So THIS IS the power of WESTERN civilization!

So THIS IS the power of WESTERN civilization!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Only Murica and Western Europe.

... that's 95% of western civilization

So, literally the Western Civilization.

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Total Western population: 1743 M people.
Murica + Western Europe: 760 M people.

>Yes Mr. Abdul please bare my children. You don't even have to raise them. Santiago Sanchez Smith will do it for you.
Sounds based to me.

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Why not? Men don‘t own women. Her body, her choice.

Elaborate what you define as ''Total Western Population''.

He probably means based countries like Russia and Ukraine as well.

Europe + The Americas.

>He probably means based countries like Russia and Ukraine as well.

I tought the western world was Europe, LOS, Canada, Australia and NZ

We are western too, our culture is western.

I didn't know Latinos were this delusional.

Yes, that is what ''The West'', ''The Western World'' is.

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I wonder what kind of person would promote adultery as a Christmas gift..
>by Rosa (((Silverman)))

Oh wow what a big fucking shocker this is. I totally didn't expect this. I mean wow, just wow.

fucking sluts.

I'm gonna marry a Muslim or Indian girl desu

What a suprise.

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Oh yes, I'll pay whatever you want for the privilege to be educated why I shall cuck myself.

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Good choice if you don’t want any trouble in your marriage.

Call it ''der jude'' as much as you like. Your country is ruled by them, your policies are implemented by them. Nonsensical policies like affirmative action implement racist quotas. Your soldiers die and fight for their cause. Your whole media, which is USA's biggest weapon promotes stuff like in my original post.

So tell, me how is it not you and your whole civilization, but only the JEW? What makes you, a poster on anonymous board a speaker for all your civilization?

lmao you sound gay dude

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Because they are uncriticizable since WW2 user. It's like we owe them something.
So everytime they push for something, you cannot say it's a bad thing, otherwise you're an antisemite.
We don't like it, but they have the power monks had in the middle age. Their word is absolute.
And maybe that's why it's always their names we find.

And yeah, shitloads of people agree with their views as well. But the problem is that when we are not, we cannot say it.

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Based Turkbro

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I thought the Telegraph was conservative?

I'm a step away from embracing Islam. Make the degeneracy stop.

>What makes you, a poster on anonymous board a speaker for all your civilization?
>But the Jewish columnist who writes cuck shit that MAYBE a couple million people see out of 320 million at most and the majority of which are disgusted with what they see somehow is

me too brother.

Or quit being a cuck for an Arab false religion and actually read your Bible and preach Christianity the way Paul did and put bitches in their place.

Only good Christianity is Orthodox.

Christianity is too far gone.

>this isn't true, it's a fake image, no one would dare to publish such an article


Let’s be real. None of us are getting laid either way.

So that is ''the West'' today. There might be some people criticizing it, yet these are just unpopular opinions.

That is all your major media corporations. Maybe you would realize it if you ever stop reading only stormfront and Jow Forums and thinking that is the general opinion.

And concerning the jews, even conservatives are in support of them in your country. Everyone talking against them is called extreme and racist by nature. That is your ''Western Civilization''. It is not like your /poltards/ are any better than your media. They are people that haven't achieved anything in their lives and praise the past since they are such cucks to face reality.

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>Only good Christianity is Orthodox.

I don't go on Jow Forums or stormfront and I don't really give a shit about any of this but you're fucking retarded if you honestly think the average person wants to be in some cuckold open relationship.

It is what you make of it. Actually read your Bible and put false brethren in their place. They cannot stand against the true Word of God.
>12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Use the Authorized King James version. It was translated from the Masoretic text and the Textus Receptus.

The other English versions are based on corrupt texts owned by the Vatican.

Holy shit what a fag

You are barbaric savage subhumans, you are not western.

based. fuck w*sterners

Shut up, false Germany.

You are not and will never be western

absolutely based

We speak spanish, we are catholic, we are principally white, we are western.

"Western" means you are the puppet of the USA but the US will protect you in return. You are not an american ally and are therefore not western.

>We speak spanish, we are catholic
You aren't helping your case..

And how do those things make you "western"?

Don't you know Hans? If you aren't obese and don't pay taxes to Israel you aren't Western.

If you are not a direct ally to the US and accept the US as the dominant atlanticist country you are not western. Additionaly you have to accept american concepts like being a liberal democracy, which is why the turks are not western at all.
Fucking Sudacas need to stop larping as western because they are not

>he still isn't White Sharia mode
Luna Cult will rise brah.

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>wanting to be apart of this

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>Germanic Cross fetish on every single asset, both private and government
You're already a part of it, you're just using out-of-date psychosoftware.

Why is Yemen a cat?

>Your country is ruled by them, your policies are implemented by them
same as what happened to the ottomans but with janissaries


I thought cuckoldry was just a Jow Forums meme but in the last few years certain people in the media are really pushing for acceptance of open marriages and female infidelity.

