>one life and you were born gay
One life and you were born gay
could be worse, you could be a LINK holder.
Just be yourself bro haha
Means you did something bad in your previous life to your lover/wife/husband
It's karma
what's wrong with being a faggot? You can get laid right now while us straightcucks have to deal with roasties and literally court them for days just to get one night with them
No such thing as being born gay, its a choice, a bad one.
ok guys, last two digits, you know the drill
first digit:
0-1: Indian
2-3: Nigger
4-5: Arab
6: Chinese
7: Korean
8: Japanese
9: European
second digit:
0: gay
1-2: gay with other obvious mental illness
3: straight with obvious mental illness
4-9: straight and normal
>mentally ill and chinese
how can we possibly all be mentally ill asians? is there something you didn't tell me, Jow Forums?
get in there
mfw straight and normal nippon
What's a roastie?
meh first digit is too predictable desu, Jow Forums is dead nowadays
High IQ can lead to mental instability. This has been seen in certain jews. Might end up diddling little asian kids like Woody Allen.
solid point tyrone
why is it bad?
I'm not gay but sometimes I wish I was. Getting sex is absolutely trivial. You can be meh looking and have sex with 30 different guys in one day easily. In a way you won the lottery.
>have mental illness
>won the lottery
pick 1
Did you know faggots lose their gay lisp when they come up from anesthesia?
Men trained to be children.
>Did you know faggots lose their gay lisp when they come up from anesthesia?
you very likely weren't born gay
such a thing is incredibly rare; (((they))) say that being "born gay" is common to make you feel helpless to your condition
stop eating foods and drinking water contaminated with estrogenic plastics and riddled with phytoestrogens
eat sardines with your crypto gains, get some sunlight every day
as gross as homosexuality is to a healthy, normal individual, don't hate gay people for having a mental disorder, as it's not a disorder that necessarily makes them incapable individuals
also, fuck political correctness
any idiot who thinks that being gay isn't necessarily unhealthy and then wonders why they themselves are so depressed and fucked up mentally needs to think their train of thought through many, many times over, and compare their reasoning with the philosophy of truly successful, truly admirable people
tfw straight european guy
I hate being gay
you're actually retarded or just in the closet if you believe that
No such thing as being born straight, its a choice, a bad one.
sexual orientation is more of a psychological thing than a genetic one, id say major porn exposure can massively change your sexual preferences for instance. Its not really a choice, but it can be shaped by different social factors. Not saying you cant be born gay, though.
>>born gay
I like you, good sir.
this is 100% true. the abundance of porn destroys your ability to have a normal sexual energy and desire.
you constantly need more and more degeneracy to quench your thirst. so then you up so fucked up mentally, so drained sexually, that you end up giving your ass to a aids diseased pedophile who can only get hard because you're talking like an 11 year old.
I can only get off to tranny porn but I don't think I could ever fuk one irl only a woman. What does that make me?
Porn has ruined you. You will probably never be able to have a meaningful relationship with healthy and passionate sex. Until you completely get that cancer out of your system.
An addict. Make steps to revert your sexuality back to normal. It's possible, you just have to put in the effort and not expect too much at once.
why sardines?
my guess is lots of fat and protein, that's it
should probably stick to salmon though so you don't get mercury poisoning
I was about to fap but decided to not to, thanks for the advice. What's the best way quitting porn? Just cold turkey? Do you still are fap without any porn to get off sometimes?
Yeah I fap to pictures of MY girlfriend. Anything else is training yourself for cuckism. Really what is porn? Watching someone else getting fucked. If you have to, watch something like solo masturbation. That's the best of the worst.
Also using your imagination, try it. It's fucking hard but it's a great exercise. We barely use our imaginations anymore.
Take cold showers when you get the urge. Don't wear baggy pants around the house (your hands will go down your pants when youre bored).
And when you stop porn for a couple days, you'll be so horny that you actually start to hit on women IRL at every opportunity. I remember I'd be hitting on 4's, 5's and 6's at the supermarket just because I was so full of testosterone from not fapping.
give it to me then
Thanks man. Im still pretty young but ive been addicted to porn for about 4 years now and the internet/Jow Forums just made it more degenerate. I am bi id say but i dont wanna be fapping to degenerate shit and i actually want a real life woman i can fuck regurarly and porn has been killing my motivation to chase women.
No such thing as being born a pedo, its a choice, a bad one.
Most of your peers are addicted to it to. So just by you struggling and beating your addiction you will be more valuable than a lot of other men. In that you exude sexual energy when I'd imagine most are your peers can barely maintain eye contact with the opposite sex.
