Have one oportunity at life

>Have one oportunity at life
>Be born in venezuela right before the revolution took over
>See as your future becomes darker
>Your only choice to have any semblance of personal/profesional growth is to become an immigrant with an uncertain future in unknown land
>See how much of the western world gives more attention to muslim trash in a far away corner of the world instead of hispanics that are more in touch with western ideals and values

Why is life like this?

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So you can be an individual of your own merit and doing instead of expecting the charity of foreigners just because you are alive? If you hate it so much then how about you do something to make your life suck less instead of cry about being brown.

just move to usa and fuck some white chicks

God loves you thats why he tests you more than degenerate westerners

post pics of your outside

I take it you dont know shit about this place or its history, that or youre just another dumb dumb thinking i want gibs like your basketball americans

usa is the last place i would move to desu

but poland ;-; god has a very tight grip

its night time, im not gonna go out with my phone to snap a picture.

very tight indeed. Just survive my friend, you will be rewarded in old age. All great men grew in difficult conditions.

thoughts on iran sending warships to the venezuelan coast?

if you have a sister or female friend aged 18-20 i will marry her and give her a better life in Canada

I dont think i will live to my old age.

attempt to show strenght, nothing more, the goverment wanna "flex" because they cant engage in any warfare and hope to win in their current state.

just have an older half sister and shes already married to a gringo with money

You got two options my little brown imp friend. Option one, easy mode, would be to immigrate to a first world country. Option two, hard mode, would be to stay in Venezuela. Option two is better in the long run. If I were you I'd get educated and do some type of work that deals with oil, since your country is number one in that.

>stay in venezuela to work in oil

The national industry is in shambles, if you dont suck the balls of the party you wont get a job in the field, which is already full to the brim with corruption and the workers are also underpaid, the working conditions are also more dangerous than ever with little maintenance to the refineries.

Do you know that some years ago one of the biggest plants blew up and killed around 50 people and the families never got actual compensation?

staying here is a death sentence, unless youre a crook

Come to Australia, id take Venezuelans over the hordes of chinese and arabs any day

remember that time the venezuelan army shot 276-2000+ impoverished civilians for rioting over economic crises and corruption a few years before their president was impeached for stealing money?

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do you have any relatives here? You could move here to at least make some decent money in the meantime while things go back to normal over there

australia is too far and expensive to move there desu

that happened before i was born, and the protesting was actually because the goverment was going to raise the gas prices which were basically free to sustain the economy and not make it such a handout which was a strain on the industry inside the country.

Solo tengo a uno de mis mejores amigos en bogota con un local de tatuajes, me ofrecio quedarme en su apartamento mientras me establecia, lo estoy considerando muy en serio.

Ya tengo experiencia trabajando alla en colombia en 2015 pero solo lo hice por que no tenia clases de universidad por los paros y fui 3 meses.

when it becomes safe, pls host me

I already hosted a pole in like 2012, took him to some places over two different states, was fun, but he was a bit of a prick when he got pissed because he thought i was lost.

Come here and give some American girls your uncut brown dick.

Im pretty white passing for south american standars, and my dick isnt dark desu

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>instead of hispanics that are more in touch with western ideals and values
ah, implementing communism. So relateable!
no, you're just livid that your country is so incompetent that even with the biggest oil supply in the world its still a nightmarish dystopia

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The kind of Westerners that want mudslimes to immigrate here also think that the Venezuela kind of socialist government is a good idea so your people don't need any saving from their perspective

The goverment is incompetent and corrupt yes that isnt news

we are kind of a cold war country if you think about it, same as cuba.

Didnt he say they were never gonna try anything militarily, only more lax immigration laws and what not?

You know, I didnt think about that, youre probably right.

Is the venezuelan situation known in your country?

I hope you people kill those lefties :(

Venezuela was a mess before Chavez and oil tends to have a destabilizing effect on countries.
>Venezuelan oil minister and OPEC co-founder Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo presciently warned in 1976: "Ten years from now, twenty years from now, you will see, oil will bring us ruin... It is the devil's excrement."

Iran is sending warships to the venezuelan coast. They definitely will have mexico and cuba's support. Russian is doing its part too sending planes

I guess americans aren't too happy about this and will probably deploy warships across the caribbean

>if I put other immigrants down maybe the white man will like me!
Kill yourself

Is your fault for not having a change in politics and economy after Chavez died like the cubans sort of did.

