4channel edition
play my 4 or 5 year old clicker game i never finished
Just ordered some pizza, gonna get all fat now
these damn pomf clones are so unreliable
Fucking hate people who play those star breaker games its so boring
post bitches with big titties
absolutely LOVE the 5’0” little 16 y/o girl from work desu
You deserve a spanking for bringing this into my life.
Been on a Halo nostalgia trip lately
good night guys, I sleep now
Shit tier pal minimum height should be 5'6
>>You deserve a spanking
Wrong, she is adorable and her height is perfect. She always comes to me for a hug if she’s stressed and I just pick her up
i just went to target to get me monster zero and i havent showered or shaved in 2 days and my hair is all greasy and i look and feel like death and there were all these happy teenagers and cute girls around god i felt horrible like literally subhuman
shant be going to target again, will stick to gas stations and wal mart
walmart is open 24h and has self checkout
top comfy
NEET but can relate
perhaps, but it will still hurt cause I watched 15secs of that youtube clip and am mad now
never been.
>shartmart visitor
please leave
pancakes and steak is the patrician's choice for breakfast
went to Walmart
They wouldn't break my 20, fucking assholes. Hurrdurr store policy, we can't open the registers.
Fuck you Walmart.
Based poo rapist
Welcome to 4channel!
never had a problem with walmart desu
im the designated bottom
No texas
I buy all my clothes from Walmart
Too many degenerates
*Bass drop*
*Floops gasping for air*
*Floops out of your arm*
*Bass drop*
*Floops gasping for air*
it's where all the real life mutts hang out
What's it like being a homosexual in Texas
There is a sense of innocence/purity in them
Been doing nothing but reading Megumin doujins all day, penultimate comfy
Texas is pretty boring desu
Oh okay meet up with me please
Last time I was there there were two girls trying to pick out condoms together
>i like to travel!
>i'm finding myself!
>i'm getting educated!
>i'm going to settle down now!
what kinda pizza?
Which city do you live in? I always expected Texas to be rowdy as fuck
who else /towel whipping all the cute female coworkers/
Never seen them there
all the weirdos seem to be hang around protein shops where I live
i like doing that... and i will after finals
just have a week of pure decadence and indulgence
I'm going to pay my college registration fees in time to get seats for the next semester
i like how her outfit makes her look naked
makes me want to fondle her small breasts
Right outside of DFW Texas is pretty boring no matter where you are though and the area I'm in is pretty liberal on a lot of things and there's gays everywhere, the last time my mother was up here she even commented on how many lesbians we saw while out
Key words
Going to
pepperoni and olives, and then chicken/bacon/white sauce.
pizza hut had a deal for 2 larges for $8 each, not terrible really
Haven't read any manga in a long time. Anything new that is good to read and is on madokami?
friendo fell asleep upstairs. thinkin' about the ol' whip cream prank.
why the fuck would you do that. turn back before it's to late
good deal, 2 larges will feed you for a while too
I WILL say the N-word
whats that
redpill me on megumin
black olives are good on a pizza...but only if its loaded
Haha that's a personal favorite of mine. Whip out his cock, a little whip cream and you get sucking. It's a fun time for everyone
redpill (based)
olives are great. mushrooms are puke city tho
this. I get my pizza with anchovies and goat cheese.
>mushrooms are puke city tho
i think i want farming simulator 2019
>mushrooms are puke city tho
Can't imagine being such an enormous pleb
megumin doujins are all the rage atm
It's okay
>goat cheese
That doesn't belong on pizza or lasagna or anything really
*slow inhale*
NI-(user was banned for this post)
>black olives
wanna face fuck Lauren for hours on end
shit taste, user, shit taste
stop ignoring me reeee
literally nothing wrong with casual sex
Loli. Smart. Explosions
Why do white people love rotten cow juice so much?
My issue is that ..it didn't need tinkering...it was perfectly fine the way it was
I just want to be friends :(
Macedonian aka fyrom culture is awesome
USA is ok as well
Fuck niggers, jews, women, arabs, dot-heads, spics.
it looks eurotruck simulator-y
Sup dude
hey buddy
I'm all for casual sex. I don't care if you've fuck a million black dudes, white dudes, Asian dudes, brown dudes, as long as at the end of day I get to come home to you it's alright
love when it's just me and a couple high-lvl buds
- no gfs or f(f)s - ordering something "gross" like a philly cheesesteak pizza (add anchovies)
i've since streamlined the process by eliminating the peripheral human parties