its going to be in Febuary.
Andrew Sanchez
Another tip: Always search the space from the both ends. From the origin point and an imagined end point. It's hilarious humans haven't figured this out yet and codified it into common understanding.
If you are searching an imaginary space, you need an imaginary end point. You do this automatically as a human via imagination but might not realize what you are doing algorithmically related to complexity reduction.
Brandon Johnson
That's great. I don't care $40 end of year. Call me insane instead of giving advice it helps you realize you are wrong eventually.
The circle jerk is building on SMG and more and more robinhood users are buying it Flash crash when?
Jace Campbell
Yeah seriously. I can see this thing taking a shit so hard.
Jace Nguyen
I'm tempted to buy puts, but I honestly can't bring myself to bet against a supreme meme
Jordan Sullivan
I agree wholeheartedly. I just used it as a way to basically double my money. I'm basically all out, I think the gas tank is empty and it will just go sideways or slowly lose value with time. The hype is over. I gotta get back into some stocks but i'm also a little worried how much longer we can go before a economic downtown again.
Xavier Bennett
CAG and SYY on watch now. Snagged that cheap T and VZ the past few weeks too.
Ian Kelly
never bet against a supreme meme, that's why you dont short bitcoin, dont short telsla, dont short anything where the """investors""" are acting completely irrationally
Sebastian Watson
i have a bleeding put on it, I hope, but it seems this pump is real. didn't realize intel was actually fucking up and amd has high projected sales still i've got a few months until expiry so i can wait until the hype cools down
Carter Ortiz
>dont short bitcoin Bitcoin is staggering like a drunk bitch until it hits the ground. People like you belong in the gutter or a garbage fire.
Nathan Smith
uhhh you are banned from options now
Jonathan Reyes
The only options I have are SVXY calls, because the golden bull run!!
Also, try out this for some retarded stock picks
Lincoln Watson
Just kidding ignore that link, its fucking gay
Evan Carter
Comfy do you do drugs?
Lincoln Ramirez
I like them a lot, work really well. They've kept me from become an hero, so that's nice Use them for anxiety, depression, sleep disorder and early onset skitzo t. typical Jow Forums user
Is hmny a good buy? Just a few months ago profits in the company went from like 1 mil to 6 mil within 4 months. Also its super cheap. Seems like a good buy to me.
Man, I never was into the pharma drugs so I guess I just improved my life the hard way by getting through it. I refuse suicide to spite all the ass holes in my life that probably want me dead.
Oliver Lee
Fig bro. I hope they help you. I did 10 years on high doses of lexapro and klonopin. Almost ruined my life. Clean and sober for almost 4 years now.
Nolan Jones
Yes. HMNY is going to come back strong tomorrow, just you watch. It's going to be the number 1 on robinhood soon.
Brody Harris
Why do all the tripfags sound miserable :c
Anthony Walker
Life hard, until you achieve what is known as Ultimate Zen :)
Cooper Lopez
That's hardcore, klonopin is a major bitch. I swear crack would be easier to live with. I'm sorry :(
The regional choice where I live is meth and ambien
>bonds only compete with dividend non-cyclical, thats why they dipped so hard this year But they won't dip again for the rate hike this Wednesday because the pain from rate hikes becomes duller as more occur? >Stocks will have the same rate while also doubling in price from this historical dip so your YOC will be double bonds for life, hence why Im buying those instead of bonds I'm aware that dividend stocks beat the hell out of bonds (at the cost of risk) What's YOC?
I can almost hear Lincoln Park playing
Bought FB dip too early and dug myself out with longer term options. Lately it's mostly TLT puts. So, yeah. I don't want to keep doing this though. It's for a rare trade that I have strong conviction on, but it's super fucking distracting and stressful.
>chink stocks I've been fuckin tellin ya, famalam
>HMNY Oh no, another smol spec bites the dust :'^(
meth klonopin and heroin is the superior and budget way to work and live
Camden Cook
Why do you like paddockposting comfy?
Camden Barnes
>Today: +2% Samesies. Don't you just love being a boomer and raping all the smol specs?
This. I wish Nikkei bro would tripfag too. I went at least a full fucking month before I started recognizing and paying attention to his posts
I bought a ton of Bitcoin when it was below $5k. Haven't touched it since selling out at $10k.
>Unironically enthusiastic about holding the bags of a scam artist that literally has (no larpo) dual citizenship to Israel
Never short a meme on an upwards run. Even with options. You get double fucked: 1) it's irrational market behaviour already, so get ready to baghold 2) if it's on the run up, the IV will make the options even more expensive
Nolan Gutierrez
The interview Eric gave a few days after the shooting was the most kino thing i've ever seen. My favorite videos of it got taken down (thanks jewtube), but here's a good one