How do we short white women?

How do we short white women?

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>muh race-mixing meme

Attached: non-Hispanic single-race white mothers giving birth to a baby that is not non-Hispanic single-race w (1088x922, 183K)

Based Maine

why would they put non hispanic? hispanic = white

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It will be better to long boipucci tho

If you counted babies born between a non-Hispanic white women and a Hispanic white man as not-racemixed, states like NM, CA, TX, OR and FL would have almost no racemixing.

That pic makes me erect

This is b8. But its a stupid comment anyway. Hispanics can be more african than an ethiopian born in Gondar or whiter than a norwegian lumberjack.


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Kek rollin

>not non-hispanic single-race white
what did they mean by this?

gibbs 4 plox

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Census definitions.


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Thank god I'm Italian. It's great to not be anything.

It's always the women or cuck men that want to take more nigger immigrants in. It's literally all about that pic. If it was cute asian girls instead of nigger men that wanted to mass migrate to Europe they'd propably have a problem with that all of a sudden lol.


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who gives a fuck about some white whore that fucks a monkey? her child is still going to be a moneky, and therefore is still going to end up getting killed

i dont see what the big deal is

Blaire or number 4 plz

It's hard to even tell who's who anymore fuck

I'd have fallen for some trap if they weren't labeled already

The only people that think Hispanics are white are other Hispanics.

I’m Hispanic and *mostly* white. My DNA test came back with 84% European genes and 3% black.

>3% black


top is propaganda, but traps hurt the most. It's the loss of faith in God and Jesus Christ. Racemixing is okay, it does not happen much. Racemixing for the reason of big black cock xddd meme is pretty decadent. As for traps, we are born man and woman no middle. Traps need Jesus ASAP before they go to hell.
Invest in KJV

Date asian women

I think a lot of white men have are experiencing a father crisis. Many white families have their father working extreme hours from 8-5 then from 6 -10 doing some part time holding down two jobs for the family, only leaving time for the family on the weekend, if even that because he is too busy supporting the family. So many of these boys grow up without a father in the sense that he is never there to be with the family and is always at work but for good reason. Without their Dad's sacrifice, the family would die but it unironically kills the lineage when the son starts turning gay, sissy, trans etc.

I just got back from a road trip of the south/midwestern United States. The country is in a real spot right now- so many broken families and obese people with no job opportunities and no moral compass. It’s terrible


ur great-great-great-great granny was a coalburner!!

This. in reality its a bunch of goblinos

Exhibit A