Is it possible for your cunt to not have an oil related chimpout every few decades?

Cuba seems far more politically stable though, it also seems like they are slowly moving towards reform. If Trump is defeated in 2020, the next president will probably seek to end the embargo and I suspect they will start to modernize quickly. I don’t have the same hopes for Venezuela unfortunately, it seems like corruption and crime is much worse there since you are not shielded by water in all sides.

Yes we were a mess, and chavez only made it worse, this isnt unknown my dear tea sipping user.

Imagine if venezuela was the starting point of WW III ? that would be one hell of a bogaloo.

>dont you dare talk bad about my fellow muslims

>sort of did

kinda hard when the army sides with the goverment and guns down civilians that protest against them. Also cuba hasnt changed much, theyre still ruled by a single party with hardline doctrine and very small liberties, cuba is barely having 3G now and its expensive for the average person to afford.

We havent had "chimpouts" since the early 90s and the most recent protests were squashed by the goverment militias and secret police using live ammo on civilians with the thumbs up of the party

>cuba seems far more politically stable though.

Youre not wrong, they are since they have squashed pretty much all dissent with an iron fist and only allow for petty demonstrations of discontent.

>I suspect they will start to modernize quickly.

Their economy is still very limited, and the party is very hard on the market/workers, they have been making reforms because they realized they couldnt keep leeching off other nations forever since the USSR collapsed, but theyre still a far cry from being anything close to even us in terms on industry in the last century.

>I don’t have the same hopes for Venezuela unfortunately, it seems like corruption and crime is much worse there since you are not shielded by water in all sides

Neither do I, we have too much cuban influence in our goverment and they wont change, they have been slowly eroding institutions and centralizing power under one single umbrella to have total control, they basically created their own congress after they lost the elections some years ago, and used the army to enforce their decisions by force.

Anything they cant take by votes they do by force, and since nobody else is armed, well...

would be one hell of a plot twist I always thought it would've start in the ME or Asia. We are too irrelevant to be dealing with this

Why can't Venezuelans and Colombians just get along?

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Just start writing petition and demonstrating, surely lenient leftist government by people for people eagerly listens to your worries unlike capitalist hellholes where we poor beggars have to suffer under exploitation and misery. Don't listen to imperialist lies, listen to good Father Maduro. Everyone under capitalist oppression is starving even more than you. :^)

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>after my doubles

I-im scared user.

Any sort of war will fuck up this entire part of the continent, and im sure superpowers would make it a proxy war too probably, the gringos wouldnt want to have a big shitfest like this right at the doors in the south.

We get along for the most part desu, you only see idiots being xenophobic out of some retarded patriotism, we were all the same country at one point too and we share a lot of things in common.

finland please :(

average joes do get along tho, it's just the our autistic governments the ones who don't

Hasn't crime always been skyrocketing in venezuela? Chances are, any refugees that europe take are probably criminals.

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That's good to hear

How is the tv show Narcos viewed in Colombia?

yeah they wouldn't allow it even if it means invading both of our countries. Why can't we just have nice things instead?

not many people know about it, only middle class, gen x-ers, and zoomers who watch netflix. They're for the most part not fans

>They're for the most part not fans

Why? Inaccuracy? Or the Pablo actor's bad accent?

Yes for the most part it keeps getting worse and worse

but one of the things to apply for refugee status would be to have a clean police record, and forging one is quite expensive here with the corruption as it is.

Well youre part of nato already arent you? Means the USA would be backing you up if shit hits the fan in any case

I wish we could have nice things and peace without having to worry about the guerrillas or the extremists here :( so much potential wasted

in my experience not very popular, the show was made for other countries, not for them

>one of the things to apply for refugee status would be to have a clean police record
so you really did look it up my friendly chavista.

Están bien vistos y tratados los venezolanos en Colombia? Cuándo estaba allá tuve la impresión que a ellos no los cayeron bien ver tanto inmigrantes de Venezuela en su país.

Has intentado con Canadá? Québec es muy fácil inmigrar si estás listo a aprender francés, tenemos una comunidad muy grande de Colombianos (y quizás venezolanos pero no estoy seguro) dónde vivo. Podría intentarlo.

Espero que todo va bien para tú. Es muy triste lo que está ocurriendo en su país, ojalá cosas van a mejorarse.

