What if your soulmate lives across the world?

What if your soulmate lives across the world?

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Based Maori. Nobody like overseas Chinese buying houses here and jack up the price, not even the Chinese who lives here.
t. knower

Why don’t leafs, kiwis, and aussies team up to stop the chinks?

Because our countries are all run by neoliberal traitors who will always betray us for chinese money

it's like saying why don't all the nordic countries team up to fight US, were not strong enough not without you anyway.

What's the best way to stop a Zerg rush?

This and Canada arresting the Huawei CEO, Looks like Canada, Australia, and NZ have had enough of there shit. Good


>team up with
No more shaking hands with the devil. We will take you all out.

anglos cannot resist the dirty Big Chinese Cash

construct additional pylons

Our government accepts bribes and turns a blind eye to all there shit. I have no idea how NZ and and Australia but I'm guessing they're in a similar situation

Protoss are shit taking on Zerg rushes

Now that gang weed is legalized we are rising up!

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Ask the SKoreans for help? They're good at StarCraft.

Based Kiwis
That'll never happen here. Imagine if it did, what would they do with all the property already belonging to the Chinese, which is almost all of it?

seize it and kick them out

I don't think they're seizing already bought property, just making sure they can't buy any more.

They can't buy existing houses but they can build new ones

Basically what's happening in auckland now is a bunch of chinese billionaires are planning on making big commieblocks for chinese only

Does CANZAC need a string of socialist governments to seize chink property?

>kick them out

They never even lived here (or NZ), that's why people are so pissed.
They're buying up property in a country they'll never step foot in.

You need to block entrances by building supply depots and move the barrack closer to said entrance and pump a small group of marines with upgrades.

serral eats gooks for breakfast

I know how you feel. Both of our governments have been bought off. The only way I can see the situation changing is if the US becomes hostile towards China and issues an ultimatum towards our governments

So did she actually do it?

We need to resurrect Jack Layton.

We need to wipe out the chinese men and take the asian qts as wives

That's why I hope for the trade war to escalate and hope Huawei gets fucked. It would make for a good start

this will do nothing
we did the same thing a few years ago, nothing changed
based retards dont get that the problem is local investers (boomers)
only recently sydney prices have gone down a little because banks have been tighter with credit, but that just means new home owners are having an even more difficult time getting in