Why do they create so much butthurt among Anglo-Canadians?


Why do they create so much butthurt among Anglo-Canadians?

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By taking all our gibs

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Anglos don't understand the need for other cultures, you can't blame them, they're not educated enough to understand.

Should of not concquer them.

That was the English government. Actual Anglo Canadians want Francophone secession just as much as the Quebeckers do, though for entirely different reasons.

>Actual Anglo Canadians want Francophone secession just as much as the Quebeckers do
Well, it seems like Allophones and Anglophones in Québec didn't want them to be independent...

Those referendums were rife with suspicious stuff. The phrasing was amazingly convoluted to the point where just a straight yes or no could mean anything, thus the 49% in favour of secession or whatever they got last time. The current government of Canada is also so centralized in the east that politicians have a vested interest in preventing any kind of shift in power since the largely right leaning West would end up holding roughly equal power to Ontario and the Maritimes in the nation if Quebec were to break off.
tldr, party loyalty is ruining everything for everyone.

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Why weren't french canadians just assimilated like many other settlements who eventually ended up under anglo control?

Cause they decided to have 10+ kids per women and basically their population fucking exploded and anglos couldn't handle it.

Broadly equal cultural strength between the two groups and a history of resentment between their respective father peoples.

Also this.

Not many Quebecois even want independence anymore. They know that they are dependent on gibs and that their economy would be fucked. You see, most of the original separatists were left-wing boomers. As we all know, leftists think with their hearts and not with their heads, but the original separatists have now grown up and are more realistic about economic issues. Still they will whine and make threats to get what they want from Ottawa, but really Quebec separatism is dead.

>Quebec separatism is dead.

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Honestly I think it has been dead since the 70's. They could have gone full Troubles when Trudeau Sr put soldiers on Quebec streets. But the French don't have the balls of Irishmen, those pussies backed down and from that point on I think there was zero chance Ottawa was going to let them separate.

your capital sounds like a pokemon

>anglos convince boomers and foreigners against independence with gibs and free healthcare
>Quebec becomes an even bigger thorn in Canada

At least I have the satisfaction of knowing anglos are unhappy as I am in regards to independence.

>But the French don't have the balls of Irishmen
shut the fuck up, leaf

You aren't as plucky as the British either

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That's it, imma go to Canada and kick your ass

Technicaly we have been sold and judging by how things went after that, I suspect jewry to be involved.

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Poor Quebecois, abandoned by France, left at the mercy of the Eternal Anglo, but still managed to survive.


And you're not as funny as the Scottish

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>(((France))) sell new France for a hand full of Spice and a couple of nigger slaves on a small island
>Later on (((France))) support the USA rebelions insted of the New France patriots who seek to make Canada french again.
>USA is a big nest of freemason, France is a big nest of free mason
1 + 1 = ?

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i've seen anglos who literally seethe at the fact that packaging has some french on it

also look at this fucking numale, that's your average english canadian right there

>i've seen anglos who literally seethe at the fact that packaging has some french on it

That's bullshit, Anglos don't care about such things. It's the Quebecois who have the "language police" out harassing business owners for using English loan words in their advertising and other autistic reasons.

>out harassing
>language police
literal fake news

you have to file a report for them to even do anything

and i'm pretty sure i've seen the guy in the OP seething about packaging

>anglos complain about language laws in Quebec
>also complain about chink and pajeet advertisment in their ethnic ghetto majority non white cities
anglos just love to complain about everything

>but the french don’t have the balls of irishmen
If that were true irish wouldn’t be the third most spoken language in ireland

based icefrogs

Everytime i see the words «language police» it just fills me with joy . I can almost see the little numale anglo’s tears as he is typing and his little fingers are trembling with rage

I've got no reason to be mad about it as they don't affect me, but the existence of the language police is an embarrassment to Quebec and the Quebecois.

>newfoundland = $0
they give nothing and they get nothing back. no wonder they're so poor

because the british government was afraid quebec was going to join the americans.

There's a lot of Newfies working in Alberta on rigs and stuff. They gud bois in my books.

most of the people who were extremely anti-independence in quebec were jews. montreal jews to be exact. they are all anglophone and fought the quebec government numerous times on language laws, and their ridings vote 90% liberal.

God the amount of soy this guy generates. All his videos are about being butthurt about us, and with this faggy hair holy shit.

Ah yes I forgot we had no economy. Everyone here is a NEET. We have low IQ, are lazy French speakers and if it weren't for the benevolence of the Anglo we would be Haiti tier indeed.


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Your average Andrew Scheer supporter ladies and gentlemen.

