

what do you think of them on the roads in your country, and why are they scum?

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As a cyclist

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I'd rather deal with an annoying and potentially dangerous cyclist than an annoying and potentially dangerous boomer in an SUV. All things considered the worst thing the cyclist can hurt in a wreck is usually themselves, but put grandma in a 5,000 pound hunk of shit and see the damage that can cause. Most of the outrage against cyclists are from road ragers pissed off that they have to slow down for once and that something other than their massive death machine is allowed on a public road.

There are superb cycle paths and superb roads, but non-cyclists are a plague on our streets that hog them all to themselves.
You can't take the cycle path like they do in the western countries, because they're swarming with civvies.
So you're forced to take the road, but even that's out, because the fucks blare at you and tell you to fuck off back to the cycle path.

Man I'm so fucking close to carrying a bag of stones on my daily commutes. I'll go Kristallnacht on their fucking asses if they dare to blare at me again. Fuck civvies and fuck cagers.

fuck em right in the pussy

In the Netherlands hating on cyclists is a Facebook meme among actual sub 100iq mouthbreathers.
>yeah I was driving to the store for some cigarettes when this CYCLIST did something I didn’t like oh if it wasn’t for these libtard judges I wouldve run him over

cars are way worse. cyclists can be idiots and annoying too but they're only risking their life. Plenty of people in cars here have no place being behind the wheel of a two ton box of metal.

Based and /n/avypilled

I wish It was the same here. Cagers are still kings of road here like in a 3rd world shithole.

But they're planning to ban them in the city centre of my city and increase the fuel costs. So we're heading in the right direction.

Most are alright but there's always exceptions. It's the sporty types that are the real cancer, those tight clothes-wearing idiots who think they're competing in Tour de France and take up the whole road. When they're in groups, they even cycle side by side.

You're still buggered if you hit a cyclist, though.

Yeah cyclists are protected by law here. Even if you are 100% in the right, you’re still 50% responsible for all costs and damages since they are considered weaker roadusers and you should be cautious around them.
As a result they are really cocky, especially within cities. Which is a nightmare for me since I live in the centre of a self-proclaimed bike capital and have to deal with cyclists every morning

Boomers and their ilk bitch about cyclists and cycling roads quite often in newspapers. These people seem to think that cycling is only a sport.

Though during Summer, when the city bicycles are a thing, all bets seem to be off and people not accustomed to bicycles ride like retards.

>Even if you are 100% in the right, you’re still 50% responsible for all costs and damages since they are considered weaker roadusers and you should be cautious around them.
Netherlands is truly a nation of ascended people

we had a cyclist hit a tram and die in toronto a few years back. complete moron, no helmet, going too fast... they tried to blame the tram driver. The news even reported it as 'tram hits and kills cyclist' or some shit

>no helmet
Lmao you have to wear helmets in Canada? Hahahaha

How do you get hit by a tram? It's not like it moves in unexpected directions or even that fast.

>no helmet
Nothing wrong with that unless you're a roadie and need one for aero purposes

I worked as a cab driver for a few months. Cyclists are usually anticipatory and drive carefully where I live, so no problems there.

But what is it about those bikers on yt (almost all of them are either american or british)? 99% of them behave like obnoxious pricks who seem to make problems up so they can lash out at motorists. I've never seen any biker on youtube who has at least some tolerance. Smashing mirrors or even fighting in the middle of the street over a negligible incident would be unthinkable in my country.

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we have fast wide roads, not cobblestone alleys from harry potter with windmills around every corner

>But what is it about those bikers on yt (almost all of them are either american or british)? 99% of them behave like obnoxious pricks who seem to make problems up so they can lash out at motorists. I've never seen any biker on youtube who has at least some tolerance. Smashing mirrors or even fighting in the middle of the street over a negligible incident would be unthinkable in my country.
Depends on the experience with car drivers.

I cycle to work because I like cycling (and it's like a 6 kilometre commute) but I own a motorcycle too.
I remember one day cycling through a traffic jam from work.
I was keeping to the right shoulder on the road and politely (and carefully mind you I'm not a dick) passing dozens of cars.
Then out of a sudden a black Audi SUV driven by some fuckwit decides to swerve right in order to block me from passing him. The light was still red for him and he had like 20 cars in front of him. He saw me coming in his right hand mirror so he turned his steering wheel and inched forward to block me. In his mind it was great justice because then I had to dismount my bike, walk around his car and resume cycling wasting my time.

What he didn't anticipate was that he was still stuck in traffic so there was no way for him to pursue me. So I made a huge fucking scratch with my handlebars almost entire width of his doors and just "squeezed" through.
He was so mad I did that he got out the car and started chasing on foot. But he was a fat fuck so I just cycled away.

Car drivers are usually massive cunts or unconscious behind the wheel. Cyclists and motorcyclists being cunts is just a reaction to it.
Plus I genuinely believe that cycling/motorcycling like a retard makes car drivers more aware of your presence and as a result - much safer.

I like to race my bike down mountain trails that are too narrow for more than one person so that hikers will need to jump aside into the mud in order to not get rum over. Great fun. It's just aweful when there's horse poo on track. Stupid horse riders.

Cyclists usually behave here, we also have great bike paths and infrastructure for them.
Cars on the other hand should be banned in all cities.

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Yeah sure things will go right, just look at france

Cyclists are nice. Drivers are not.
I drive/cycle to work about 50/50 and drivers are 1000x worse when it comes to breaking rules and behaving like cunts.

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