Look look, Nicolas Maduro is based saviour of Chavismo! You are doing very well under his excellent leadership! Read these raving pieces about him by prestigeous Pulitzer Price winning The Guardian.

>Maduro was until recently known for having a very different persona; he was admired for his quiet demeanour and sensible pragmatism.
>"He is a quiet and serious man. A very good orator and clear thinker," said Agustin D'Attellis, an Argentinian government adviser who has attended several meetings with Maduro.

> Chávista standard-bearer Nicolás Maduro defeated challenger Henrique Capriles, thus assuring continuity in Venezuela after the death of the former president, Hugo Chávez, last month.
>Most of the western press has been unsuccessfully forecasting imminent economic collapse in Venezuela for 14 years, and this theme has been prominent lately. The press, which relies almost completely on opposition sources, will be wrong again.

Surely you jest venezuelanon, surely you jest, you live in most blessed country on earth. Don't be fooled by imperialist capitalist propaganda, you are doing excellently in comparison to us poor souls over here. Viva Chavismo!

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I think both, but accent is the main turn off

I know. In a parallel universe, we were never liberated by bolivar and gran colombia would be in a sort of spanish commonwealth, kind of like australia or canada. We'd be rich as fuck with all our oil but we'd manage it properly like norwegians do

Should've practiced baseball more to make it out

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la mayoria que son trabajadores son bien vistos, la pequeña minoria que comete crimenes es repudiada. pero eso aplica en cualquier pais y con cualquier nacionalidad y nosotros sabemos lo que es ser estigmatizados al decir nuestra nacionalidad, quiza por eso no somos tan duros con ellos, porque hemos pasado por las mismas

>We'd be rich as fuck
and proceed to get flooded by millions of immigrants who are fleeing incompetent governments and shitty economic situations.

Now you know why first world countries don't want you guys.

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Time to go throw some rocks

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I'm so sorry man. I hope you're able to escape your country or things will get better in your country.

I'll keep you in my prayers

>spanish comonwealth
>rich as fuck

this cuck

>so you really did look it up my friendly chavista.

I dont understand, I just think its common sense to ask for something like that out of people asking for immigration/refugee status its done in several countries in south america now, i think its a normal thing

>Están bien vistos y tratados los venezolanos en Colombia?

En general si, a mi me trataron bien cuando viaje hace unos años, eran amigables excepto uno que otro viejo que parecia resentido por alguna razon.

Todo depende tambien de como te presentes y tu actitud.

>Has intentado con Canadá?
Canada ha rechazado mas peticiones venezolanas que antes, estan modo fuck off were full apparently, una prima aplico luego de estudiar ingles alla pero no la dejaron volver, estaba en alberta.

plus i heard your immigration is very strict in general, french wouldnt be hard to learn desu

Ive read all about it, anybody that praises maduro is basically a paid shill for propaganda measures.

What sucks is that even though I know youre doing it ironicaly, theres a ton of people that actually fall for this and in other online sites ive been called an FBI paid agent to discredit the revolution, which is part hilarious and ironic on their behalf.

I was talking about that with people while working out today, if we wouldnt have separated we would be some sort of south american powerhouse, it wouldnt have been an easy cruising either, but we would have probably rivaled/surpassed brazil by a mile

funny enough, one of my distant cousins on my father´s side did, he played for the yankees.

si basicamente a mi me trataban bien, me hice amigo de la gente alrededor de donde me quedaba en bogota, y aparte de la gente del jefe en donde trabajaba que era un maldito con todos, me llevaba bien con los trabajadores.

We would take them in anyway, south america has always taken residents from other nations when they were under difficult times.

Is that mike ross?

>We would take them in anyway
whenever someone says that, they think, maybe a few people here and there, at most a couple of thousand that need a helping hand and move on.

They never thinking of hundreds of thousands of people every month straining everything and everyone and taking years for them to even get one foot out the door.

Look! Venezuelans love Chavismo so much!

>'Hugo Chávez lives!' they chanted as they gazed at the casket
>"He was a world leader, a father," wailed Yoceida Morales, 47, a civil servant, breaking the silence. She rubbed a picture of Chávez and two of his daughters with her hair.
>"I feel so bad. I feel a lot of pain," said Astrubal Sembrano, 47, a building site guard, holding a Venezuelan flag.
>Families watched from balconies, agog, as wave after wave from the city's outer rings, Caricuao, Macarao, Las Adjuntas, Artigas, San Juan rolled into the city centre, a roiling psychodrama of defiance, love and loyalty for an unforgettable leader they called their own.

