pic related
We are nearing singularity. last chance
Whats that?
the codeship is preparing for some ship..related activities. something seat belt related!
excuse me sir, how much do I need to secure my seat on the ship
Everything is fucking red, I don't think the singularity could happen right now even if Trump, Putin, and Jesus told everyone to buy
you wont make it. mainnet before sept
seats taken, pajeet.
Link is in the green btw
Checking your check
Everyone's thinking main net will pump this to pluto. I hope so but I'm more conservative. It's with main net that things start to get interesting but It'll still take time for this to really gain traction. Hold the line.
Main net on its own won't do shit.
Churning your shark
down every day 4 30
50 down
dead cat before oblivion
>Main net on its own won't do shit
it will
it will go under .10
Daily reminder that there are less than 500k linkies on order books of ETH and BTC pairs combined.We are literally running out of LINK on Binance singularity is happening soon
Absolutely checked
LINK $1000 EOY
Dammit off by one
You need to stop browsimg Jow Forums.
It's obviously bot good for your health.
That being said, Link $10 eoy.
This is good news. For the brainlets who don't know what this means this is basically another thing to add to the list that shows the LINK team is following good software development practices.
At the moment their software delivery pipeline sounds like it's somewhat manual. Typically when you make a change you deploy it to several different testing environments where different types of testing is performed. What they're doing here is using the tool called CodeShip to develop a CI/CD pipeline for ChainLink. This will streamline their software delivery pipeline so that the time taken for the team to make a code change and deploy it into production/mainnet will be fast.
This is certainly a good sign that the team is thinking about launching mainnet but I would still recommend people remain patient. My takeaway is that it's good to see they're following good practices that will help the team hit their deliverables in preparation for mainnet and also in order to support and develop new features going forward.
well thomas did say they weren't working on the pivotal because they had to take care of things that would make the development easier in the future, but it had to be done now
so I guess he was talking about this kind of stuff
sell wall is down btw
imagine if link gets listed on coinbase...
This will never happen. Just being realistic.
pure delusion
Why couldn't it? They're all about the ETH ecosystem and without external data there isn't much of one
Don't those little blue tics on the left of the entries on pivotal show progress? Cause it looks like everything is done on the schedule through the end of june
It would also show the SEC that ETH can solve real world problems and LINK is a utility token not a security
Hah. One for the cringe compilation.