british women edition
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another saturday alone...
My headspace is creamy right now to say the least
hmm might just be because i was snorting unknown amounts of 2c-b, but i never really remembered my acid trips clearly 2bh
>She then called him a 'f****** P*** c***'.
how do you even pronounce that?
headspace is fucked due to a combination of cocaine alcohol and valium
sniffing mdma is actually better than bombing it dunno why brits don't do it
So if I were to take 2cb how should I plan the trip?
My mates thought acid was a bit too much do you think it would be good for them?
fucking paki cunt
i do a cheeky like on the come up just to get up quicker
>half gram sesh
>bomb, line, bomb, line
uncalled for mate was just asking a question
how old are you
head down to your local brothel, 2c-b is an aphrodisiac
took it once, felt barely anything. maybe it was because i was on anti depressants though.
>The authority "had to pay for an 'age assessment' for each one (costing £1,500 each) that concluded that 15 were children and 24 were adults".
I'm high on Jesus
Just remeber.
If you OD on coke then you die.
never done half a gram in one night
i think the most was 250mg and it was enough for me
small brain: snorting crystal mdma
mega mind: snorting crushed up ecstasy pills
always get self conscious putting kisses in birthday cards because i'm a 'gin
Remember when Finnish world of warcraft guild Paragon achieved world first Lich King 25hc kill?
fucking retard
Snorted a whole pill in a Jakarta club toilet once
Best chat up lines?
vile bitch if thats what she puts in her mouth what does she put in her fanny
No I have actually touched a vagina in real life
grim, women are strange creatures sometimes
im hoping to
Big fan of girls, me
They all scream
remember when my 10 man guild killed him much later on. still felt special because we were all buddies
Too much tax is spent on darkies
Fuck the government
Fuck the councils
>tbf I wouldn't expect Canadian trailer trash to know how to use a computer, let alone the darknet. It's probably for the best wouldn't want them trying to seek their moody pills.
>Starting to make sense why your head is so screwed up
>Jamie Oliver 'recipes to be skinny/healthy' shows and books everywhere
>Said cook is literally fatter every time I see him
lets go back to my place and play house, you can be the door and ill slam you
That will still fuck you hard
people who know whats up dont buy dope off the internet you fucking virgin chump
this but for single mums and bastard weans
emmet outs himself as a retard on a daily basis, it's just embarassing at this point
>being fat is bad
hope i develop schizophrenia so i can live on neetbux forever and do wacky shit all day long
>>being fat is bad
darknet is literally for Jow Forums and Jow Forums autists that are too shut in to have IRL plugs, thats it
>Welcome to our office user, we have a hot-desking policy here so feel free to sit wherever
do northerners still hate jamie oliver for taking away their turkey twizzlers
Might have to try this one on the 'der
why do feminists get so triggered by the most innocuous activities as long as they are performed by men
saw that some female comedian has a show interviewing girls in cars just because jerry seinfeld did it with his mates
Eat the 2cb schizo buys
remember when that leicester man died . mad that
it's hard to find reliable xanax dealers and im too ashamed to ask around for opioids
Still to try PCP, Mescaline and DMT
fair enough, just don't play pretend
>why do feminists get so triggered by the most innocuous activities as long as they are performed by men
>saw that some female comedian has a show interviewing girls in cars just because jerry seinfeld did it with his mates
I'm a northerner and I never liked those disgusting things
glad he got them banned
hate it when runts cry about them
>tfw he's actually about the same height as me
wtf thats me mam
It's not the twizzlers it's the damn principle of the thing. It's like another Harrying of the North.
>4channel launches
>t*rks flood back in
>literal pedophiles
Scientifically speaking, you're more likely to be ripped off by a street thug than a dark net vendor, especially if you're only buying small quantities.
Silly little child.
2CB makes you horny and makes the grass green and makes your chest feel weird
that's literally IT
feel like pure shit just want to go back x
based aside from the reddit flag
redditflaggers need to fuck off
true. it was a turk that stole maddie mccann
I thought it was kinda like ecstacy and lad or that a meme?
>Buying drugs online?
>Heck yeah!
>Let me "redpill" you on my favorite vendors, my fellow home boy dude bro lads
apparently youre not supposed to take mdma when youre on antidepressants, but ive done it. its not that bad, i had to take like 600mgs to get a decent high though. no comedown either.
>reddit flags
>England Scotland Netherlands
what a mess
>2007 was 11 years ago
dude i do drugs how cool am i haha lmao
Hey Em . How are you ?
im the only redditflagger here rn
got a problem, say it my face
why are Jow Forums convervatives such fucking freaks? they all like the same shit
-history (specifically WWII or some weird autistic specific bullshit history)
-classical architecture, they get angry at everything else
-specific video games (civ, truck/flight simulators etc)
-the same music, either classic rock, classical, or faggot metal like sabaton
-a shared disdain for art of any sort UNLESS it's romanticism or another type of strictly classical art
would kms if i had to work in an open office
who /pissed/ here?
>Scientifically speaking, you're more likely to be ripped off by a street thug than a dark net vendor, especially if you're only buying small quantities.
>Silly little child
I would never recommend it, I only know from my reckless younger years as a teenage child, now that I am grown up I have moved on. Drugs are for children.
catyank you're on 15 different psychiatric drugs shut up
this schizoleaf freak and this yank mentally ill freak post here 24/7 they are disgusting freakazoid wastes of oxygen
disappointing drug. that's all i say
buy some real acid off Dreams market and start 100ug on your first dose.
plan it well so it doesn't go bad. sunshine, warmth, good mates, no anxiety, a good playlist. best day of your life
music is extremely important. listen to what you enjoy
virgin freak. drugs are literally the only interesting part of being alive and theyre the ultimate bonding experience.