I'm sure OP is just some far-right terrorist, the same type who steals food from shops causing shortages and sabotages power plants causing blackouts.

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nibba prove me wrong instead of laughing. I'm open minded and willing to be proven wrong, but please don't use the cuck card, use solid arguments explaining why being independent with the good chunk of braindead population that we have is somehow better than being governed by a competent body (not necessarily spaniards)

>we would have probably rivaled/surpassed brazil by a mile
brazil and mexico would team up and declare war on you guys.

>People still believe in left wing economics

Legit dont get how people still fall for this shit

Come to Florida amigo, acá se habla español

>still thinks we are independent.


We took around 5 million colombians since the 70s when the oil took off and they were displaced by the guerrillas and what not, we have a large history of taking people from other nations, we also took people from chile and europe, you dont know our history my gringo.

stop :(

Brazil wouldnt have had the capacity to do much to us, if you take into account how much american investment was placed here too.

Also mexico would have lost resources and with the military history we have they wouldnt have made a profit of it.

they never lived under actual leftist economics i guess

Getting a visa to the usa is hard as hell now, and expensive to live, plus i got no contacts so i´d be have nowhere to live in an unknown place with very little money to start over.

Veo veo. Se puede ver solo con el accente que alguién es de Venezuela o de Colombia? Hubiera pensado que había una diferencia mas grande adentro de Colombia mismo con el accente paisa o caribeño. Si lo recuerdo bien ustedes tenían estos carteles de campaña política en marzo que decían algo cómo "no hacen que terminamos cómo un otro Venezuela, vota por mi!". Me hacían reer desu

Esto me enoja. Canadá no es tanto cómo los memes, Trudeau siempre dice que el país está muy abierto a los extranjeros, pero todavía es tan difícil para la gente que quiera trabajar de entrar aquí. Has intentado o sólo te confías a lo que has oído?

Y al mismo tiempo cómo has dicho en el OP, nosotros hemos aceptado a 35 000 "refugiados" sirios así, sin pedir papeles o pruebas de calificación.

I don't know what to tell you, you could do what my dad did and come as a refugee. If you could find a way to Puerto Rico you could somehow get a boat and come saying you're Cuban

I think I remember you from a thread way the fuck back. I remember asking you how fucking retarded it was to major in food science in venezuela. Did I get the right guy?

Also, go to canada, the leafs killed all the natives and made all the extra room for you.

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>tfw my friend who is a NEET got a green card and lives in Florida
>plays vidya all day while smoking weed, got a driver license for almost free compared to Canada, sometimes work for Uber Eats

Still dont know how he did it desu

How many peopel there still believe in the gobbernment? One guy told me police and army are being (i can't remember if directly or indirectly) threatened that their family woudl be taken if they don't do their job. Is it true? Are there many policis who believe in the system?

MUSLIM alpha MEN conquer europe thats why they are taking them

you are a colony member slave who still sucks wh*Te dick because wh*Tes killed all natives who stood up against wh*Toids
you are like a domesticated dog, a housepet while MUSLIMs are LIONs roaming on streets devouring any wh*Te pussy they find

thats why wh*Tes will never help you, they only help BLACK(ALPHA) men who dominate them

Like the chico said, if you have contacts you're in. It's not hard to have someone sponsor you and then after a couple of years you get your green card and later citizenship. Just have to wait until we get a Democratic President and Senate again

Venezuela is NOT in crisis, don't listen to fascist agitators! The only people protesting are just rich capitalists angry that they can no longer exploit poor people! Listen to Father Maduro, listen to The Guardian!

>few rich areas like Altamira, where small groups of protesters engage in nightly battles
>Walking from the working-class neighborhood of Sabana Grande to the city center, there was no sign that Venezuela is in the grip of a “crisis”
>The metro also ran very well, although I couldn’t get off at Alta Mira station, where the rebels had set up their base of operations
>before Chávez, you had to pay to get in, and the residents here, I was told, were disappointed when the less well-to-do were allowed to enter for free. The restaurants are still crowded at night.
>These people are not hurting – they’re doing very well.
>Walking past the crowd that showed up for the March 5 ceremonies to mark the anniversary of Chávez’s death, it was a sea of working-class Venezuelans, tens of thousands of them.
>Polling data finds the protests to be deeply unpopular in Venezuela
>Perhaps Kerry thinks the Venezuelan economy is going to collapse .. But the economic situation is actually stabilizing .. Shortages will most likely ease in the coming weeks and months.


