My old man is unironically convinced crypto will not fail and wants to put in around 10k.
What are some good portfolios for that 60 year old boomer who wouldn’t like to see his money bleeding too fast?
My old man is unironically convinced crypto will not fail and wants to put in around 10k.
What are some good portfolios for that 60 year old boomer who wouldn’t like to see his money bleeding too fast?
QASH is at ATL, RLX is most promising project this year IMO, but you can also buy him 20 ETH
Holo is undisputed boomer coin (I own holo). Ark is pretty solid cos you gain interest on it just for holding it which will appeal to boomers used to earning regular interest on investments.
Get him to buy a bit of Link for suicide insurance as well.
dont listen to any newfags shilling bags here.
Put him in btc, eth, ltc, xmr, and dash.
Take him out when he triples his money in a few months. youre welcome
VEN obviously
Guaranteed to be MUCH higher in the future
Don’t listen to those dumb Papeete shilling their shitcoins
Your old man will lose 50%
He needs LINK as suicide insurance, checked.
I was going to rant about "don't let him, he doesn't understand crypto or the risks, the market forecast is not looking etc", but fuck it. Help him buy whatever he wants and watch him loose it all. Let nature run it's course
This. Boomers love dividends. Make sure you have him vote for bizclassic
same phonefag OP here
Thanks, will take a look at QASH. RLX seems too risky.
Holo seems interesting specially for the boomer team. Might suit the old man kek. I was interested in ARK too, maybe could allocate a few %.
I feel more prone to you guys' lower risk coins. Maybe could put like 8k in the high cap ones and 2k to riskier shit?
All in on VEN seems too much for a boomer.
Thanks, just bought 100k.
Yeah I feel the same. I warned him about the risks relentlessly tho.
Thanks frens you were awesome pls have sum sips
all in on 0xbtc.
UnIronically buy DECRED and stake it, comfy gains, and stable coin, around 27% yearly.
If not looking for a moonshot, but middle risk, middle to large yield, I'd go VEN-BIX. But I dunno if 10K will cut it.
t. 40 yo boomer
or buy a mining rig with that money and then u won't care about your entry, well, if your electricity isn't expensive.
GPUs or that new programmable GPU with 14k Cryptonight hash POGGERS
I'd do
> $3.5k BTC
> $3.5k ETH
> $1k OMG
> $1k XRP/XLM
And with the remaining 1k I'd ask him what he thinks the biggest benefit of blockchain will be and I'd try to buy a coin in that sector
100% USDT
This. Put the rest in IOTA.
2k in btc at 6k
2k in btc at 5k
2k in btc at 4k
2k in btc at 3k
2k in btc at 2k
apologize for telling him about crypto once its back to fair price $100
Stop fucking suggesting chink bitcoin shitcopy and premine scam
4K btc
4K eth
1k cripple or EOS
1k moonshot, I would go with ZIL or Aion
100% XMR
just buy the c20
Just go with the Eth, but try and get to 32 Eth for full staking rewards, that'll give him a decent passive income. If cryptos really do survive, that's like holding safe blue chip stocks - at his age he doesn't need all our crazy stress with managing his shitcoins through 80% market dumps and 700% pumps. Eth is the safest hold (and at least a x10 left in it).
"Fair price".....yeah, for a global payments network kek. Sure Btc is on the way out, but $100 is as delusional as $1m. Maybe more so.
Hodl him some BTC and buy some LINK REQ SKY for the speculative rush, solid coins with actual use cases.
>x10 left in it.
Try ×1000 kiddo
it's only 10k, makes not much difference. may as well put it all in link
like assuming you put 10k in high cap coins and they go maybe 5x max, 50k isnt much. If he's not in it for the money and 10k is chump change to him definitely go all in LINK
10% BTC
50% BCH
20% ETH
10% EOS
10% NEO
This is the perfect boomerfolio
Buy him block and ark and stake both. You'll thank me
Invest only in protocols. Disregard ERC20 shitcoins that don't plan on migrating to their own blockchain.
Once you disregard shitcoins you're left with around 20-30 projects to choose from. If you're not retarded you'd be able to see which of these are on the right path and which are not. Eventually you'll be left with around 5-10 projects to choose from. You'll have to take a leap of faith and pick one or two.
If you want my shills: Holo, ARK and maybe OMG. These picks might not make sense to you now, but they will in time.
>My old man
Your boyfriend?
Babb would make him a millionaire in less than 3 years.
Convince him out of it. Holding crypto is fucking dumb and he will get rekt.
this is a great spread
Bitcoin Cash
Ignore the rest of the market, if it isn't a currency it's trash. Bcore can't scale, Litecoin is a scam, nano is a unusable scam. Bitcoin Cash has a huge amount of projects in the pipeline, cheap and reliable transactions. Do yourself a favour and use your brain.
I only hodl shitcoins, your old man does not deserve such stress, tell him to just stick to eth and maybe a bit of xmr or ltc
30% btc
30% eth
20% omg
20% iota
Honestly? All in BTC or ETH. Even that is probably too risky for a 60 yo, but since it's just 10k I'm going to guess that it's throwaway money.
all in link, sell half when it's 50 cents and get a nice and balanced portfolio
pajeets love holo, fuckn pump n dump
better go iotx and tron
avoid REQ, LINK, HOLO, 0xBTC
i'd go with simply ETH, EOS and good ol BTC
don't diversify too much tho