so the "Öst - Aust" is simple but how does "erreich" become "ria"
I just don't get how you get "Austria" from "Österreich"
reich means realm
ria is an ending that indicates something is a country
if there was a kingdom south of Germany with Germans in would it be Sudria?
I need to know what my EU4 nation is called
it would be called Switzerland
In ancient Germanic langage austar means east. Somehow this turned into the latinized version of Österreich (which originally was called Ostarrichi meaning Eastern Realm).
Czech out how Czechs, Slovaks and Sorbs (both) call it, you'd be surprise.
We're not Germans.
are you playing with custom nations? Where is your country located?
-ia is the Latin go-to suffix for toponyms: Hispania, Dacia, Germania, Pannonia, Hibernia, Caledonia...
Czechs call it crabland (rakovsko)
why not switzreich?
so austria comes from Ostarrichi rather than osterreich?
converted megacampaign, making a proper history of it. The generated name was Tirol but someone on Jow Forums said that was a stupid name so I thought I'd change it to something more fitting
what has it got to do with crabs?
Batavia, rather.
from "austraz", the Proto-Germanic word for "East", same as Austrasia.
I love the fact how there's both Nova Scotia and New Caledonia, and they're not connected.
Moreover, they're on completely different continents.
hello Hollandia
>Austria will never anschluss your country again like in the 19th century
Why even live? For 1000 years they sought to subjugate us. They eventually won and we created one very prosperous country. But then WW1 and 2 happened, and they threw us away. Like something used and dirty.
They could have us, but they don't want to. Why? Why would they abandon us,when we needed them the most?
stop speaking an alien language and you'll win her back
it doesn't sound that alien... I think it probably sounds nice even.
Gott erhalte uezs
In mena they are literally called nimssa "DEAF"
in Spanish we call holanda to holland