I thought Scheer was doing terribly with Millennials

fuck Anglos

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Why is it so hard for them to learn French. I mean I studied German and English and learnt both, ofc I forgot every German knowledge I had, because I didn't use, but I think I could do an A2 German if I practiced it for a month.

wouldn't surprise me
he's a huge cuckservative who even identifies as a feminist. pretty much all conservative millennials support bernier and even most of scheer's fanbase and quebecois do too. i suspect that the peoples party will replace the conservatives in quebec in the next election

fuck anglos
fuck quebec

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stuff like that is part of the reason we're not like richmond

the italian mob is also staunchly anti-quebec

don't forget the super fake "aboots"

I've seriously got my fingers crossed for the PPOC to go places. Not at all happy with the conservative party these days.


You’re not Québécois so you don’t get to say what is embarrassing to us. Nobody here has a problem with it except a couple of anglos who would find something else to be butthurt about either way (like the faggot in the video)

is there actually any francophones in alberta? besides quebecers and new brunswickers who moved their for oil jobs. pretty much all of the french speakers outside quebec live in new brunswick or ottawa.
i do too, friend

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Scheer is doing terribly with everyone
only people more pathetic than Scheer supporters easily and that is saying something

Now this is some big brain posting


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t. poodeau supporter
also there is no such thing a scheer supporter. just bernier supporters who are too afraid to not vote conservative out of fear of vote splitting

>it was his turn
yeah no kidding. how do these people not realize that they are basically the same as shillary supporters in terms of optics and political bitterness?

out of the way loser

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There's a pocket of them. Nobody really knows they're even there tho. Pic related.

The Liberals and NDP are even worse than the conservatives. PPOC is the only option if you want a party that will actually try making people's lives better.

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>is there actually any francophones in alberta?
yes but it depends on where in the province you are
central alberta has a lot of francophone settlements (beaumont, legal, st. albert, lac la biche to name a few) though they're bilingual at most these days
southern alberta is basically 100% anglo though

>The Liberals and NDP are even worse than the conservatives.
you are basically a seething harperite buddy
>PPOC is the only option if you want a party that will actually try making people's lives better.
you cant even be consistent

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thank fucking christ it was not

Lmao yeah, god I hate JJ shit. He is all the memes of Canada united in one video, buzzfeed Toronto SJW soyboy, with his aboots and his "eh" to remind his audience that he is not American, all while shitting on French people in every video. He legitimately might have autism.

Despite the fact that Anglo Canadians LOVE multiculturalism, and want to see as many Blacks, Asians, Arabs, Indians, Muslims, etc. in the country, they would at the same time love to see all of North America be one mass of mutts that only speak English. There is something weird in their mindset, but basically this extends to all North Americans, they are not used to see different languages every 300 km so obviously we are an anomaly on the map.

The bear’s head looks like a dick

Gib argument. I hardly see how shrinking the government and lowering taxes can be anything but beneficial to the average Joe.

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BASED fuck those *nglo Canadian fuckers Québécois

>gib argument
it was his turn is not an agrument

Based all these right wing retards keep getting dabbed on.

That wasn't my argument. I don't want the government meddling in my life and Maxime is the only guy who remotely lines up with that philosophy right now.

Win an election then. Can't? I guess it wasn't his turn after all.

big franco-northwest territorian cock

Imagine if all the Americans with french-canadian ancestry decided to learn french and join forces with us. We might be able to rid this continent of the angl*s

>only people more pathetic than Scheer supporters
they are about the same

>Win an election then
I'm pretty confident he might. Only time will tell.

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The franco northwest territorian man is the epitome of male dominance

>im pretty confident he might
Just as you were confident that he would win the PC party race? If Scheer is a loser what does that make someone who loses to him?

>I'm pretty confident he might
Really? You want to bet on Canadian Yeb!

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I wasn't confident he would win the PC race. He did a dang good job competing against traditional conservatives considering what a political oddball he is though.


>canadian ¡yeb!
good one

A bigly loser?

>He did a dang good job competing
i.e. losing

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>libertarian got like 49% of the votes in a party race demographically dominated by old-timey conservatives
He did a good job. But yeah, he lost.

>libertarian lost
there I just condensed your post into something worthwhile and factual

Scheer barely won against him in getting votes from Harperites. What do you think is gonna happen now that he's gone independent and can draw votes from all over the political spectrum?

>What do you think is gonna happen now that he's gone independent
He will lose, again
>can draw votes from all over the political spectrum
lmao sunken cost fallacy at play

the only thing Bernier will do is ensure the liberals win the next election and I’m okay with that because the last thing this country needs is more austerity

We'll see. Like I already said, only time will tell.

hey pal, thats not an argument

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We're even then

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