>so you really did look it up my friendly chavista.
I dont understand, I just think its common sense to ask for something like that out of people asking for immigration/refugee status its done in several countries in south america now, i think its a normal thing
>Están bien vistos y tratados los venezolanos en Colombia?
En general si, a mi me trataron bien cuando viaje hace unos años, eran amigables excepto uno que otro viejo que parecia resentido por alguna razon.
Todo depende tambien de como te presentes y tu actitud.
>Has intentado con Canadá?
Canada ha rechazado mas peticiones venezolanas que antes, estan modo fuck off were full apparently, una prima aplico luego de estudiar ingles alla pero no la dejaron volver, estaba en alberta.
plus i heard your immigration is very strict in general, french wouldnt be hard to learn desu
Ive read all about it, anybody that praises maduro is basically a paid shill for propaganda measures.
What sucks is that even though I know youre doing it ironicaly, theres a ton of people that actually fall for this and in other online sites ive been called an FBI paid agent to discredit the revolution, which is part hilarious and ironic on their behalf.
I was talking about that with people while working out today, if we wouldnt have separated we would be some sort of south american powerhouse, it wouldnt have been an easy cruising either, but we would have probably rivaled/surpassed brazil by a mile
funny enough, one of my distant cousins on my father´s side did, he played for the yankees.
si basicamente a mi me trataban bien, me hice amigo de la gente alrededor de donde me quedaba en bogota, y aparte de la gente del jefe en donde trabajaba que era un maldito con todos, me llevaba bien con los trabajadores.
We would take them in anyway, south america has always taken residents from other nations when they were under difficult times.