Attached: 342sgetalnc01.jpg (960x917, 124K)
Charles James
Other urls found in this thread:
Josiah Jones
why don't arabs just let themselves get ruled by israel?
think about it
women have rights, christians have rights
even you damn muslims have more rights than you have in muslim ruled countries
and that is without mentioning the higher living standard in israel
muslims have shown themselves incapable of leading a nation to prosperity
if arabs really care about themselves and wished the best for their countries they should let israel govern them
Gabriel Wilson
>can't wait for the bump limit
Camden Ross
Also didn't put old link
And people claim this guy is me
Leo Evans
Go make a proper thread because this dude cannot into thread making
Leo Bailey
your threads are horrible holy shit stop making them you subhuman
Alexander Howard
It's done now, the fuck can I do?
Except post pics of Skopje
Nolan Morgan
We've btfo threads without old link before
Brandon Lee
>2300 years ago
>balk was the same
Levi Howard
Jackson Peterson
Good boy
Ayden Hall
i have to become stronger
Jackson Miller
NATO preparation
We are set to join in 2 weeks
Camden Brooks
>muslims have shown themselves incapable of leading a nation to prosperity
>what is the abbasid caliphate
Tyler Butler
Macedonians and Bulgarians are Southern Romanians. Serbs and Bosnians are Western Romanians. Moldovans are Eastern Romanians. Albanians are pod people from africa. Only greeks are free and autochthonous in the balkans.
Jose Barnes
You only posted half the quote, though
He states that Northern Euros were strong but dumb, Middle Easterners were clever but weak and Mediterraneans were the god-tier combination of both, intelligent and strong
But yeah, this was basically the reason why Greeks interacted way more with Persians,
Egyptians Anatolians or Near Easterners than anything above the Alps
Juan Howard
>a millennium ago
muslims don't need to exist today
Ryder Reed
Beautifel 3d bumps to protect future generations of Aryans from Skopje.
Jaxson Sanders
This teacher from Aerodrom pulls you in for "extra classes" after all the kids have left
what do?
Oliver Watson
You also forgot to mention that Israel is an apartheid destroying the arab heritage and monuments in the land, bombing it is neighboring countries, in contact and support of terrorists in Syria, have arabs live as second class citizens and ethnically cleanse the land of it is native population. And much of what you said is false. And just lol at saying Israel has higher standards of living than my country. Israel literally looks like any other Levantine country.
Look at this and tell me does this look like a developed country to you?:
Luke Fisher
are those kids on the way to the riots in paris?
Dylan Baker
What's happening on these protests right now anyway?
ISIS destroy more monuments than Jews tho.
Adrian Perez
They pretty much finished, macron sent 100k cops to clear the streets and they pussied out now
John Rivera
>They pretty much finished, macron sent 100k cops to clear the streets and they pussied out now
Sounds pathetic to me.
Luke Rogers
lol who cares >>>/me+na/
Jacob Long
How do Arabs cope being bullied like this and doing nothing?
Are Arabs the most beta race?
Jacob Flores
>abbasid caliphate
Henry Smith
Transgender(MtF) Romanian semi-professional LoL player in France complains about French protests:
The motive? (S)he can't go shopping. The absolute state of Romanian men.
Landon Morgan
That's just how moldovans here are.
Wyatt Ross
Umri mangal.
Brandon Lopez
Would honestly rather be in that hostel in the Balkans than in Dubai
Joshua Taylor
You're not welcome here, Juden. This is a National Socialist general.
Blake Carter
This is how I imagine it is in the UAE
David Thomas
>this pegan slaps your priest's ass
what do?
Jose Adams
the irony
Parker Gomez
Sofia has been consistently China-tier for a while now
For comparison:
Parker Anderson
Joke's on you, faggot, I'm not a Serb. Now back to Jasenovac.
Ryder Peterson
What happened to Sofia?
Nicholas Edwards
lmao, at least I live in a national socialistic country while you're a minority in another country
Evan Cruz
Dubai noticed that they could grow up as hub of transportation.
Same as Singapore.
Lincoln Ramirez
This is a city none of you have ever heard of in some random province in china and it has more people than sofia or beograd
Cooper Turner
At least my dick has not been mutilated, lol @ your life nerd :^)
Aiden Bailey
Juden BTFO
Landon Butler
Skopje is only #296 on that list, I thought it woudl be top 10
Also Tuzla in Bosnia and this town in Croatia are more polluted than Skopje
Feels good man
Leo Wright
Sieg heil, my Aryan brother! Another victory for the white race.
Jose Gonzalez
Yes, China has a lot of people living in there.
Christopher Robinson
This needs to come back
Dominic Adams
Hello Goy
Asher Ortiz
Enjoy your phimosis, faggot
Parker Torres
Me after I don't eat for a day
Charles Fisher
this will make ya think
Landon Cook
Soon, my friend.
Enjoy your dried and dysfunctional dick, Rabbi ; )
Robert Green
Lucas Sullivan
The Eternal Jew (1940) is my favorite documentary ever
Most people think "eternal jew" is a phrase/insult but it's a real work of art, Germans describing Jews and Jewish life from 3rd person and making fun of them
You will really like Germans if you watch this, ignore bullshit like the hitlerist documentaries. Arabs could never make a masterpiece like this
(Also if you wanna know how German Soldiers were motivated to kill some of them, they were all made to watch this)
Leo Brown
Very based documentary, I agree. The day of the rope can't come soon enough.