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>Get to a first world country from a third world shithole
>spends the rest of his life on gibs playing vidya

God fucking dam, people in venezuela probably would murder entire villages to scrape dry shit in restrooms if it means living in canada.

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>Democratic Senate again
You are out of your god dam mind if you think the house of rep is ever going to get a major shift like that, and without a voter backlash.

BASED cronic shitposters, completely unable to let a thread go by without memes.

El acento costeño es similar al acento de Zulia
El acento Santandereano es similar al acento Gocho
El acento llanero de aca es similar al acento llanero de Venezuela

Pero un costeño colombiano y un costeño venezolano tienen mas en comun entre si que un costeño y un paisa o un costeño y un rolo

Creo que funcionaron bastante esos anuncios politicos, En cucuta casi el 80% de la genete voto por duque, pero en Bogota y barranquilla gano petro, porque en esas 2 ciudades los SJW han ganado bastante terreno. En el Choco (donde viven los negros) tambien gano petro por los gibs

>spends the rest of his life on gibs playing vidya
Don't you need to work to keep your greencard?

You wanna bet? I bet we'll go back to 2008 in 2020 with full Democratic control until 2022. I promise you it'll happen if this bullshit trade war doesn't stop

>mfw in the 80's Peru was worse than Venezuela
>mfw there's not even as much as inmigrants as venezuelan expats
>mfw venezuelans don't care about their country to save it

What's the fucking problem with Caribbean nations? Don't they have national pride at all? I would be ashamed if all my countrymen would go away to try and have careers and shit without trying to fight for their country. This shit wouldn't happen in other places like Chile or Peru, but in Venezuela apparently it's easy: Look for personal gain rather than national well being.

Fucking venezuelans jumping the boat is disgraceful, and they deserve xenofobia every place they go to

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Look closer, that and all my greentexts are actual text from The Guardian, a multiple Pulitzer Price wínning journalistic golden standard of Europe. Surely it has no agenda, surely. Gotta conclude from their top tier journalism OP is liar and Venezuela is doing great surely. Viva Chavismo! Viva la revocusion!

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How long until you idiots elect another republican that promises stupid shit like space wall or something?

I don't know, soon? You win elections by promising stupid shit, Sanders wanted to make college free for everyone when it's pretty much free in many states if you're a good student

Oh come on. I am just gonna believe it was actually photoshopped and close the thread to aovid being proved wrong. See you.

>Se puede ver solo con el accente que alguién es de Venezuela o de Colombia?

Si, eso es lo que te identifica la verdad, de resto no hay una diferencia real en como nos vemos, aunque diria que los colombianos son mas bajitos que los venezolanos.

>Has intentado o sólo te confías a lo que has oído?

Busque los requerimientos para ir alla, y eran bastante exigentes. Comenzando por los requerimientos de educacion y idioma. Basicamente si no ibas con una oferta de trabajo es muy dificil entrar.

Where did your dad come from?

The usa isnt really on my options due to how hard it is to move there and get a visa, and i wouldnt wanna pretend im cuban either.

Yes, thats me.

When I majored the country wasnt half as fucked though, but when i finished my degree it was better to have it at least to prove im not just a leech that didnt get an education.

Also not going to canada.

his family probably has money and connections or something, you cant be a neet without the backing of your family.

around 20% mostly the dirt poor that are brainwashed and rely on the little handouts from the goverment.

I dont have them :( I have a half sister married to a gringo in arizona but we arent close, we talk mostly because of my father

we kinda hate that kind of person, though theres retards that glorify living like that, but those that do never really manage shit in life, or are wealthy neets since birth anyway and they dont matter.

I like the finish dude, the turk sounds like that guy forcing cuck shit and its annoying.

cuando estuve en bogota menos mal no vi nada politico, y no vi nada de SJW tampoco la verdad, aunque estaba en el centro, pero me quedaba al sur, y no parecia nada que ver con eso.

We tried, but again, the population had no means of fighting, the army completly sided with the goverment and gunned down civilians that protested.

