For once in history French and Germans are gonna team up to get rid of the Eternal Anglo

>for once in history French and Germans are gonna team up to get rid of the Eternal Anglo

Is this the best timeline?

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UK > France

*clink clink*
Fuck Germans and fuck frogs

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No, I'd rather with team up with Anglos to get rid of the eternal Kraut. As allies, Britain betrayed us exactly once(at Mers-el-Kébir), but even then that can hardly be considered a betrayal. This is counterbalanced by the fact that they vouched for France getting a seat at the UNSC after WWII, ensuring that we remain important on the world stage.
Meanwhile, Germany has been an overall terrible ally for the duration of the European project. They only managed to rebuild their country and make it the dominant economic power in Europe thanks to outside help from America and from us, and how are they returning the favor? By trying to dominate the continent again. They're perfectly aware of what they're doing. A few weeks ago, the German finance minister asked for France to relinquish its seat at the UNSC and give it to the EU, in an attempt to ridiculise us and obstruct France's plans for European integration, which don't benefit Germany at all since it would weaken their stronghold on the union. And it isn't even the first time Germany took initiatives without consulting us, the supposedly second most important engine of the EU. They pulled out of nuclear in 2011, of their balanced budget provision in 2009-2012, they threatened to kick Greece out of the Eurozone, they opened the EU to the refugee crisis... Germany is still the same as ever, and I think Britain and France should remind Germans who the military powers in Europe are.

*ding ding*
*drops microphone*

no, this is a terrible idea. they'll BS France sooner or later and they won't be able to do anything without Britain's help


>Has more land than any other country on earth
>still a shithole
Oh my days. A depressing Island with little to no resources has a bigger economy than you

Chad pilled

>broomsticks in wheeled IFVs
>bombers can't fly because no parts
>oh lalala cette est Le Dominatìon