Been depressed and lethargic. Therapist suggested anti-depressants, specifically Wellbutrin (no libido loss or weight gain). Anyone have any experience with Wellbutrin they could share??
Hey Jow Forums, thinkin of taking Wellbutrin
No, I don't recommend a drug designed to temporarily mask feelings, created by people who admittedly don't know how the brain really works.
Have you tried exercise yet? Try getting a job? Drugging the body will just destroy it and lead you down a deep dark ugly hole of insanity and despair.
good luck
Wish I had time to be depresed or any of this lazy milenial bullshit.
I have a job (fairly well off), go to the gym, and physically healthy. No friends or gf though.
shut up faggot
It's good shit, just do the minimal dose if you can and avoid taking it with alcohol. Helps with lethargy, actually increases libido, and kills food cravings. Only downside is it can put you on edge, but if you can manage a low dose it's not really a problem.
Are you currently taking it?
Wellbutrin gave me the boost I needed to get back on track and develop some self discipline again after my dad killed himself. Exercise, eat well, and work on your mental and emotional health and you'll be off it and better in no time. Don't go off it without talking to the person who prescribed it to you because you'll want to wean yourself off it. Feel better user.
Stay off drugs and stop seeing your kike therapist. Cut porn out of your life, stop compulsively fapping, spend more time outdoors and get daily exercise/sun.
Stop being a burger relying on drugs to solve your problems.
Try going for a run in the morning, then the second morning after that, and repeat until you've built a habit.
Your body will release the based medication you just have to get off your ass
Anti-drug faggots are trash tier
My mother always told me to stay away from drugs (both illegal and legal) so I never knew how effective anti-depressants were until I tried them myself in adulthood. Unsurprisingly Wellbutrin worked for me and I didn't need to take it after a year.
Yes, I take it at night. Helps me get up in the morning and keeps me focused for the day. Before I took it I could sleep 10 hours and not feel rested.
>depressed and lethargic
>go to the gym physically healthy
why do people lie on the internet
I took it for around a year
amazing at first, basically just lifted my depression
a lot of people I know have had similar good experiences
I stopped after a while tho cus it was messing with my sleep enough that it wasn't worth it
like I could still sleep the full 8 hours but it was never a deep sleep so I was constantly like alert but either on edge or kinda out of it
worth a shot tho imo but yea stay on a low dose if possible, I've known people who get up to 300mg and they feel like time bombs
also worth noting that after getting off it I found that paying attention to my diet & making sure I'm getting all my vitamins and shit was way more effective
magensium and b12 were the big ones I was for sure deficient in
nutrition + exercise + good sleep habits have helped more than anything
as far as psychiatric meds go wellbutrin is pretty alright.
don't take it for more than 6-18 (MAX) months. If you can't get your life on track in 6-9 months you're probably fucked anyway, and no antidepressant works longer than a couple years. That's why they always have to up the dose, or switch you to something else.
antidepressants work by causing your brain to release neurotrophic factors that help you rewire. but they only do that until your brain has adjusted to the presence of the "antidepressant", after that you're just stuck in another rut, this time involving a chemical dependency (ie: a deeper rut).
its basically a super mild stimulant that will help you out of apathy so you can build healthy mental and physical routines. it's not an emotional numbing drug like SSRI's and SNRI's.
also, only take the lowest dose. you don't want the drug to do anything for you, you want the drug to help you realize what you can do for yourself.
I'll give you my honest truth. I was on it for 3 years. Over that time I gained 20 lbs, slept for 14hrs a day on average, was drained of energy and very depressed.
After I quit it one day, my life has been 100% better. I take natural supplements instead, albeit they are kinda placebo.
My point, anti depressants get you addicted without helping you.
use chronometer to track your diet for a few days, if you don't get at LEAST 300mg magnesium you need to eat more oats/whole grains/almonds and less junk. 1:1 calcium:magnesium ratio, I swear by it.
That said, Wellbutrin is 100 times better than any SSRI. Cycling it for a year is harmless.
Of antidepressants it's the best IMO. I've taken it a while with no real problems. Feels kinda like a calm quarter line of blow all the time, at first. Its usefulness fades after a while though. Don't listen to the "exercise more" idiots who read roissy/internet male shit. I work out all the time but if you need it you need it. Even if you don't absolutely need it but it makes things better it's worth it. Take any advantage you get in life.
WB fucked my life up for at least six months. I did my freshman year of college at a state school while still living at home. Was pretty depressed for a number of reasons the summer before and got prescribed. I went from fairly normal sleeping habits to sleeping a super long time every single night (12, 14, 16 hours weren’t uncommon). When it became apparent how heavily I was sleeping and that I was just sleeping through my alarm my mom started called my phone from work to help get me up. Sometimes she’d be calling for 20-30 minutes before I’d finally wake up. I also had an alarm clock that went under my pillow and shook which I’d sleep through. During this time I also had insane vivid dreams which would occupy my mind during my waking hours. I’d be in class and all the sudden I’d remember more of the weird things I’d dreamt about. Anyways, that’s my experience. It’s not common and I will say I tried multiple anti depressants and I suffered bad side effects from every single one.
get on low dose adderall instead
it will put your sexy butt into gear each morning to beat the depression
Have you had bad experiences with alcohol?
I take Wellbutrin. Good for keeping energy levels up. SSRIs neutered me in every way but Wellbutrin has done nothing but make me happier and more productive
>anti depressants get you addicted without helping you
Maybe for you. They did the opposite for me
Thanks guys. I just need a kick start. Last few months have been unbearable. I'm actually a fairly put together dude. Good career, good health, good sleep etc. but feel like I am in a bit of a dark place and have no motivation to take my life to the next level such as achieving some long-term goals and building my a social life, which is currently non-existent. Hope this will work a short-term solution (3-6 months)
Wish me luck fellas.