Juan Perry
Who can compete with German banter?
Ian Mitchell
To all of you virgins who claim that women are not redpilled:
>this based lesbian has her own nigger slave that she keeps on a leash
How can you cuck even compete?
Leo Cooper
the misty hills of the struma valley, coming in from the north
Jose Fisher
this was meant for you >still butthurt
Stop. Trust me you don't want to join the greek posters. Look at what I did to him. He is fucked in the head now. I destroyed him.
Albanians sound like they would cuck Romania in a whim
No one is standing with Palestinian. Most arab countries are allied with Israel. Because both arabs and jews are afraid of Persians.
would honestly rather you be in the balkan than dubai
This is in Saudi Arabia. The Bengali man should've jerked off.
Gabriel Nelson
Where are u driving tatar
Nicholas Hughes
Teach her albanian and pump her full of my albanian virile seed
James Morris
I want to pump a TIGHT 40 year old professional woman like her too. Too bad it will never happen in this shithole, I need to be in a western country like belgium
Adrian Nguyen
to your mom's place, i'll bring you some candy
Tyler Lewis
What's with the furry?
Jason Long
You need to know some dutch to aproach the belgians girls here. They’re also suprisingly traditional. Internationals are easier
Parker Cook
Christopher Sullivan
Now the city has a soul
Adrian Evans
Disgusting gypsy shithole, I thought Dubai was 1st world. When is that being demolished?
Landon Cooper
yeap sure is dead in here
Blake Long
>Кapaкaчaнoв ги paзoбличи лaгитe нa Зaeв: Aкo збopyвaш зa мaкeдoнcки јaзик, пpocти ce oд EУ и HATO
How will SDSM cucks recover?
Bulgarian GORILLA threatens to block FYROM from NATO if Zaev claims they speak "Macedonian" language. Based
Lincoln Sanchez
Why can't we be frens
Oh why can't we be frens
Jaxon Roberts
People only respect a country when there is a prospect they could emigrate in it
This is a theory but follow. People maybe don't like the French language, but they imagine themselves in France and subconsciously like it more because they know there's a chance they might end up living there. So they esteem it highly, same as basically every semi-developed country in Europe and the new world
If people can imagine themselves having a life in your country, they will instinctively like you more.
Tyler Hernandez
Parker Reyes
the balkan phenotype
Caleb Clark
We are pure Aryans here
Leo Johnson
the fat faggot from fucking ruse should keep quiet and get the army budget approved and spent well
now is not the time to bait fyromians, maybe in three months
Blake Davis
Too late it's all over the news now
>Big bad boogars threaten smol macedonia
James Perry
Maybe we would have an army, if we didn't pay for mentally ill fucks and retarded failed abortions.
Levi Martin
ah well, in the end it's not his fault you don't have a real language and speak bulgarian written with a serbian typewriter in 1945
Wyatt Watson
I can imagine angry nationalist Boogars like Karakacanov sending provocations to Tugjman and Milosevic if they were part of Yugoslavia
That would be a real shitshow to watch
Brandon Bennett
>Karakachanov said something
>Volen said something
>Boyko said something
ffs, i barely know any balkan leader, let alone care about what they have to say
Sebastian Adams
I bet if I go to his facebook now there will be nice stuff in the comments
Anthony Cook
Kill yourself kike parasite
Joseph Morgan
Can Bulgarians translate this comment in red?
Christopher Howard
Those comments below the red one are all gold
Logan Garcia
No matter how much squealing this large bellied gypso-albanian deadbeat and fart does, macedonians and macedonian language existed and will exist
Luke Diaz
So how does that guy speak perfect bulgarian with an anticki flag
Noah Reyes
who knows
could be diaspora, could be roleplayer provocateur
Leo Morales
Where to namerim bugarki
We keep deporting their prostitutes in tetovo of all places
Brandon Wright
what are the small fish that are fried whole called? they look a little bit like pic related but they have their head on still and looked a bit more like a fish than pic related. I asked a bulgarian friend and he said some word that sounded like "safreets". this was on the black sea btw.
pls help
t. burger
Jack Walker
Aren't Bulgarian and Macedonian very similar?
Nolan Green
William Clark
"safrid" or "tsatsa" but safrids are larger, both are drier than sardines
Nathan Howard
if you know one you can generally understand the other, tho it's easyer for bgs since we listen to macedonian music and stuff
the differences are noticeable tho, and for example if you say "rusia" but russians say "rossia", even though they're similar, it only makes you want to say it "your way" more
Tyler Roberts
>Gjorgjija Kastriot Brankovski
Why do Slavs do this?
Xavier Lee
Sounds like the rightful ruler of the Balkans
Jackson Nelson
it probably means George, which we would write Гeopги, which looks much cleaner than that latin mess
Justin Cox
Yes I know, he's named after Skanderbeg (Gjergj Kastriot). Super bydlo
Brayden Kelly
He has this nice meme on his facebook I just stole
Ex-yu will love this
Easton Walker
all i see is a nation that respect their architectural heritage and on top are sand niggers.