The neighbours are drunk and singing that fucking boomer gambler song that 'you gotta know then to hold them etc' one.
They're doing it completely unironically.
What the fuck is wrong with humanity?
The neighbours are drunk and singing that fucking boomer gambler song that 'you gotta know then to hold them etc' one.
They're doing it completely unironically.
What the fuck is wrong with humanity?
Now they're singing that one fucking Queen song everybody knows.
What a shitty houseparty. I bet they don't even listen to slavic hardbass.
Who wants to guess what lame boomer music they play next?
I hate old people
It's just embarrassing.
>get genuine sickness in belly whenever you hear an fm radio station and its music
>can go to parties and be social, but it is 100% faked the entire fucking time you are there
>you will never be normal and just enjoy normal things
odd-ones-out 4 lyfe
>hang out with friend and his boomer parents and their friends
>literally all the boomers talk about is material things and money
I hate that. Do you ever want to like something or assume you will because everyone else does but it just turns out to be pure AIDS?
I visited my parents the other day and my dad was watching this show on television about cars. They would literally just bring in marketers and salesmen from the auto industry and have them advertise their products. It was literally just a giant commercial. When I explained this to my dad he got angry at me. What the fuck is wrong with boomers?
>Do you ever want to like something or assume you will because everyone else does but it just turns out to be pure AIDS?
I tried the various games in the super popular moba genre. It seriously feels like insect brained stuff. You farm simple npcs in your designated lane/jungle until you power spike with level/build at around twenty minutes, then whoever team fights better wipes the opposition and wins.
I completely understand why the Dota and LoL audiences and player bases are becoming less and less white with each year, and I'm glad I never got addicted to them like some poor fools on twitch, where it's hell to play 90% of the time and that small 10% they have a spark of fun, but they cant quit because they've already sunk 10, 000+ hours into the games.
Playing with your friends is fine, playing solo means you have a bugbrain.
Our mainstream evening news is like this. Sometimes three out of five stories are pure advertisement for a super market or online stores or something.
Some faggots on Jow Forums are faggots and using pictures of little chinese cartoon girls as avatars.
They're doing it completely unironically.
What the fuck is wrong with humanity?
It's KizunAI posting, gramps. Goddamnit you're so old and retarded.
Gehe ein flammen-cock essen, Juden.
Get a log of this guy, I bet he's real popular with the ladies.
oh wow they are not playing nigger rap and bass or some weird Tongan shit
such a shame
>tonight's top story, how YOU can save more at Harvey Normans latest sale!
Make me.
Same thing, different sounds.
>complains about anime on Japanese anime forum