Avoid all internetconnected devices. Works 10/10
good luck user :^)
Did it increase your anxiety at all?
Tried this it made me more tired and didn’t improve me mood.
Having said that, everyone reacts differently.
Does that actually work?
Honestly need to try this at some point.
I don't think it did. Maybe a bit more jumpy but not true anxiety like fear and rumination.
Yeah I think user is unironically on to something here.
Wellbutrin works wonders
For me it's pure toxic. Since I reduced time on internetconnected devices I find myself doing shit I actually like (and liked before). Just give it a try.
It's not good shit. Ever since I took that shit I feel as though I've been dumbed down in terms of my hand/eye coordination.
Not only that, but whereas before I was never an angry person and almost never expressed it I was constantly angry and the effects have lingered since I've been off of it.
Worst decision I've ever made in my life and I feel like it's had lasting effects that will not return me to the way I once was.
Go exercise if you want to feel better.
How long ago since you stopped?
Maybe a year now.
Double dubs confirm FPBP. Dont take that shit OP. Please.
You should have listened to your mother.
i took it for a bit and by week it made me want to kill myself so hard it pretty terrifying. stopped taking it and that went away pretty much overnight. switched to good old time-tested and proven lithium and been good since
>by week 3
Stop fapping and watching chaturbate, hit the gym and your life will get better
I feel like most, if not all, mental problems can be resolved without drugs. The issue comes in dedication, years of introspection, counciling, whatever method works for you, not only takes time to discover, but time to try. You could spend years dealing with your problems. Drugs obviously can fix a problem quickly, but you're likely to be bound to them forever, and harm the underlying issue; you'll regress in learning how to cope with your problem on your own because you won't need to with drugs.
For some people, this is okay, but you have to decide on that. Are you willing to invest in yourself and dedicate a lot of effort to fixing yourself, or do you rely on modern medicine and hope that it works for the rest of your life.
There's no shame in the latter, but it's something you have to think about and understand. Even though you can drop your script anytime, the decision should feel like a life changing one, for better or worst.
Good luck either way.
I'll say this though. When the times got tough, I took all kinds of things in moderation, but this was knowing full well that it was not the solution to my problems, just a gasp of air when you feel like you're suffocating. Ultimately, it was always myself that pushed me through hardship, but instead of having a mental breakdown, sometimes I chose drugs as a temporary solution in the interim between sanity.
Mostly cannabis, but many other things over my lifetime. No regiment, just as needed. For pharmaceuticals I'm talking like low dose, 1-2 days. Like if I have a particularly important meeting, and things are very rough in my personal life, I might take a Valium before, but I wouldn't take them every day.
Drugs can prevent a crisis, but they can also cause it. They're truly a force that you have to respect and appreciate.
I took it for 6 months. No change either way.
Please don't take wellbutrin. It literally fucked up my brain thought patterns and I talk to myself all the fucking time. Wellbutrin is fucking garbage and will give you mental disorders/brain damage. Not kidding.
>you can not be physically healthy and also depressed
the fact that Jow Forums exists proves you wrong
>antidepressants work by causing your brain to release neurotrophic factors that help you rewire. but they only do that until your brain has adjusted to the presence of the "antidepressant",
interesting theory but literally just that. the physiological effects of many many drugs are not actually understood whatsoever and the drugs were developed with trial and error. for example, google General Anaesthetic and you will find that even something used for many many years is not even understood, but simply proven effective.
>Drugs can prevent a crisis, but they can also cause it. They're truly a force that you have to respect and appreciate.
I don't necessarily agree with your point that every problem can be solved without drugs, at least not with the way our world is shaped today. That said, I absolutely agree with you here; chemicals are powerful, and bigger than you. Your feelings are basically manifestations of chemicals in your brain. When I hardly ever had any sort of emotional problems but I started taking thyroid medication that made me so anxious that I wanted to die by 11:30 every day, I knew there was something fucked chemically. The feelings felt.. artificial, but there was no eliminating them.
Respect drugs OP. They are powerful.
Why? Most people on Jow Forums aren't really Jow Forums, just like most people on /lit/ don't really read and most people on Jow Forums don't know shit about business. I can tell you from personal experience that exercise, sun and nature WILL improve your mental state substantially. It might not cure the worst of depressions, but the majority of people who are depressed are depressed due to environmental factors. Also, fix your diet and learn how to cook. No more fast food.
Hey man. Literally one week ago I started Lexapro (4 days in total) but ended up making me feel the worst I’ve ever felt in my life, and the whole thing was a massive wake up call.
I stopped taking the tablets, somehow started thinking more positively, went harder in the gym, lifted heavier etc.
Also take a good fish oil, zinc, vitamin b multi and a good pro biotic.
Eat healthy, think positively and work your arse off in the gym and you’ll start feeling better.
Others here will give great advice so figure out what’s best for you.
Anons are right when they say it’s a temporary fix to a bigger underlying issue that you will have to fix. Maybe you need help (Antidepressants) to get you started, maybe not.
Good luck user, you will feel better soon.
>Of antidepressants it's the best IMO. I've taken it a while with no real problems. Feels kinda like a calm quarter line of blow all the time, at first. Its usefulness fades after a while though. Don't listen to the "exercise more" idiots who read roissy/internet male shit. I work out all the time but if you need it you need it. Even if you don't absolutely need it but it makes things better it's worth it. Take any advantage
ok dr. petersberg
OP listen to this user. Things to try before anti -depressants
* cut out sugar from your diet
* exercise consistently 3 days a week
* stop any over stimulative activities that may have fried your dopamine receptors. these being
** video games
** Pornography
** endless novelty internet scrolling
* get out and socalize with other humans like volunteering or something