What did the REQ bagholder mean by this?

What did the REQ bagholder mean by this?

Attached: rewrwe.png (927x239, 86K)

He's right. How the fuck do you raise 90 million dollars in Ether and have like 10 employees? What in the motherfucking dogshit is that? What expenses do these retards have? Pay all your employees 100k per year, get 30 employees, pay 50k in rent for office space per year and let's fucking get this done you God damn morons. This isn't fucking hard. Not to mention they have hundreds of millions of REQ tokens as well they're waiting to dump on the market.

I propose we start a petition to have Binance delist this shitcoin.

I own 250K of this garbage, and the only thing that would give me pleasure is to deprive the fucking thieving devs of the value still remaining in their pre-mine stack of 200 million tokens.


Attached: 1518111724896.png (420x420, 69K)

that's the state of crypto, not just req, look at eos, 4 fucking bilion for a work that is worth maybe $1m
run your own ICO, it's easiest money ever

Why on earth would Y Combinator back this shit?
Why would PwC (france) even bother to talk to these hippies?
It all makes no sense.

They didn't back it.

They put their name on the ICO, bought 250 million tokens for like 0.01 cents and them dumped them on idiots after the ICO.

Attached: 1471745210454.jpg (2000x2000, 1.69M)

>It all makes no sense.
ofc it makes sense
everything blockchain is a current trend
and nobody wants to miss it if (IF) it gets big
so desperate boomers clinge to these shitshows
dotcom all over again
regarding OP why on earth would anybody think it would be a good idea to give a startup the exitmoney upfront?
they archieved their goal before the first real working day (apart from scraping together some monies to hire a ico-agency) started
what did you morons think would happen?

YC is not backing them up. they are just part of some yc's internal message board where they talk shit and circle jerk.
pwc... don't even go there

lets spice it up with class action lawsuit


I would actually like to see a lot of fraud suits brought against ICOs. Maybe deep into the golden bear run when tokens are down to basically zero.


Attached: justxodia.jpg (475x387, 40K)

You put more work into that image than the devs in those coins have all month.

>no CEO or VC's to pressure the nerds
Honestly, this might be the entire reason why crypto will fail miserably. Because crypto assets are held by the nerds there's no one that can bully them to work harder. You can't threaten to sue someone out of their bitcoins, for ex.

>this might be the entire reason
nigger, are you too stupid to read?
the reason 99% of this shit will fail is because many of the retards get riches upfront
without the work
this is vc backwards
and the only reason the vc's play the game is they profit even faster

ITT: people who dont know how software development works


Attached: req.png (1179x829, 83K)

Why are so many brainlets on this board so retarded?

I always thought this board was full of smart technical people, mostly software engineers, but the longer in here the more retarded people seem.

The REQ team is focusing on building a platform where other devs/companies will build on top of

Fiat integration being delayed was a shame but understanding giving their dependants haven't hit mainnet yet (understandable as you only get one shot to instill confidence (LINK)).

While fiat has been pushed back the team is focusing on building it their platform, not only that but they're sticking to their promise of using ICO funds to grow the ecosystem.

I'd much rather a team making progress and spending wisely than the fucking cash grabbing retards building EOS.

Sometimes I can't tell if people are FUDing to accumulate more or if they're actually this retarded?

I honestly don't think they're larping anymore... it's nice to know there are some technical people here

is it true that theyre waiting for OMG to implement fiat?

>I always thought this board was full of smart technical people, mostly software engineers, but the longer in here the more retarded people seem.
what the hell gave you that impression? Maybe pre-2017 it was decent, people now want to just pump and dump shit coins.

what, you think ICOs are for YOU to make money? oh sweetie. ICOs were always about paying someone else to try and make something, that's all. the funding is for the team, and the end result can't cause your little token to go up in price or nobody will bother adopting it.

>challenged on the fact he doesn't know how software development works


fuck off retard

I know exactly how it works. Dunbass.

They have 5 full time devs tho. not 2.

And they have more than 90m, they got 120k ETH at $280.

They actually have over $100 million funding.

Also they are hiring more people now,so im good.

>muh price

The absolute state

>what are bear markets
>what is a j-curve
>what is mainnet hype
There's actually some decent fud for this coin, try harder

You will. This bear market is still young. Soon you will start seeing ICOs filling for bankruptcy for "lack of fund" claiming that the ETH they received no longer covers production costs (its all bullshit tho, they are just exit scamming). Then you will see a shitton of lawsuits getting filled at thise ICOs. people will then be able to sell their tokens at ico price on an exchange (same thing that happened with confido)

This will happen in a large scale (with some of those ICOs being top 100 in coinmarketcap) and it will be glorious

>thinking anyone cares about the tech

Rewatch 'The Big Short' if you want to be reminded of why I want the fucking tech, the price could drive to zero and I wouldn't give a shit as long as my contribution went towards taking control away from the central banks

i am a REQ whale with more than 10 million REQ, all of which i acquired below ICO price back in october. REQ performed way better than i thought it would in december/january, and i cashed out more than enough to live comfortably for the next few decades.

after cashing out a few million dollars, i let my remaining 10MM REQ tokens ride. however, after realizing the volume for REQ on binance was so drastically low, i figured it was more profitable to actively manipulate the market, than to hope for another bull run of 2017 proportions.

so i dumped.

and dumped.

and dumped.

i found the best time to dump was not when the price was tanking (medium-sized bag holders with 100k+ tokens will take care of that for you), but when the price was mooning - or looked like it was about to moon. here's a secret for you: REQ has some of the weakest bulls of any coin on binance. usually it only takes less than a million tokens, efficiently timed, to crush any small pump and take REQ/BTC ratio back into the red for the day, where it ought to be.

want to know why for the last 38 days on binance, the REQ/ETH chart only has seven - yes, seven - green 1-day candles?

because of me.

want to know why everything today seems to be in the green, but REQ is still struggling to make it back above 10 cents, and has currently dipped to rank #148 on coinmarketcap?

because of me.

i refuse to let the price go up, and i won't for a while. in case you're wondering, that 10MM tokens i let ride now exceeds 13MM, simply from doing this over, and over, and over again.

i am a bagholder's worst nightmare.

