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Brayden Ward
Nathan Wilson
crazy how depending on the graphic poland can be Ok or just pure shit
Zachary Price
What is "wealth"?
Colton Green
i believe portugal on this map is more true than greece
Jackson Clark
portuguese are slavs lmao
Jace Sullivan
Why is everyone so poor?
Alexander Wood
Blake Nelson
Mason Roberts
basically proves that 'Central Europe' is the stepping stone into Eastern Europe, v4 is poor but everything else eastwards is broke as fuck
Samuel Butler
>Portugal 1k
Bullshit map
Caleb Young
William Williams
Don't people in countries like Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland etc have most of their money in mortgages? So this map is a bit misleading
Jordan Flores
maybe we will be richer than Lithuania in the next 50 years
wow that would be cool
Owen Hughes
Thanks for the bullshit chart, not even governments can savely say what the median wealth of their citizens is, let alone some gold hoarding cheesejews.
Jace Turner
>fyrom more than serbia
oh no no no *wheezing*
Brayden Allen
Ayden Ramirez
What about Moldova? Eh?
Grayson Bailey
Jonathan Hall
that map is definitely fake
Julian Sanders
Moldova is a mystery wrapped in enigma.
Jonathan Roberts
At least we are 10 times richer than hohols.
Jeremiah Powell
Wow all these European 4channel posters with 200k+ in US dollars. I wonder why they are here with all of their money.
Jackson Clark
WHY ARE WE SO POOR?????????????????????????????????????
Elijah Jenkins
How much money the corporation you work for has. If you keep your mouth shut they'll give you a little taste.
Jose Carter
read this,
sorry soviet union, my fellow comrade, is living in the matrix
Angel Wilson
Jaxon Murphy
mad how different austria and hungary are
Luis Howard
guess what sunshine, everybody else is, with the difference your banks are making us pay more interest
James Garcia
More than half of the EU's pensions are Dutch (if you exclude the UK). The boomers are sitting on ridiculous amounts of money. The rest not really.
Jayden Carter
Samuel Ward
judging by that map it's just the value of your house
Andrew Gray
Poland is a very poor country that managed to have a great standards of living, which is quite an achievement. I'd say only Czechia and Slovenia is better than us, but only by a margin.
Elijah Walker
Hmm. What do all the red countries have in common?