LARPing 3rd world shitskin getting paid 10 beans an hour

Woke black man

We have studied the Jew. We know the desires of his sick soul. No amount of degeneracy spread by him can surprise me anymore.
> By Rosa Silverman

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The lion must eat flesh,the sun must give light and the Jew must Jew.

there is nothing naturally wrong about giving your wife a cheat pass for christmas.
It really depends on the terms of the pass. You can have a pass to enter a building that only works between certain times so a cheat pass could be the same.
My parents have an agreement where my mum can fuck another man but only if

>Dad upsets her enough that she is sad for an entire week
>Dad vanishes for 2 nights without saying where he is going
>Dad buys her 90%+ gifts at christmas that she doesn't like
>Dad buys her 80%+ gifts at a birthday that she doesn't like
>Dad makes her have a bad week at work (only possible if he tells her something false and she transmits information to her class)
>Dad hits her
>Dad doesn't cut his hair for 6 months

None of these are likely to happen, it isn't even a cheat pass, more of a warning regulations. Perfectly normal and their relationship is healthy

>throwing love out of sexuality
>not being able to sexually satisfy your own wife
that's the real tragedy in here
jesus, how is that difficult?

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Can your father beat her if she upsets him?

What the fuck is this?

Your average UK citizen.

ja pierdole

>its the jews
its not, its just s 0 y boys thinking that will get them laid and women being spoiled children
men litterally cant do shit in majority of western world to combat this becouse you either go to jail or loose half of your shit for doing so

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Thats not excuse. If its really troubling you, you go and solve the problem once and for all. If something like this happend in Russia, at least few man would have enough courage to through molotov in their office.
You are nation of cucks and slaves (europeans), you let your country to fall deeper in degeneracy, and i cant be less happier about it. Stay silent and easy to control.

Дядя, кoгo ты пытaeшьcя нaeбaть? Moлoтoвы oн, блядь, бpocaeт в oфиcы.

Who writes western style constitutions and is behind civil rights movements? Jews.
It actually is the Jew.

Я cкaзaл, чтo ecть cмeлыe мyжчины в Poccии, я нe yтвepждaл чтo являюcь oдним из них. A вooбщe шлюшкa мoлдoвaшкa нe имeeт пpaвa гoвopить ничeгo ocyждaющeгo в cтopoнy Poccии. Иди yнитaз oбщecтвeнный пoмoй, cнeг yбepи тaм.

Every single time

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you dont need anything but your hands
commies not jews, real jews beat theire wives

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Эти cмeлыe мyжчины видимo гoтoвят coкpyшитeльный yдap yжe oчeнь мнoгo лeт. Зaшёл oн нa фopч впapивaть зaпaдным o pyccких вoинaх, кoтopыe тo и дeлo ycтpaивaют мятeж.

Ahahah, epic fake screencap bro, must get those (You)s on 4ch-

never mind i just skimmed throught that post
the only solution is to wait for the collapse and act then
society where a man doesnt have authority over women is bound to collapse

To чтo ты тypeцкий бacтapд, нe знaeшь o них, нe знaчит чтo их нe cyщecтвyeт. Пpимopcкиe пapтизaны, фopмaт 18, cлaвянcкий coюз, дecятки oдинoчeк o кoтopых в CMИ cтapaютcя зaмoлчaть. Tы oтпpыcк чepнoжoпых oт тoгo и гeнeтичecки нeнaвидишь Poccию, чтo пoнимaeшь cвoe бeзвыхoднoe пoлoжeниe - твoя yчacть быть чьeй либo пoдcтилкoй.

Кoнкpeтныe пpoтecтныe дeйcтвия c oщyтимым пocлeдcтвиeм зa пocлeдниe лeт, a нe пepeчиcлeниe кaких-тo мapгaндocoв, кoтopых и в хyй нe cтaвят, пoжaлyйcтa.


>It's real
>It's written by a Jew to
Jow Forums is leaking again wtf what dimension am I in


nothing about this is normal, if it works props to them but this is opposite of normal

нecкoлькo лeт*

Пoшeл нaхyй, и пpyфы eмy нe пpyфы. Для тeбя нaвepнoe ничeгo кpoмe хpycтaльнoй нoчи нe бyдeт являтьcя oщyтимoй aкциeй. Mнe тeбe нeчeгo cкaзaть, иди лyчши cвoих дeвoк шлюх co вceх бopдeлeй Eвpoпы coбиpaй.

whitey will never recover, will he?

Jow Forums is always right

>he wants to jump ship thinking the grass is greener on the other side
Same shit different version

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Кaкиe y ф18 aкции кpoмe избиeний тaджикoв в мeтpo пятepo нa oднoгo? Кaкиe y coюзa aкции кpoмe cyбкyльтypных гигoв c мyжикaми в тaтyиpoвкaх? И eщё, в чём вeликaя cyть ocкopблeний в cтилe cpeднeй шкoлы?

Yeah, did OP stutter you macaco?

Jews are just too based for your infantile caveman mind to comprehend.

And then they wonder why more and more men no longer want to get married or even have sex with women.

Why are you guys complaining and not fucking making babies or creating equally retarded articles?

make sure to make the videos and articles from a leftist point of view.
use their own bullshit doctrine against them.

And they call it The Torygraph, a "right wing" newspaper. How have the mighty fallen.

It's time for a s fascist revolution.

There is no such thing as "right-wing" in Europe. Even our "far" right-wing "Nazi" parties would be left-wing in America and other countries.

excuse me

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Eastern Europe is not Europe. It is like the difference between Africa and Northern Africa.

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There are hyper religious neo-fascist parties who hold real political power in Europe wtf are you talking about. Europe is ten times more right wing than we are, the United States doesn't have a right wing it's only varations of liberalism. We do not have many people hostile to the concept of democracy here.

wh*Te kuffar BTFO by BLACK BVLL yet again.