Every European city

Every European city

Attached: kxr5i4786sq11.jpg (960x803, 274K)

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Never heard of this "WW2"

Riga matches this perfectly lmao.

Oh look it's this thread again

if only
my city is just commie blocks, commie blocks and commie blocks

This is only for european cities.

EVERY Russian city

Attached: citymapvar.jpg (1700x1190, 619K)

Holy fuck, it is literally my city's map

Regardless of where I find travel boring. The only frontiers that ever interested me are deep sea, which was amazing because of how unique it was and space - which I can't afford.

Human beings like to think their areas are unique, but the picture illustrates a point I firmly believe. The variation between human settlements and countries is not fundamental and visiting them expecting a fundamentally different thing is a huge let down.

Every merican city

Attached: Squares.jpg (342x342, 14K)



good that I never went travelling and spent my time with you guys

Wheres the mosque? where are the no-go zones?

That was some ruckus with the neighbors I think, we had it in school but idk lol.

looks better than gayropean cities

>dystopian block housing

Attached: hope lost.png (500x644, 185K)

Every US city [sic] West of the Mississippi

Attached: ichy-feet-every-american-city.jpg (1200x1001, 271K)

This is a surprisingly accurate description of my city.

Is Ukraine Russia?


Attached: lignongeneve_3168.jpg (1200x801, 176K)

What the Hell is a strip mall? They're called shopping centers. A European made this.

Yeah, the east coast is far more civilized.
Mega churches don't exist, we have cathedrals, road side attractions aren't a thing, the mart is on the edge of town, the highway us usually a beltway around the city, the historic buildings actually have some history(not as much as Europe in most cases), billboards are only a thing on that shitty part of town no one likes, much like Europe there usually is the drug dealer park and old industrial buildings converted to lofts. The layout is still more square in most cases, unless you're Boston.

Yeehaw! Let's all go to the fun fair, partners!

>What the Hell is a strip mall? They're called shopping centers. A European made this.
Are you stupid or do you not know what a strip mall is?

Strip mall is different from a shopping centre dummy.

Varlamov is the most based Russian alive


this guy gets it

Once you keep in mind these places are like 80% foreign they really become quite dystopian.

Attached: 01.02_Dienst_Stadsontwikkeling_Adam_Bijlmermeer_Adam_1962-73[1].jpg (1267x816, 291K)


The first line of the first Google result for strip mall which us the Wikipedia page 'Strip mall' says "A strip mall (also called a shopping plaza, shopping center, or mini-mall) is an open-air shopping mall where the stores are arranged in a row, with a sidewalk in front."

"A strip mall (also called a shopping plaza, shopping center, or mini-mall)"

Also you are discriminating against the majority of the country which does not have "strip mall" in its vocabulary.

Are you/is your family from Ukraine?

Strip mall is a widely known concept of a shopping centre only accessible for cars where there is no real shared space but rather a row of shops right next to a parking lot.

Attached: ct-strip-malls-20160517[1].jpg (2048x1303, 596K)

depressing shit

A shopping center is usually much larger and comprises of multiple buildings it's synonymous with an outlet mall, while a strip mall is usually a couple of shitty stores tied together.

What did the artist mean by this?

Attached: 294.png (600x1797, 1.86M)


millenials can't into architecture

American food is so terrible that you need to seek the good stuff aboard


palm trees are not white


nothing wrong with that desu
could have chosen sth that isn't 99% sugar though

Where's the local pawn shop? Where's the local gun shop? Where's the numerous car dealerships shilling for their latest pickup trucks and SUVs? 4/10, not American enough.

Hey Igor, this is an English board, that map has to be translated if you want to post it here

you're cuntry is english lmao

>some kind of tower
>ww2 memorial avenue
none in spain
>river through the city
>lovable old bridge
>dystopian block housing
>drug dealer park
most of this applies to 99% of cities in the world

Attached: Ronda-2.jpg (1800x1200, 806K)

I heard that the first cold war was not between countries, but between cities, London and Amsterdam

Attached: 14652441235580.jpg (596x380, 47K)

Why don't you write a book faggot.