>Not saying you cant be born gay, though.
Except you can't because its a choice, a bad one.
i'm already indian
You should try going cold turkey, just don't beat yourself up if you relapse since it's likely that you will. Relapsing becomes a problem when you let it get to you emotionally, and use it as an excuse to give up. Remember that if you're still trying to quit then you are getting better, even if it seems hopeless. Recognise that every little bit of effort is helping: every extra day or even hour that you last before relapse is doing you good; every time you fap without porn, or fap to less degenerate porn than you otherwise would view, is also doing you good, relatively speaking.
A good short-term goal would be to last as long as you can, and, when your withdrawals are effecting you too much, make the decision to allow yourself to fap and force yourself to do it with as little outside stimuli as possible (imagination > pics > vids, etc). Since you're hooked on tranny porn, just make sure that you're sticking to hetero stuff for the time being and work from there. Even small steps, if you keep at it, can get you a long way.
>>Do you still are fap without any porn to get off sometimes?
Yeah. I'm not gonna lie, I'm still far from perfect. I still fap 1-2 times a week and use porn a couple times a month. Mostly I use my imagination, or ASMR/makeup videos on youtube since they're non-explicit and are a good aid to imagination. If I decide to use porn I try to make it solo female stuff (masturbation, JOIs, etc). It's not ideal, but my life has significantly improved since I cut out the extreme stuff.
You should consider yourself lucky. Most people never even question their porn use, and blindly continue their pattern of behaviour unaware of the effect it's having on them. Showing a desire to change is half the battle. So keep your chin up! You're on an upward swing whether you realise it or not.
>ASMR/makeup videos on youtube since they're non-explicit and are a good aid to imagination
lmao 10/10
>born gay
No you were not. Fucking liar also not biz. Go away faggot. Also obviously OP is a faggit
hav you considered an hero fren? Lovely sleeply peace
all your shitposts will be lost, in time
like kneepads in the rain
time to die
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is gay Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The gay Like Nigga Close Your gay Haha
>never had his dick dicked by somebody who actually had one.
Never gunna make it.
>one life and was born a manlet
>tfw have nice facial features
>actually pretty attractive but just 5"6
>also have high test and am active as fuck
>good brain too
Being short fucking sucks ass, It would be so much easier to bag bitches if I was 6"1. fml
>too beta to make a girl suck him properly
never gonna survive the aids
>Watching someone else getting fucked.
Jokes on you. I only fap to japanese lesbians (anime).
Jokes on you. I've had sex before.
I've had sex with 6 different thots.
Fapping to anime is still better by the way.
>he paid
I didn't. Since when a thot = literal whore? I'd never pay for sex. Not now, not when I'm a millionaire.
Good. Keep yourself out of the gene pool.
Why are you so salty? You seem to have mental problems. This is not how a 'normal' person would act. Yet you're on here acting like a moral compass. Let me guess, Jow Forums?
>comes at me like a thug
>cries when i bully him
Lol fuck off crybaby.
>comes at me like a thug
obviously i dont like fapping or anime. so you make a salty post trying to get under my skin. but i end up getting under yours.
But you're the one who's getting passive aggressive. The ":^)" will not hide your saltiness. Why get so defensive, user? I never even challenged your worldview. Is this what Jow Forums does to you? It seems it does much more damage than tranny porn some other user itt faps to.
Way to fall for the propaganda there. It might not be a conscious choice, it might occur so young it's nearly hard wired into your brain and like any mental illness there's almost certainly genetic factors that predispose you to a "different" sexuality - but there's no "gay gene". We know this, because people have looked for it, same with brain structures, hormones etc.
Given a different set of environmental factors and a different upbringing you'd have been hetero, same way straight guys in prisons and militaries often go gay. Sexuality isn't as black and white as leftards think it is.
>fags whining on biz about being a fag
Why are fags so narcisstic and obnoxious. Was true for 100% of fags that I've met.
lgbt is that way.
Just....stop. How do you stop eating junk food or smoking etc? Same thing, just have some discipline. Get off the chans and Internet for a while, to avoid looking at thot posts. Go a few weeks, and you're probably good.
Obviously go work out, then try to find a decent woman that isn't a coalburning slut with a ruined womb from her abortions (try church, seriously, no idea if they exist anywhere else any more), and just impregnate her as often as possible.
roll for 11
Hi, frens
please take this to
american churches arent real churches
>Sexuality isn't as black and white as leftards think it is.
That's funny because its usually the other way around.
go back to /b/