/dixie/ Southern US & Friends

Harland edition

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Re: curry
what type of curry are you making tomorrow

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Panang one that plant made

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post of faith

hate people who don't like nixon
love nixon
simple as

y u h8 me ;-;

because nixon was the second best president we've ever had in terms of policy

Uhh china is not good policy???????????????????????

Also uhhh WATERGATE amirite fellow libtards????

wtf why my peepee hurt

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you jerk off too much

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Ole and Sven are at a funeral. Suddenly it occurs to Ole that he doesn't remember the name of the dearly departed. Ole turns to Sven and asks: "Sven, could you remind me again who died?" Sven thinks for a moment and says, "I'm not sure," Sven points at the casket, "...but I think it was de guy in de box."
Sven and Ole go to Fargo and visit a brothel. A woman says she will have sex with both of them for $20, but insists, "You have to use rubbers 'cause I don't want to get pregnant." They agree. Back on the farm, a week later, Sven says, "Hey, Ole, remember that girl we met in Fargo?" "You betcha, why?" Well, I been thinking I don't give a damn whether she gets pregnant or not." "Me neither." "Well, let's take dese damn tings off, then."
Ole went to the Sons of Norway Hall one night and finally won the door prize, which was a toilet brush. He was so excited that he won he brought it home and used it often. Someone asked him during the next meeting what the prize was and if he liked it or not. Ole replied, "Yea I like the toilet brush, but I think I'm gonna go back to using paper."
Ole goes out one day to use the outhouse, and he finds Sven there. Sven has his wallet out, and he's throwing money down into the hole of the outhouse. Ole asks, "Uff da! Sven, watcha doin' there, fella? You're throwing the five dollar bill and the ten dollar bill down into the hole of the outhouse! Whatcha doin' that for?" Sven answers, "Well, when I pulled up my trousers I dropped a nickel down there—and I'm not going down into that mess for just a nickel!"
Ole is on his deathbed. The doctor has told him he has only a few hours to live. He catches the scent of his favorite bars wafting through the air. With all the strength he can muster, he drags himself into the kitchen and sees a fresh pan cooling on the rack. He cuts one out and bites into the scrumptious cookie. Lena comes in, smacks his hand, and says, "Shame on you, Ole! Dese are for after de funeral!"

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Von Kautokeino

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this animal will kill you until you die

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dont (you) me



Thoughts on this

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Creme Soda is p good.
More of a Coca-Cola man myself.

thoughts on this

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had the grape flavor when i was down south. pretty good. cant seem to find them up here

car battery is dead
was about to go get bourbon

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you got legs don't you?

>not having a jump pack

faulkner county is dry, not walking to the next county in 35 degree rainy weather

you got an umbrella don't you?


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>rainy weather
so full of contradictions it is staggering, conway

Today's weather is not for the depressed

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we're unironically a dry county because the owner of the liquor store on the county line sits on the board and votes no on opening liquor stores whenever it comes up to keep his business ahead
clever bastard

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There are alternatives

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he was manipulated by (((terraists)))
reuenthal's only fault was wanting to see the extent of his skill measured against reinhardo

Macaron man bad

macon man good

>Macon "man"


chortled heartily at this post

Thank you

>his only fault was challenging Alexander the Great
it's an incredible fault to have


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What would be a good name for the green bit?
Using the same name but with the direction before it to differentiate is commie tier.

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Free Québec and we'll talk

How about
"The Democratic Republic of Dickfuckpiss"

Confederation of Western Canada
you could name it after some geographical feature but i don't know what would be common between them since alberta and BC have the rockies and saskatchewan and manitoba are flat as an asian

im a girl btw teehee

That's Canada's problem now.

>flat as an asian

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Then name the green bit Western Québec because they're coming for you as soon as the Canadian problem is dealt with

They'll never make it past Winnipeg. There isn't a drop of wine between there and Kamloops.

whats your opinion on the french canadians

I guess my people can always send them rations We have too much wine

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We can also survive drinking Anglo Blood and the emotion you call hate.

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I like them a lot, but sometimes I suspect the feeling isn't mutual.
Except for the Francophone flaglet that comes here. I think he likes me a bit.

You guys need to build a car that runs on wine. You'll never have a fuel crisis.

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Alberta 2
Alternatively: Kiwetin

Explain pls, Mr. Injun word knower

"The North Wind"
It's a Cree word and I thought it was deserving since it gets colder than Hell there

That's actually breddy good.
I thought about "Chinook" since those are a distinctively western thing but only like a third of the west actually gets them. Also it's the name of a tribe so taking their name for a country wouldn't be very cash money of us.

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reminder indians would have prospered under a french north america
curse the bloodthirsty anglos

No not really


silence anglo

>tfw Halifax put a bounty on Mi'kmaq scalps but they were too hard to get so people just scalped Frenchmen and tried passing them off as Indians

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>king of the hill


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you should name it hyperborea

Name it Conway, Arkansas

>car doesnt work so now im stranded
>only have food for 3 days, will probably die afterwards

such is life in amerikkka


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actually bought groceries and then it died when i got home and put them up
stocked up for a week tbqh

ahem you forgot to say fuck


What do you call two African Americans in the act of procreation?
Procreating African Americans.

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why post an autistic cat

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sparkling wiggles


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based cajuns

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got a voicemail (2 days old) from my professor (no fucking idea how he got my number) saying he couldn't find my last test and i was having a fuckin heart attack but then i got an actual call a few minutes after posting telling me he found it
feeling every possible emotion there is right now

nice blog

*clap clap clap*

please remember to subscribe and hit that little bell icon so you never miss an update

That kinda made me but I watched it whole.

>no fucking idea how he got my number
your uni probably had it


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are we posting bovine now?

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I still like it

Im only getting to coffee now. sad!

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As expected tbf
I like it too, summer is definitely my fav season but I like having proper cold weather whenever it's not summer

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those mountains look so cool. I hope I see real mountains one day with my own eyes. I think you have good landscape diversity where you are. pretty jealous

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This will be the cover for the /dixie/ band debut album.

absolute classic

Imma keep posting pictures all the way through winter
For a country a bit smaller than Texas yeah we certainly have an amazing diversity I'm still surprised after several years of reading about it
We jut suck when it comes to really getting away from people, most land is put to use even if it doesn't seem like it when hiking through