Larper of the worst kind

>Spends most of his day deluded thinking they're a millionaire

It’s exactly the same as if the Cowboys signed someone for 5 years and gave them all 100 million up front. How hard do you think they would work?

good post :) you are a big important person, aren't you? yes you are.. yes you are!

>crypto is the most competitive tech scene in the world

wut? you get tens of millions of dollars for a white paper that you can copy paste in 5mins lmfao

This is the case for all crypto, actually. T.A. aside, this WAS the bubble - throwing huge sums of money to teams that have sub par ideas and lousy implementation. Look at Link - we gave 25 million fucking dollars to a guy with a philosophy bachelors degree and some random faggot from telegram.

That's what the tech and dot com bubble was - throwing big money and small and unattainable ideas. We are now transitioning into the working product period - the TRUE mainstream adoption is coming. Remember the Amazon meme chart? Big bubble then it burst and then in 2008 it went up again? We just burst, and we will go up again, but later. Of course, it wont be ten years because crypto moves extremely fast. In 1-2 years the working, useful products will boom, but for now we wait and accumulate.

i'm a software developer and sold my tokens for almost an 80% loss after the AMA and "fluid" roadmap.

AMA if you don't believe

You have no idea what you’re talking about. YC invested $125k in the team, as they do in all YC incubator startups. They then completed the YC program in Winter 2017. You’re an idiot.

fuck off. i have more req than you. you made your money, now go PnD some other coin you larp

I've never really let FUD get to me much for the coins I hold, but REQ is really getting close to being an exception. Really an astonishing about face from a few months ago when everyone considered REQ the most professional team in crypto. Behind those biweekly updates was a whole lot of dick-all going on though, it's turning out.

I get not marketing before you have a product, but their mainnet is out and nobody is fucking using it. They need to start shilling to people. Pair that with how they scuttled fiat and how they keep adding fucking projects to their plate without making any progress on their current ones (payments, accounting, crowdfunding, they're getting into fucking supply chain as if that space weren't saturated enough already). The project is so scattershot and their business strategy so schizophrenic that they're starting to remind me of skycoin, except without the OG crypto cred or meme miners.

The wikimedia fiasco was literally nothing compared to the rest of their problems (hell, wikimedia france were straight-up fussy little cunts about the situation and 95% to blame)

Attached: 1523327214898.jpg (800x800, 132K)

Its over isn't it? :(

Attached: reqed.jpg (1747x929, 294K)

guys just forget about req
the team doesnt care about the project enough to market it yet

Jesus christ you are a persistent larper.
No one believes it. The token really is just that shit.

I mostly agree with you, but I think there was a grain of truth behind Wiki France’s tirade about Req’s poor communication. Req didn’t provide proof to the contrary. The team is too scattershot right now and need to focus. They’ve also grown more silent on social media which is concerning.

honestly it never shouldve gone above ico price
blame reddit for that

they literally said they were partnering with wikipedia and posted their image in the update before they got called out for lying.
the team is full of fuckups

Also companies like Ethos snd Cirqle (retailer) have approach Req about partnerships on their slack, but we’ve heard nothing about these. I wonder if all this dumping has to do with insiders concerned about the team.

Seriously, it wasn't even two months ago we all took it as gospel that REQ was the future of crypto payments. I don't think a soul alive believes that shit now.

There's FUD, and then there's legit disillusionment. Deluded bagholders think they're one and the same, as if it's not possible for a team to fall flat on its face and never get back up again.

Given what we know about where they're at and the limited manpower they have behind their various pet projects, I can't imagine what they could possibly deliver in the next half year that could reverse public perception and pump the price. They don't have a mainnet or plasma or casper or huge teased-about partnership on the horizon. Just nothing.

plus I love how theyre bullshitting that theyre competent enough to be looking into scaling.... even put it as a top priority on their new roadmap. everyone knows theyre waiting for ethereum to scale. not fooling anyone

“Hey, you’re Bobby Jenkins right?”
>”I sure am, how’d you know that?”
“Oh, well I went to school with your mother Suzanne!”
>”Um, sorry lady, my mother’s name is Sarah”
“Oosh, that’s awkward, I guess I’m just getting old!”

One day later...

“Hey Bobby. It’s interesting, I looked you up in Facebook last night and saw a post that said “Happy Birthday Mom!” The only woman pictured in the image was tagged as Suzanne Jenkins. But you said explicitly said your mother’s name was Sarah!”
>”Honest mistake! I accidentally said my sister was my mom!”

Narrators note: This is EXACTLY what the Request Foundation did to Wikimidedia France when they claimed a partnership with the wrong organization. How can you not know who you’re partnered with? It’s sad, fraudulent, weird, and creepy.

This sounds a lot link ChainLink