Thank you for keeping us warm at winter
Dear Russians
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Thanks Germans for keeping us warm during ww2
thank you for your money
you're welcome
you are welcome, please come to visit germany
we just nothing able excluding to sell oil and gas. thank you for your money
To the country with 30 euro beds in hostels? Nah thanks, i'd go to Kiev instead.
don't be so harsh on yourself
you're also great at destabilizing weak neighbor countries
you have also strong military. The second strongest in the world
You have space and tigers.
all i want in life is a gf and some food
Hallo hallo, ist das Russo-Deutsch Freundschaft thread?
Russian-German Alliance when?
why germans like Russia?
Russian-European friendship
Russian girls are pretty
>Stronger than China
Du hatte einen Job
I feel like we are the only western country that understands you
This. We know what it is like to be a bloodthirsty country but get cockblocked by *mericans
Guys, there is a stereotype about German pedantry in Russia, is it true?
If you spitroast Poland again nobody will care
ugh... what could've been...
American (Jewish) influence has destroyed our country so we look for an alternative.
Dear russians, thanks for not invading us
>The parade began at 16:00,[6] and the "Victory Arches" were erected which the Soviet troops decorated with swastikas and red stars and through which German troops marched.[8] The Soviets fielded the 4th Battalion of 29th Light Tank Brigade, which was the first unit of the Red Army to roll into the city. The Soviet and German generals paid homage to each other's armies and their respective victories over Polish forces.[9]
Em, yeah, okay, it's not the time yet.
there are a lot of people think similar but about Russia. it is a worldwide trend. russian think that jew, Europe and USA want to destroy homeland.
I think many eastern european countries (like Poland) would like to destroy Russia, but they are too weak to do so
>but they are too weak to do so
I don't think it's really possible for anyone to wage a war against a country with the most powerfull weapons on planet.
>it happens
>the Polish collectively shit themsleves while clenching their arseholes.
This is not truth. This is what western media wants everybody to believe, but in reality Eastern Europeans, including Poles loves us
There are other means to destroy a country, like sanctions, funding separatists movements etc.
Can we roast you on a spit, too?
I think many Eastern Europeans are very afraid of Russia and they would prefer to see Russa either gone or turned powerless
bad idea. it would be like Somalia with nuclear weapons
>being dependant on gas in 2018
Fuck H*tler for stabing comrade Stalin in the back
i agree, but they don't seem to understand this
If that ever happens, can we get your girls as "refugees"?
only including me
are you a girl(male)?
Finland will be annexed by russia in our lifetime
I am male, but in that case, my girl is your girl
Russian men raped all of your women. Stop being such fucking losers.
>Russian men raped all of your women
They got purified dear
It was mutually. We exchanged DNA.
and so did we with theirs
what the fuck does it matter today tho?
It was mutual, and it was for diversity
just some good-neighbourly banter
>nord stream thread
>no butthurt poles
that really makes me think
>what does it matter that our great grandmothers were held down and raped over and over again by these guys
All of the real German men died in the war, I guess. You guys are like faggots.
I wonder if the Russians will ever don't see us as the opposing other side.
Why can't we just be friends.
the "real" germans froze to death in Stalingrad, meanwhile I shitpost in my comfy appartement
Guess I won, after all
Dear Russians
Thank you for supporting us over the anglo leech in Gibraltar. You're welcome to keep visiting Ceuta and transit/docking your warships there.
And the US fucks us to this very day. So what?
To be fair my grandfather before probably shot half their families.
Good bit of banter on both sides back then.
Also while they were busy raping some girls in the east you did pic related which is not exactly better.
бaблo пoбeждaeт злo