What race/ethnicity have you been mistake for?
What race/ethnicity have you been mistake for?
Other urls found in this thread:
South Vietnamese .
I had to tell them to fuck off and that I’m a NORTHERN BVLL
A newfag, which is odd because I don't post frogs.
Paki, Brazilian, Moroccan, Algerian, Egyptian I kid you fucking not. People get very creative with me.
An indian. I called the guy a racist, reported him to the HR and he got fired lol
And Sepharadi too.
Mostly as a turk otherwise as anything from an arab to a latino
American (chat roulette)
German (a homeless guy call me "alemão" asking for a cigarette)
Bolivian (I joked with my cousin's wife telling I look almost like a bolivian and she agreed)
>Bolivian (I joked with my cousin's wife telling I look almost like a bolivian and she agreed)
puta estupida
Sadly Chinese/Korean
thanks senpai
Irish and Brit happens a lot, and I have no idea why.
Fuck off
A Korean.
I have had multiple people ask me if I'm British or English, and a few weeks ago some boomer at the liquor store asked if I was AUSTRALIAN.
My ancestry is English, yes, but I'm from QUEBEC of all places, and only speak English. I have no accent that I'm aware of.
Now sure, it's all still "white", but come the fuck on.
Everyone thinks I'm Indian or Arab.
ITT: Mutt problems
>Based Quebec
You are a Romance BVLL, not an uncivilized wh*te
Are you a Chi or med?
i am commonly being mistaken for a whitey or slav while i am in fact iranic sarmatian
It's because you are a celt lad.
Some thought I was from Europe, which is dumb even if I am a total euromutt. Only happened once or twice though.
People have told me many times I look German "because of jaw and blonde hair"
Brit, french, irish.
Jewish and Greek. I can kind of see the former but not the latter at all. Muh heritage is mainly Anglo but I have brown curly hair and a kind of big nose, albeit not Jew shaped.
from worse to best:
indian, italian, spanish, MENA
I feel like it depends on my haircut, the longer my hair is the more I get told I look indian
people keep thinking i'm wh*Te
those idiots need to realize that i'm jewish and therefor BLACK
none because im not a mutt
Zainichi Korean
Whenever i tell people that i dont know that im from germany the first question is always wether im a turk or refugee because im tanned and have black hair
irish and russian
an old man in prague asked me if i was mexican
Supposedly I look like a Czech/Polak
That's pretty random lol
was ist eigentlich deine Rasse ?
in France we imagoine you all as blonde and blue eyed
Portuguese or Italian.
gym buddy whose family was straight up mejican looked jewish
When I travel I am mistaken for American, probably because I am fat
based wop
So it would seem.
I'm mainly English/Scottish with a little bit of Italian. I guess that's pretty much what Danes look like
Pakistani once. By a Somali lady. I'm of Irish descent
jewish, my secondary school even put down that I couldn't eat shellfish or pork on my file
Italian but am actually an artichoke
German a while ago. I was flattered, if for nothing else but that being told I look like other human people is a compliment in itself.
>Pakistani once. By a Somali lady. I'm of Irish descent
This doesn't even make any sense
fuhlst du dich verlegt wenn jemand dich fragt ob du ein turke bist? das hat auch mir als ich in deutschland war passiert
>you look like someone who's learning german (at school)
>you look like Ed Sheeran but with brown hair (fucking rude)
I've been mistaken for white but I'm actually an Appalachian BVLL.
Russian alot of times
Been mistaken for a danish twice
Once for an albanian
Sorry about the choppy prose. I have also been told I look Jewish if that helps.
Italian, as in Italian ancestry.
British the most often, also Dutch once by a Chink who was surprised that all Frenchmen aren't swarthy manlets
Everyone correctly guesses me as Mexican
maybe you are
I fuckin' love Chinese tourists. Was visiting Italy one time with some friends (I'm 6'3", buddies were 6'6" and 6'4"), and a group of Asian women came up to us gawking "AHR YU EEETAHLEEN?". And we're like "no, Canadian", then they ran off to I'm guessing their dad giggling and shouting something in Chinese. Absolute farce of a people.
fuckin hell
People mistake me for a Jew sometimes because I'm a nerdy looking, neurotic white guy. I have no Jewish ancestry per genealogy and genomic analysis however.
He was laughing at you, leaf
Hey, as long as they're having a good time.
was just feelin bad for u since the average mexican is fat and short, but hope for ur sake that ur good looking lad
I've been mistaken for German and British abroad
I'm neither
wtf does it mean you think rape can be justified?
Oh THAT'S IT, I'm calling Justin
Nö macht mir eigentlich nichts
Russian and Slavic in general
My entire family is Catholic :(
>I fuckin' love Chinese tourists
>that flag
Please no, Dear Leader would have my head for wrongthink, who knows what xe might do for rape jokes; xe might make me a party member!
People are kinda taken aback when they find out I'm half (((them)))
Swedish and German
Asian girl thought I was Swedish
African guy thought I was German
>50/50 Anglo French American
Crypto-Jews maybe.
people think i'm pacific islander in USA,
a bunch of Canadians thought I was a native
i'm really just half black
I’m chi but get confused for Korean. A lot of white friends always say I don’t look Mexican but can’t tell what I look like.
im a mutt, so people ask me wtf I am
Arab, Brazilian and Argentinian.
a wh*Toid
>French, Spanish, Irish, Italian
I tan quite well, I quite like it
Jow Forums thinks I'm an English teacher.
Im half European American and half Southeast Asian so I get confused for alot of things.
It changes depending on how tan I am, whether I grow my beard, and how I style my hair.
The last few months Ive been mistaken for Hispanic alot. A women was speaking to me in Spanish for a couple minutes before she realized that I didnt understand a world kek
I've been mistaken for Danish, British, French, and Swiss (mostly while in their respective countries). I guess I just blend in.
Okinawan Jeju Islander
brazilian pretty much every time
i am half Ashkenazi jewish (dutch) and half coloured (south africa)
not mad about it though, sometimes i just say yes because i'd rather not explain
i look like this but male