Antarctica thread!

Antarctica thread!
Invited: Norway, Australia, France, UK, Argentina, Chile, NZ
Special guest: Brazil
Not invited: Literally everyone else, including am*ricans

What can be done to make antarctica a better place? Do we invest heavily in winter clothing?

Attached: Antarktis territorier.png (512x573, 128K)

I've always wanted to go there.


shit thread

Marie Byrd Land belongs to Canada

Norway give back our land you bastards

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-08 New Swabia - Wikipedia.png (300x647, 120K)

Switzerland want its fair share of the cake.

should have known

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Join the bitching queue behind the dutch and british freakazoids bitching about Norwegian territory.
Estimated queue time: 10 billion years.

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What's actually going to happen is that, when the ice starts to melt, America, Mama Bear and the Dragon are going to snatch dat land up, and you're all (with the possible exception of the UK) going to rage impotently

I can bet that as soon as a few batches of land start to appear below the icesheet, the Norway claim will vanish and China and the US will split the continent in two.

This map is retarded af. The only nations that can reasonably have claim on Antarctica are Russians, Norwegians and Brits

What do you mean by better place? Hospitable?

I suppose that you have at least a civilian settlement there, right?

Attached: based & redpilled.jpg (157x117, 3K)

No one can do much there though legally. China has been building bases and shit there though because they don't give a fuck about international laws.

I have legally changed my name to Marie Byrd. Now that land belongs to me.

Makes me laugh every time.

>when the ice starts to melt
In hundreds of years at best and probably never.

Umm guess again sweaty pie

Attached: libcucks_BTFO.jpg (700x426, 30K)

What's the story behind this?

Tyskere som stjeler land fra Norge.

Aussies and NZ count as Brits.

We will run out of oil before the ice sheet melts, and anyway if it melts there will be chaos all over the world, say good bye to any coastal city.