Tfw no gf

>tfw no gf

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please take this to

I remember having a girlfriend and the enduring boost of vitality and purpose it gave me. Having sex everyday made me forget, I was doing what nature intended me to do. Man I miss that, a scheduled euphoria at the time of day when my will was shot. Its all sex, don't let anybody tell you different

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>please take this to Jow Forums is 100% roasties and trannies now

I already consciously gave up at ever having a gf, makes it easier

that's because you're all spilling your depresso shit here. Go claim what's yours and leave us alone to make money and not dwell on past mistakes.

shut up brendon ho you massive fucking faggot

lower your expectations if you dont have a gf

i bet all of you chumps think you deserve a stacy... typical

you can do it, user

just try online dating

worst case scenario date a trap

anyone can get an Asian girl if they go to ASIA

the mistake I made is I tried to get Asian girls here, but everyone is so thirsty in the SF Bay Area it's actually difficult, they have too many choices

fucking crybaby idiot

I’m with you. Only 15 more months until official wizard.

>tfw lots girl want to be my gf but I only want friends with benefits

>be attracted to unattractive women

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broke up with my girl since she was always treating me like shit (except when sh emade me smile)

went out with this girl I really dig but now she tells me she's really busy with finals and work (me too actually) so I have to wait amonth to see her again :(

she's a real qt too

have you ever been drunk and thought an ugly girl was hot?

its just your own biases, they can be changed. stop looking at porn, hang around real, normal, average looking women. they're real. that's reality. i don't care if you don't like it.

you can change yourself, you can adapt, or you can be bitter forever.

and I just realized now it's more like 3 weeks :)

>damage your health by getting drunk in order to delude yourself into being attracted to unattractive women while Chad gets the women you want to fuck effortlessly

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How does 1 find a qt girl who is boyfriendless?

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you talk to them, it's very scary but it feels good when it pays off

and it dosen't always work, not everybody can like you, but some do

>real, normal, average looking women. they're real. that's reality. i don't care if you don't like it.

>stacies don't exist, they are holograms

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no i asked if you've ever been drunk and experienced said phenomenon...

library, volunteering, pet store. basically its a numbers game, just ask everygirl if shes available. dont get oneitis, dont get attached to a woman until shes shown a lot of interest.

single men are really suffering and its p sad

She’s playing you, move on. Girls will climb ant. Everest at 4sm to be with a guy they’re into.

>tfw married, with children

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That's the thing - no problems talking with girls, Jow Forums and 191cm white European.

It just always ends up the same: Talk -> Talk more -> Find out she already has a bf -> HurtingFeelingsPopOut

>no i asked if you've ever been drunk and experienced said phenomenon...
No, im not looking forward to that.

Do you have good hair? hows your FACE?

>not everybody can like you

Unless you're a 7+/10 girl.

>TFW no GF because I nutted up and told her I wasn't happy in the relationship, thereby unambiguously putting my own needs before those of an innocent and becoming more able to run my life effectively in the process

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yeah I kinda feel like that but when we went out she told me she broke up with his bf recenlty, and I told her that I broke with my girl recently
and I told her that we didn't meet at a good time

so I'm sitting here wondering if she's trying to create time or if she's really into studying or if she dosen't have the balls to tell me...

there's plenty of 7+ girls I wouldn't be with, because I can't stand them talking (not generalizing but I really find personality attractive)

Not gonna post irl pics on Jow Forums lol, but I think pretty Ok. I take care of myself.

Also, are Asian girls really easy to get or is it a running meme?

youre probably friendzoned, would you call yourself well behaved, polite, a goody two shoes? yeah random THOTS don't like that, amish girls do though.

Well, if 99% of people would like to fuck you, it doesn't really matter when 1% don't.

I just use common sense when I do stuff.
Do drink and take it ez sometimes tho, aren't interested in random thots.

Gladly only 18 yet, so a shit tonne of time left to find some1 qt. Still, it's weird to see my really good friends just getting girlfriends

chad here

trust me you guys are just thirsty, you dont want a GF

especially if you're focusing on crypto you don't want to share those gains

you just need to get laid, you don't want a girl to ruin your life

im saying you probably need to be a little edgier, mysterious, aggressive, etc. SOMETHING to make you stand out. just because you can chat up girls doesn't mean you're making them wet. that's a skill you must develop.

actually I enjoy the company as much as the sex

Valid point

i was engaged and loved cuddling/spending time in bed just relaxing with my girl so I understand, but in all honesty I would not give up my freedom and financial anonymity for a gf right now unless they made 6 figures