We also have the cubans backing up the goverment with tactics and personel, venezuela is the playfield of the G2

lol youre funny my dude, keep it up

curioso eso porque en el centro y sur la izquierda siempre gana poruque en esas zonas vive la clase trabajadora, en el norte y occidente gana la derecha siempre porque ahi vive la gente mas acomodada, aparte que en el centro hay muchas universisdes que en muchas ocasiones son campos de adoctrinamiento en marxismo cultural

>how is italy right now btw? I heard you were having a lot of issues with the refugees yourselves
Refugees are many, not that much of a problem really, but people got mad and new president is working to reduce them. Not much going on here really.

>I have a half sister married to a gringo in arizona but we arent close, we talk mostly because of my fath
Nigga, God has blessed you with a chance now you fucking take it. Your half sister did the hard part and I commend her for that, I wouldn't fuck a man but she's doing it for the team. No you be the team captain you are and beg her to help you get an immigration lawyer and offer to help cover expenses cause nigga I promise you, you will not get in anytime soon by fucking "waiting in line"

>Where did your dad come from?
Somalia, but he wasn't in any trouble. Mr. Shekelstein just needed business and told my dad to get an H1b, the fastest way is through a J1 because companies get tax credits when they hire refugees

Ah yes, the 6 gorrillion that died in the Caracazo.

Yo trabajaba justo en el centro, por el centro comercial via libre, y me estaba quedando en el barrio quiroga, me parecia muy bonito y tranquilo a pesar de que la gente decia que era peligroso por los ñeros.

so its exagerated by media?

I got a friend living in italy right now, hes working for a guy in a restaurant (he got his daughter preggo and then married) dont remember where he is right now either

>she's doing it for the team
she did it because the father of her daughter ran away lol and i honestly dont know how she went to the usa at first, think she had friends there herself.

I´ll knock that door eventually if other things dont happen, but i dont expect her help honestly.

Im glad your dad had that chance though.

to clarify i'm not trying to justify chavez, i'm just impressed venezuela's 1980s and 1990s were so unstable.
why did Perez u-turn on the IMF?

>fighting guns with rocks

you should made a deal with bolsonaro and sneak guns into the country, but again all your fightning men left so gg

>so its exagerated by media?
I am not sure if the media is to blame. In general people seem to be overreacting though.

This might be a stupid question, but why is nobody doing anyhting for venezuela?

Trump is putting them under sanctions

>comment is free
you're literally citing an opinion piece
meanwhile today's guardian stories about venezuela:
>'A slow-motion catastrophe': on the road in Venezuela, 20 years after Chávez's rise
>Podcast: Why are millions fleeing Venezuela?
>Venezuela: about 3m have fled political and economic crisis since 2015, UN says

Doesn't that fuck the pop harder?

I think it's punishment for supporting Cuba

that's the point of sanctions, to punish them until they change or seek penance and suck Uncle sam's dick. That's where the venezuelan government unmasks themselves: THey aren't a real government anymore, most families of the high officials are living in Spain or France and are funneling the little money the government have to Sweden or Andorra. They are looting the country, the people who should care about Venezuela don't care either. They are just waiting to milk the cow until the last drop and ditch to Europe, safe haven for criminals.

>i'm just impressed venezuela's 1980s and 1990s were so unstable.
It's been always like that though. Venezuela is nigger rich when oil prices go up (100$+), but when they go down shit like what we're going through happens. Just that this actual goverment its a little shittier than the ones before.

because he wanted to keep his political clouth, the FMI wanted him to do things like raise prices of goods, transport and other stuff which was a necessity to help the economy that was already strained, people got very mad and shit went down so he backed off.

his political career died basically.

>made a deal with a politician that just got elected
>after almost 20 years with the party in power

you dont make much sense bro

I can understand that, people can overreact i guess if its something so delicate.

the countries down here are making immigration easier in general to venezuelans, but are not making any deals with the goverment because they know it will be lost in corruption.

the sanctions will just consolidate power desu, like castro they will hold on to that and grip the population even harder.

It would be good if they made the people blow up and overthrow the regime but alas with no means of doing it, its not very effective outside of freezing their assets in the usa and pulling the plug/prosecuting their money laundering schemes.

sorta is, which isnt bad in itself, but cuba is the festering wound that infects everything, its sad you couldnt just bomb the place to hell and back.

There's different kinds.


every article you've posted has been:
1. ancient
2. opinion pieces