How do you stave off insane boredom/lack of will to live once you make it?

How do you stave off insane boredom/lack of will to live once you make it?

I saw a story about a dude who had $50 million in XRP, he ended up overdosing because he was taking 80 prescription painkillers a day. Guy had everything but life was insanely boring to him so he just got hooked on drugs.

What is there left to do after you make it? Particularly if you’re still young in your 20s.

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Make a family? Retard

Sex, adrenaline, what are you a focking moron m8

Two chicks at the same time

Play videogames and masturbate like always.

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Are you telling me you're not currently a NEET who does nothing all day anyway? Why do normalfags get bored so easily? Fuckers always having run around making the world a little more shitty every day.

Normans think they have to live like the people they see on their little social media websites lmao.

Set up a startup with a idea you find fun. Hire a group of people you like. Together, research the topic and after a couple of months start offering services.

Basically, do what Elon Musk does, but with a single idea and much scaled down to how much you can handle.

The redpill is that 80% of your life is spent "inside" your head.
Accumulating money will relieve the pressure and anxiety but it won't give you purpose, even people can't do that unless you meet a guru/prophet tier man but vast majority of people never will as there are only a handful every generation

Marcus Aurelius was Roman Emperor at the peak of the Empire, he was basically the master of the world, much more powerful than any man alive today and probably in History.
And yet he spent his life trying to cultivate/build an inner world and meditating on how to live his existence and mastering himself.

The point is you will NEVER be satisfied by material possessions, this man was at the top of humankind hierarchy and he was still struggling on how to navigate in existence.
That's why materialistic ideologies (communism... erm) thinking that a world of abundance would be utopia are absolute brainlet tier, hell western reserve are the richest people on earth and they are the ones killing themselves the most.

Of course someone with that much ripple would be a pill popping degenerate. Remember that not all cryptos are the same.

Being a ruler at peak of an empire is tough work. If you can self reflect, you'd get a dagger in the back.

Not a good example of a supposedly carefree place in life. The upper-middle class has the most effective freedom.

>the redpill is that 80% of your life is spent inside your head
>so you should try to become even more detached
absolute state of stoics

i will unironically keep studying and doing what i currently do

i probably wont be retiring, ever. It sounds fucking boring and i'd kms in months

no idea what that's supposed to mean

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Normies will never admit it's this simple but it really is.

find god

Who cares? Ignorance is truly a bliss and most 99% of the normies will live a happier live than us NEET neckbeards

You can't
The paradox of existence will drive you insane, which is what happens when you are well off and have no earthly worries anymore and all the time in the world.

i already feel like that and i havnt made it

Just join BJJ, wrestling, fencing or some other sport that is technical and requires physical fitness. Stimulate your mind and body and make some friends in your school.

If you have real money, travel and hit up schools in your discipline wherever they speak your language.

But Marcus' son Commodus was busy killing cripples in his private estates and play fighting naked in the Colosseum while fucking underage bitches on the daily.

Which one really lived user?

thats only the first phase, and people always get stuck on it or give up before they reach the next

The most valuable thing a person can do with their life is to advance technology and/or put measures into place to neutralize threats to the species.

All rich people should either be doing this or not working at all. Any other type of job is a waste of time.

Flip a house. It will give you loads of work and it’s a lot of fun!

Best reply

both of them lived, but commodus was literally dead inside

hobbies, family or a reason to live for. Pick at least 1


id love to make it then overdose.

Real best reply

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create a value system and live by it.

do people really have such unfulfilled lives? I struggle to fit everything I want to do in day and always fill like I have wasted it at the end.

find a bitch and get her pregnant. you will have loads of shit to take care of then