the arbynator edition
vegan approved ;)
schizo is 173 cm hahahah
Fuck conservatives
can't stand nimblenombles
why do all the schizos congregate here
Donald Trump, The First King of America
mercian and danish blood courses through my veins
wow Dutch architecture is really good
Haha imagine if your ancestors were like some big viking king back in the day and now you're just a confused peasant
NEED an absolute UNIT gf
The lads
weird that as you go down the hill they get taller so the roofs make them appear to be on the same level
i'm racially insensitive
me haha
Asian century incoming
da iawn
they opened two taco bells in my city without me realising it
Me? Both of my names mean God in Old Norse. It's Nomen Omen innit, I'm a God
I support Mercian nationalism
britain cries out for brutalism 2.0
hello non white
People who have been convicted or pleaded guilty since Trump became POTUS
-- Trump's personal attorney
-- Trump's former campaign chairman
-- Trump's former WH national security adviser
-- Trump's former campaign adviser
-- Trump's former deputy campaign chairman
why would you imply that?
Taco Bell is Peng
yeah quite nice imo
it's in an old town so i imagine theres a fixed roof height limit
found a girl for the juggernaut
first name biblical
last name occupational
full name sensational
i support breaking up the uk but i don't see why england should split up
Hebrides independence WHEN?
Good film
any corbynistas in
>Tory MP Priti Patel suggested UK could use risk of food shortages in Republic of Ireland as leverage to get a better Brexit deal
am I the only one who doesn't do MD in nightclubs?
does NEW south wales actually have any connections whatsoever to (south) wales
is this the only relevant OC brit has made since tim edits
Ebinburgh :DDD
support Corbyn against the rest of the Labour party but also admit he's completely useless, it's just better to have a useless leader than a malicious one.
*adds this thread to my cringe compilation*
Your sister is your mother
Your uncle is your brother
You all fuck one another
The Garcin family
is the etymology/history section of Wikipedia broken?
why are conservatives so evil lads
off to macdonalds for an edinburger
the whole fucking country needs to look like poundbury
cook thought the coast looked a bit like south wales
how do you dirty talk?
there may be a girl coming over in a bit and i've been told my foreplay game is lacking
These are questions that people do ask themselves. People ask why they can’t have a better standard of living, but they also have this thing in their heads asking what it’s all about. One of the reasons we have politics is because it gives answers to those sorts of questions. In Britain, for example, the Labour Party was born out of religion because it will give you a sense of being part of something that will go on past your own existence.
If you live in a world driven by individualism, what it doesn’t answer is what goes on when you die. I made a film about that arch-individualist Ayn Rand. She was interviewed towards the end of her life by an American television journalist who asked her what she thought would happen when she died and she said: “I won’t die. The world will die”.
It sounds silly, but what she actually means is true if you are an arch-individualist. If you are complete within yourself and don’t owe anything to anything else, then the whole world is in your head, and when you die it will go. I often think that one of the reasons why there is so much pessimism around, especially among the baby-boomer generation, is that they cannot face the terrible fact of their own mortality. So what they have to do is project that onto the whole planet.
If you take climate change, which is a serious issue, it’s been co-opted by pessimistic baby-boomers and turned into a dark nightmarish scenario, rather than saying that we need to restructure power and resources in a way that could make the world a better place. That would have been a really good way to deal with climate change. Instead, it got possessed by a dystopia which I think reflects that generation’s fear of mortality because they can’t see anything going on beyond their own death.
Now THAT'S a business idea
the whole fucking country needs to look like the barbican
Fear is the mind killer
THIS but with saxon characteristics
poundburied your nan in the outside tree part of B&Q
All of Alba should speak Gaelic
controversial opinion: as far as modern architecture goes, brum selfridges is unironically decent and dare i say it, peng
*smiles smugly*
it's CONTEMPORARY architecture bro
*thinks about how much of a paeon you are*
Was ST George white?
He came from Syria....
as far as modern architecture goes - and if i had my way it would be off a short pier - no one person has contributed anything worth half as much of a second thought as prince charles
gimmick older than time
>Poundbury is an experimental new town
Extremely good posts
You arrive at the Eco-Technocratic Republic of Neo-Alba
very much so
He would have looked like today's turks
went to edinburgh once
pros: very peng old architecture and kino historic setting, the castle overlooking the entire city seemed almost surreal at first
cons: literally and unironically more expensive than london and i met more yank tourists than actual scots
Mr Curtis: But you would agree that politics is not about desperately trying to hold the world stable. You can’t hold the world stable in the face of history. The ideology of our time, especially amongst the liberal middle-classes, even more than the conservatives, has embraced the idea of trying to hold things stable and static.
The Economist: It’s interesting that you should say that, because if you think about well-educated, progressive young people who desperately want to make the world a better place, it’s all about mitigation. On the micro level, almost all the young people I know really want to stop Brexit, and on a macro level they want to stop climate change. Both of those huge projects are about reverting to a status-quo.
Mr Curtis: That’s why I’m deeply suspicious of both of them. Not because I’m pro-Brexit and not because I don’t believe in climate change. I just think the response has been co-opted by that liberal managerial mindset, which is sort of sad. One of the reasons why you don’t get a response to climate change reports is because they’re dressed up as managerial things. They don’t say that this could be part of an extraordinary new kind of future.
As Chinese Stocks Plummet, Beijing Rethinks Trade with U.S.
why not just pebbledash it
Reminder: There are 7.7 billion too many people on Earth
so he's a paki?
white is a meme yank term when you think about it
he wasn't british or even close though that's for sure
hes not from pakistan so no
*dashes a pebble at you*
pebbledash my bollocks orrr yeah that's it luv get right in the nooks and crannies
What do I get the gf for her birthday lads this is breaking my head
pound me
bury yourself in my boipucci
whites need to start acting like the minority that we are.
Need entire country to look like a PoundBakery
white was a term invented by the british though (technically the Spaniards but nobody cares about them though)
NEED her to do the folowing to my head haha
999 out of 1000 bouts of depression can be fixed with regular exercise and a healthy diet
a good social and romantic life is even better but just the first two can be enough
i am unironically severely depressed though because i can't be arsed to eat well or exercise and get drunk every single day
Calvin Klein women's fragrance
NEED a germanic town hall