Do you want to visit or live in Japan? I lived in Tokyo for 8 months and can say I had a good time.
Do you want to visit or live in Japan? I lived in Tokyo for 8 months and can say I had a good time
why isnt hokkaido nearly as fragmented as others
I've in Tokyo four times, and I'll move in a few days.
Did you live there or just visit? Have fun!
I was just a tourist. This month I'll get married to my japanese girlfriend and I'll apply for a spouse visa. I already have an immigration lawyer hired and he will handle all the paperwork.
Oh that's great, my gf is Japanese as well. When you get married do you get permanent residence immediately or do you have to be married for a certain amount of time. I've actually been wondering for a while.
I think I will immigrate. I will not obtain a visa and I will be a drain on society, naturally.
which ward are you gonna live?
She's currently living in Sakurashimmachi, we'd like to live around there, Sakurashimmachi, Yoga, Futakotamagawa.
You can get the permanent residence after 10 years or obtain it using a point system based on how much you earn, if you have a fancy degree, etc. I'm aiming for the japanese citizenship, I will just have to wait 5 years. Of course I'm not thinking about that right now, the first step is getting married.